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Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 5:44 am
by CSpintop2
This was a great inspirational book this man wrote. He is not a doctor, phd, etc. He is a regular guy like anyone else. He was fied from his job, and with his wife who is a homemaker with three young kids, decided to live off their savings so Nigel could take off work for a year.

I laughed hard at a lot of the "moments" in life he had. My husband does not read books, but I told him about the book and he thought it was unusual.

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 2:20 am
by Kevfromkansas
I would like to recommend a great book by Ester and Jerry Hicks. ASK AND IT IS GIVEN really explains that we create our life by what we are thinking weather it is something we want or do not want. It reinforces that we have to change out thinking to change our lives.

Very inspritional and up lifting know how much power we have to create a wonderful life.

They have also written several other books and books on CD.

Think and believe and it will happen.