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Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 1:47 am
by KME
Hello -

I am trying to get pregnant...I have been for awhile and I am having some trouble. My thing is that I was afraid that I would always have trouble and now I get so nervous when my husband and I try and worry about it. I want it so bad, but I am afraid that my anxiety is preventing me and the more I try to be relaxed the more I get nervous because I want it so bad. Are there other women out there that have gotten pregnant while experiencing anxiety? I am just afraid my anxiety is preventing me from getting pregnant.

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 3:19 am
by kinsey
Well.. I know what you mean I have been a past sufferer of anxiety before the program. I suffered from social anxiety, OCD and some dep in past. I do have a 12 yr of age daughter but was unmarried at the time, I told myself I would wait till I was married for the 2nd one. I love her but only wanted one being a single parent.. Since then I have met a wonderful man married on June 08, and we are now discussing children.. given the fact I have been on depo shot for 9 yrs dr says I may have a difficult time getting pregnant. There are alot of factors against me being overweight, being 35 and other factors. But now I have the fear of my body not being able to get back to normal and then not being able to have a baby.. The dr keeps telling me not to worry about it when it happens it will happen. But I know what you mean by worring cause when we want something so bad it seems to take forever. But only GOD knows what is in store for us and we have to enjoy things today and live life to the fullest now.. My sister has 3 children age 6, 4,7 months so her life is pretty fullfilled and busy with the kids. So I keep saying to myself my day is coming and I will be blessed.. by the way my husband is 35 and has none except for mine. I keep reminding myself if my husband and I are unable to have a child there is always adoption. I hope this helps you feel that you are not alone. Sometimes miracles take time.

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 3:41 am
by susan 1986
Hello, I got pregnant at a time where I was so depressed and was so filled with anxiety. My husband at the time had been trying for five years to have children. We had in vitro three time It did not take. I just gave up! Then one day for about a month I was sick could not work just stayed in bed all day, I thought the Depression was getting worst so I went to my DR., and he asked when was my last period I didn’t keep up with it at that time, the first thing he did was a pregnancy test. I was pregnant! I should have none I was eating things like corndogs, and turnip greens together , that should have been A clue. How long have you been tying? The doctors told me that some times it can take up to 1 ½ years to get pregnant. Now I have three girls 13,10;8. If you need to talk you can e-mail me. Susan

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 7:51 am
by KME
Thanks for your feedback. I really appreciate it. I feel like I have been trying forever, but my trying has been a little different than most people’s. Last May 2007 – my husband and started to try to have a baby. I was nervous that I would have trouble because I was very active and I have always had a lot of trouble with my menstrual cycle…it was not regular at all. Anyways – I basically went way down hill over that summer because I was very worried and stressed about getting pregnant. I was also very stressed at work at the time. So in September 2007 – my doctor put me back on Paxil and I went through Lucinda’s program. At this time we also decided not to try again until after I went off the medication and went through the program. In January 2008, I successfully got off Paxil and went through the program, but I still wasn’t having normal periods, which meant I was most likely not ovulating and then in turn having little to no chance of getting pregnant on my own. I went to my OBGYN in March and they put me on Chlomid to regulate my menstrual cycle and help me ovulate. So I have been actively trying since then, but overall it has been a long process. One good thing is that for the first time in my life I have a normal period…and I am ovulating (which I checked with an Ovulation kit). My husband and I are moving in the right direction – he got checked out and everything was fine and I did an HSG procedure to check my tubes, which looked good. I know we are moving in the right direction and have many positive signs, but I just get nervous and worry that it will never happen to me. Everyone around me seems to be getting pregnant and it is just hard. I just don’t want my nerves to be preventing me from getting pregnant – I think I put a lot of pressure on myself thinking I have to be very relaxed in order to get pregnant and I am just struggling with this because I want it so bad. And I am having a hard time being patient, but I know that God has a plan for me. I just have to stay hopeful and have faith!

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 5:27 pm
by optimistic
Hi KME. I can definitely relate to your feelings. My husband and I have only been trying for 4 months to get pregnant, but it has already been a huge source of anxiety and frustration for me. I spent so many years of my life trying NOT to get pregant, that I was kinda shocked when we didn't conceive the first try. I am also worried that my anxiety is somehow preventing me from getting pregnant, which in turn only makes me more anxious. I don't know if it's the same for you, but all of my friends have children. Of course, all of them got pregnant on their first try or when they weren't even trying! Just wanted to let you know that you are not alone. Best of luck to you!