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Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 7:03 am
by josepca
Hey guys! I was jst wondering......have any of you changed or bettered you time management skills and found that it really helped your anxiety recovery. I am a full time student but I've found that if I make a schedule that is too specific it is MORe stressful! Any thoughts or ideas? :eek:

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2003 2:39 pm
by Guest
Hi-Yes I have done that and balance is the key like work,fun, time for yourself. Everyones balance in life is different so what I did was to identify the balances in my life, now some days can be a bit wacky but for the most part it works.Also if I am really loaded I do the priority stuff.At first I found it all a little difficult since one our traits is to do it all now.Also staying in the present and staying focused on the task at hand is equally as important. All the best Timber

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 4:09 pm
by Guest
Thanks timber. I plan to go throught the program again in january....maybe that will help with my clarity during my tasks. I have t be honest, i dont have that whole "one thing at a time "thing goin. But my general clarity is good. ANyways, thanks for tyhe input...josepca :p

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 5:51 am
by Guest
I never kn ew what an impact time management had on my stress levels until I did the program at <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank></A>, which has a very good section about overall life strategies. The AA program and that has be panic free for over 6 years and time and stress management are key IMO. It's nice to see it talked about here.

Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 1:01 pm
by Guest
Greetings one and all. I had done the homework assignment on this Chapter and I wanted to share it with you.
Purpose & Spiritality
Oh, forgive my poor spelling but I think you'll get the idea that I'm trying to put out.
Q:Where have I been?
A: The idea that I vacated my life is very true for I had the notion that because of the daily barrogment I recieved from my family, siblings, and so-called friends that I was incapable of managing or running my life that I needed/must find somebody to help me in this task.
So I followed the script that had been handed to me to the letter by giving myself completely to the first woman who ever told me that she wanted me. J, or so I thought, was the woman of my dreams. However as I was soon to discover after 12 years of being with her that she and I had a Co-Dependent relationship that was built on the foundation of shame and fear. At one time I swore I'd never leave her, after she told me that ever relationship she has been in all her males wind up going away. But I told her that this wouldn't happen to us that I was going to be the exception. Yet being in her universe and seeing how she continued to build upon relationships that were sick and twisted with individuals that had their own issues to deal with but came to believe that J would be their Mother Thersa and save them again and again.But then my Manic Depression had started to develop and I couldn't take this survival mode J had continued to dish out to all these losers. Then I had to go back on my word that I was going to hang in there with her. I had enough! We were both probably crying when the divorce was finalized. Yet I thought that after leaving her that my life was going to be great. However I was wrong. For I still had my past to contend with in my mind which seemed to haunt me day in and day out. Still I kept telling myself that once I had reached my goal of becoming a successful artist/ cartoonist that all my worries would go away. Well this didn't happen. And since I had little skills to do anything I wound up taking the jobs of a busboy and dishwasher. Yet as a humbled myself doing these tasks I found great joy in doing a good job and being priased for it. But whenever the job was finished I'd slip back into my depression again and didn't care to take care of me or my home. But once back on the job I was the White Tornado. But my Manic side kept popping its ugly head time and time again. So the foundation of goodness I had created from my good deeds was beginning to crumble.
Slowly I was sinking into a pool of mental quicksand. And there was nobody there to throw me a lifeline. I was on my own Kicking myself in the mental ass everytime I came to a situation that varified that I was nothing more than a LOSER. But unlike others with my condition I choose to start working on my issues my spilling my guts to Mental Health Professionals. However whatever advice they gave me went in one ear and out the other. I just continued to find others to blame my actions or condition on. ZIP AHEAD SOME 20 YEARS LATER. I still was bouncing in and out of the mental agenices here in Tucson and Phoenix as members of my family started to die. First there was my Dad, R. who died of a heartattack.
Then my brother L. developed a Kidney Disease that took him away. And two weeks later my Step Father P. past away of Lung Cancer. I was living with my mom at this time, and I trully believe if I hadn't been there for her she would of slipped into a depressive state too. And at this time I was working at the Tucson AirPort as a security guard and making the most money ever. But I lost this job 'cause of 9/11. The Federal workers took over and we were all let go. I wasn't mad though. Because I was wanting to quit anyways for I had grown tired of shaking down the travelers wanting to board the planes. So once I couldn't pass the test to become a Federal worker I shook the managers hand and thanked him for firing me. At last I had become a Free Agent. Now I wanted to work with my Voc Rehab counselor D.C. to draft up a Self Employment plan to help me create a graphic design business. Yet a new job working in the Mental Health field became available to me and I jumped on it. But my inability/ learning disability didn't allow me to grasp the concept I needed to do the job. So before my boss could fire me, I quit. Thinking I was a loser again, I returned to Voc Rehab and swore to my Case Worker that this time I was in it for the long haul. And sure I made some money but not enough to convince me that I had succeeded in my vocation. Then one evening I saw the T.V. ad for StressCenter and after hearing the testomonials from its past clients I had decided that I needed to HEAL MYSELF FOR ONCE AND ALL. So I joined just like alot of you did. But 6 to 8 months in it I was telling myself that it was too hard for me to do or understand. So I was about ready to throw in the towel, when I recieved a call from the center asking me if I wanted a coach to make through the entire course. Knowing this decisiion was going to put me in a financal hole I did it anyways. And I have found that this decision was the best I ever made. At first I thought I could bluff my way through the course with my coach. But Bob B. deep concern for me touch me like no one had ever done before. So I decided to buckle down and learn what I could from him. Then the message of what this course is all about hit home for me and I found myself pushing to get real with myself like I've never done with anyone before. So at first I had begun to work on my anger issues I had with my Dad. Then Shame Was Next. After that other layers of resistance began to dissolve. Now I was filling my mind up with good feelings and the negative crap that was mixing me up was starting to go down the drain.
For as I began to use the tools this program offers I began to see the LIES I'VE BEEN TELLING MYSELF TOWARDS ME. I had gotten to a spot where I wasn't buying them anymore and this allowed my mind to grow and become more healthlier than I've ever been. You see I grew up with individuals that used me like the Monkey's song about Stepping Stones. They use to put me down so they could feel better about themselves. And now I can see it for myself. I use to think that my depression was like a TARPIT. But now I've discovered a BS remover that allows me to break its grip. I'm seeing for myself that I don't need a security blanket anymore in fact I'm going to have a Yard Sale and I'm putting all my Phoibas, Shame, and Fears up For Sale. Infact their all free for you to have. ANY TAKERS?

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 6:05 am
by Guest
Hi again. Just wanted to chat with you folks again. Attended Toastmasters today and gave a off the cuff speech concerning Improptu speaking. And even though I was the 4th speaker this time around I wasn't dripping with sweat even though I was dressed up in a suit and tie. This is another area where I'm growing more comfortable doing as well as working in the program. And even though I was running out of time to deliver my speech I still was able to wrap it up before the timer buzzed me. This would have been bad. Then as I told my mother my thoughts about this I informed her that it's moments like this when I can really see how far I've come and where I'm going, too. Now for those who have kept up with my progress, you'll know that I was scared to death about making any Cold Calls to another business to see if they'd be willing to give my a chance to do something artwise for them. However since I was able to come up with a phone script my fear has thus melted away and I'm doing the work and walking the talk. Who knows maybe one day you guys will be able to sample my product of Pick-A-Toons or one of my Tasty Toons. If you're at all interested in checking them out you can go to My Space. com and be amazed.

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 5:20 am
by Guest
To me that's perfect sense as being in 12-step work for a number of years I'm
happier when I make meetings on time as it's a
good idea to keep a watch on you if possible. I
realize that I may not have the easiest schedule but know that I'm soing much better for myself because of it. I've been the exact opposite of some people as sometimes you can't
avoid being late but giving someone enough heads up helps too. I wish you the best of luck in your journey.

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 4:29 am
by Guest
Hey Guys,

Time management really does reduce anxiety and obsession. I think it is pretty simple. If you have only so much time to get things done, you don't have so much time to obsess and worry.

My therapist pointed out that Most of my anxiety and obsession came on my unstructured days off from work. So She has me write out a schedule the night before about what I want and need to get done the next day.

She says nothing is written in stone so be flexible. And also the program tells you to under load yourself because you can always add more to the list if you have time and energy.

I have been doing this for about 3 days and have seen a reduction in my anxiety and obsession.

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 11:46 am
by Guest
I too realize that I have more trouble managing time on unstructured days such as my days off. I have been working at home with our own business for the past 4 1/2 yrs and it has been very hard for me to be disciplined to manage my own schedule. I did much better when I worked in an office with set hours away from home because then I had fewer distractions and was "forced" to stay focused and complete things on my "to do" list. Now due to the economy, I am back in the work force outside home and only have limited time to devote to our home business. At my job away from home I am better at managing time because I have to. Still it is stressful trying to do everything at home in two days. I'm usually tired after working my other job. This is a real struggle for me, being a perfectionist who expects more from myself than I am able to accomplish. Any suggestions?

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 12:09 pm
by Guest
Idm/Ldm, I have a problem with this, too. I work a full-time job at a nursing home and a part-time job out of my home. So, really I only have Sundays to call my own. What I try to do with my home business is set up a schedule similar to what I have at my other job: work from this time to this time, take a break, work from this time to this time, lunch, etcetera. As for the housework, bills and that sort of thing, I have to work out a time plan for those things in my day as well. It's an adjustment, but it does help to relieve the stress and anxiety. Clutter, things left undone and the like really cause me problems.
Hope this helps.