Can we beat Anxiety with out medication?

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Post by monty'smom » Sat Nov 22, 2008 2:45 pm

Yes I truly believe most can stop or not have to take meds thanks to this wonderfull program. I'm not taking and AD's now and feel much more alive, not like a zombie and have motivation I didn't have when on AD's.

I too was told I would be on meds for the rest of my life. WRONG!!

I hope everyone can be free of drugs one day. They work great for some and do help some but aren't for everyone.

Best of luck to all of you. :)

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Post by Lima » Sat Nov 22, 2008 2:57 pm

I found it possible to reduce on the amount prescribed by the doctor. I am doing it gradually at his suggestion to experiment and make it the tool of the last resort. So far, I believe by the end of this program, the doctor himself will cease the prescription.

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Post by ytez91 » Sat Nov 22, 2008 7:12 pm

I too was wondering if it is possible to overcome anxiety without medication? I haven't taken any medication but my doctor has reccommended it to me however I want to master the problem without the drugs. I really want to master my anxiety and panic attacks so that I can be able to control them but at times I get discoureged and find that so far away.

Paul R.
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Post by Paul R. » Sat Nov 22, 2008 11:54 pm

when i hear this question, I always think of the saying that "the greatest journey begins with a single step".

yes, it is possible.

I am proof.

And think of it this way, anxiety existed wayyyy before drugs, so you can do it.

for me, it was out of fear that I did not take meds (imagine that). i have always had some sort of borderline anxiety problem, but nothing that i ever realized until a few years ago. i would go through moments in my life- usually triggered by extreme stress- where I would feel strange, be over-stimulated and excited, nervous feelings, etc- but nothing that I ever would disrupt my life.

this past March however, things got out of control as I had horrible panic attacks.

a couple were so bad, that they lasted for 2 hours. i just had no clue what was going on, and as you can imagine, that scared me even more.

since then, and with lots of time to heal and reflect, and with the help of a good counselor (whom i am still seeing), i realize the factors that contributed/ caused my panic to me and why I reacted the way that i did.

but throughout it all, i have resisted medication.

it has not been an entirely fun journey. there are setbacks. like Lucinda says, progress is not linear; there will be one step forward and two steps back. hey, if you have anxiety you most likely are not a PATIENT person...healing from anything takes time, least of all healing from anxiety. And we also EXPECT so much in our lives, that added pressure does not help.

it will not be easy. i have developed a view that drugs for anxiety are great for eliminating or muting the symptoms, but NOT CURING THE CAUSE OF THE ANXIETY. if your workplace for example is fueling your anxiety, then drugs will allow you to continue in the workplace, but one question I always have is how will I know when I am better? how will I know when I can come off? basically, what is the stressor or event that is causing this problem? i believe that drugs also mute when you are truthfully feeling better.

maybe that analytical nature in me is what caused the anxiety in the first place.

and I hope that you don't confuse what I am saying as somehow deragatory towards anyone who does take meds. i have had the benefit of having an understanding doctor, who allowed me 2 months off of work when this panic started. i am also blessed with a wife who has taken on the role of provider to allow me to finish my grad degree so that i could escape my toxic job. not everyone has these luxuries. most have to continue working, dealing with family responsiblities, etc. and i have had many prayers answered by God and been directed towards wonderful counselors and information on dealing with anxiety that I never would have without Him.

i have been blessed with the freedom and TIME to recover on my own, and this is not a luxury that everyone has.

For starters, I suggest that you do some research on exercise.

do some research and see how those that exercise in their lives are less likely to suffer from anxiety and depression. see how those that exercise can recover from depression just as effectively (or more so) than taking antidepressants (and there are no harmful side effects from exercise). see how exercise alone was more effective that drugs AND counseling in healing from anxiety.

these studies (and many more) are out there. and the best part is that exercise does not have to cost you one penny.

walk, run, jog, bike, hike, swim, lift weights, play a sport (or two) SOMETHING to break a sweat, elevate the heartrate for a sustained period of time (45 minutes 3-4x/ week to start), and be PATIENT. oh, and have FUN! Let go.

within a couple of weeks the "fog" will begin to lift some, your mood and overall outlook will improve, you will breath better, sleep better, gain back an appetite (if it was missing), etc, etc, etc.

YES! it is possible to recover from anxiety without drugs!

I mean, you did not get anxiety with drugs, did you?

prayer has also worked wonders.

social interaction and making an effort to spend more time with friends and family members is key for perspective and love.

counseling does help me UNDERSTAND what happened, and has put things in order for me again. I can now understand myself better. and this is empowering.

nutrition plays a key. clean up your diet. lots of fruits and veggies (organic when possible), clean cuts of meat, eliminate caffeine, refined sugars, refined/ enriched grains, take a good multivitamin and some flax and/or fish oil and see how much better you feel about yourself after some minor changes.

you CAN do it!

All you have to do is take that one small step...

Posts: 14
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Post by ytez91 » Tue Nov 25, 2008 8:47 am

thank u so much for that information I feel better allready!

I keep God really close to my heart and believe he is the strenght and motivation that keeps me going!

Ask and you shall recieve.

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Post by missgsr » Mon Dec 01, 2008 9:08 am

I wonder this all the time. I've been on Celexa for almost 7 years and the thought of coming off them is SO frightening.
"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself any direction you choose." -Dr. Seuss

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