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Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 6:47 am
by Guest
Anne Rice actually had a life and death experience a few years ago, and really changed her tone, although I haven't read her new stuff. She admitted that she got into writing about vampires because she was distraught over her daughter's death, and was finding a way to keep her alive by writing about immortal beings. She lost her faith, and now she's regained it after she almost died. I think she's focusing on Angels now. I just thought that was interesting info. Anyway, we with anxiety can probably pick up on all that emotion she poured into her books:).

I have a degree as a librarian, so I just want to say that I'm supportive of reading and books, non-fiction, fiction, etc. However, I don't understand why we feel we have to read things that bother us:). Yes, books on anxiety are probably a must, but not ones that scare us:). Lucinda mentions that in this program. If you don't like Anne Rice, and it's not serving as a means of escape and comfort, you don't have to read it:). That's what's so great about reading. It gives you control. When we watch the news or movies, we are bombarded with images that we don't see coming, and it happens so fast. When we read, we get for shadowing, and we get to skim, etc. to know if it's really for us. We can just stop anytime we don't like it. There's another wonderful book that comforts you awaiting on the shelf:).

As far as "Night" is concerned, I don't think you would be a compassionate person if you didn't react to it, and of course have uncomfortable emotions. Books about the holocaust, etc. are written to tell people who don't understand the shocking truth, especially those in denial. It was hellish. All of us with anxiety are compassionate people, who don't need to be hit by a hammer to get that people suffer, etc. We tend to care too much:), and not vice versa.

I feel like I'm coming across preachy or something. I'm just tired, and I don't think I've said anything everyone else hasn't already said:). So, no you're not alone:) by any means.

Take Care,

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 6:34 am
by Guest
I did not start fearing death after reading a book - it started about three or four days after my father died 13 years ago when I was 24 years old. It scares me really bad - it still happens now. But you have intrigued me about this book - I would like to know how it scares someone else, even if fictional.

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 6:59 am
by Guest
I dont like "real" stories. What I mean is, books based on true happenings such as slavery, the holocaust, or horrible circumstances or acts being committed in other countries, because there's nothing I can do about it, and it only makes you angry and feel like crap.

Although I am guilty of it, I've never understood why we watch movies or read books about these things. After all, we're supposed to be filling our heads with positive things, not negative things, and rehatching old, negative events only makes us feel bad. We all know what happened, we don't need to keep reliving them.

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 7:27 pm
by Guest
luvpiggy, I loved your comment and it made me feel in peace again, I was getting a little bit anxious just by reading about all these books. I think your are totally right. I am glad that the writter Anne Rice has peace now and that she is writing about Angels. I don't think I ever read a book from her, but I'm just happy that she found peace. But, anyway I loved all your e-mail it has been really comforting. And Lena thank you for this topic it has been really helpful and educating, I thought I was the only one that had those feelings when reading certain books, or watch certain TV shows. Thankfuly after I started the program a month ago I stop watching the news by a 90% and still doing my best to avoid watching them, and I started to increase reading books that lift my spirit.

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 7:56 am
by Guest
I have the same problem, especially books about anxiety. And I just started going to a therapist who explains anxiety in such detail that I feel so much worse after seeing him. I'm going to stop.

After seeing this therapist, it is hard for me to relax to the relaxation CD.

I am so frustrtated.

Any book recommendations that lift the spirit?


Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 7:34 am
by Guest
Is there some books that someone can suggest that don't cause anxiety and are interesting to read? i'm looking for books to read and start to relax more instead of always trying to constantly be busy because i'm scared to slow down.

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 7:37 am
by Guest
One way to relax is go to a book store and browse around look at books /topics that you find interesting-take your time and just float around the store.

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 7:38 am
by Guest
Birds and Blooms magazine always slows me down esp. at night.

What about re-reading/discover some of the stuff you had to read as a teenager/young adult? When I'm looking for something I know won't be too bad, I go to the book award list for young adults. Most of them are relatively short and are written well because they have to keep a teenagers interest! I'm finding I'm enjoying myself while I read instead of constantly having that "feeling" in my chest as I read. It's supposed to fun and relaxing!

Summer's here! Go to the library and browse! :D

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 4:23 am
by Guest
Actually reading books on anxiety seem to do it to me. Haven't tried since starting the program but am more likely to try something spiritual if I want self-help. I mainly read romance, romance mysteries or cozy mysteries. I like having a main character I can identify with and follow that happens to keep finding dead bodies!