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Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 9:05 am
by Dona Dry

Do things you enjoy and enjoy what you do.

Your body must recharge and discharge tensions.

Don't bury them. Unexpressed emotions are the seeds of stress, pain and

Laughter is a great tension breaker, stress reliever, and it will enhance
the immune system.

Regular excercise is a great way to relieve tension, increase energy
levels, and improve your mood; find an activity you like and to it often.

Learn to have more love in your heart and to share it with other people,

You may get sympathy for awhile, but soon you will get avoided, and it
blocks finding solutions to your problems.

It is important to have good frinds in whom you can confide and
find support; it is also important to be a true friend.

When your ideas or views are not serving you well change them - learn
how to respond to situations and not overreact.

10. Made a spititual connection, learn relaxation - experience inner peace.

Dona Dry

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 10:07 am
by *slimjim
Hello. Here's a couple of thoughts that happened to me this week. My left foot swelled again because once I woke up and started my stinkin' thinkin' and catastizing it just picked up on my nervousness and reacted the only way it knew how. So after I dropped off my mom at Freedom park center I went off to the gym and worked out. This seemed to help. Yet, once I got home and ate lunch and went through some paper work then I noticed that I had stayed relaxed. But now that I'm in my studio it's starting up again. So considering what to do next I knew I should listen to my Relaxation tape. So 20 minutes later I was relaxed. Yet, my mind still decided to think about how Global Warming is going to melt the polar ice cap and drown us all. But then I recalled "they" also said last year that the Bird Flu was going to destroy us too. It just seems like something is always out to get us if it ain't the Terrorist than it's something else. I think about this all the time if the world would destroy itself than I wouldn't have to worry about my future anymore. What a copout! I just don't get things done cause I tell myself that it's just not perfect. I'm not good enough. So once I run this in my mind the foot swells up again and I'm back to square one. So I literally shoot my self in the foot so many times that I want the world to have pity on me. I call myself a loser 'cause day after day I keep doing the same things hoping for different results. This is the form of INSANITY! But I know I'm not insane I just feel that no matter what I do I just won't get anywhere. And now they say on the tapes that no matter how hard you try you may never get anywhere. What a bummer of a message to tell a Manic Depressive. But I suppose its just a fact of life and something I need to come to terms with. Still this isn't stopping me from going out and showing off my work to others and getting more jobs. 'Cause when I do I feel great and wonderful knowing that somebody is interested in me and wants me to do some art work for them. Then I really do feel like I'm getting better. But it's just an uphill battle all the time. So then I think of "Thoughts only thoughts" and sometimes this just relaxs me.

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 5:36 pm
by Dona Dry
Hi Slim Jim,

This thread is called Do you want your life back? What does that mean to you? In your previous post above you talk nothing about what life would be like if you had your life back? What are all the things you would be able to do if you did not have your manic depression and anxiety?

Just think for a moment how great life would be to go out and talk to people about your ideas that you would like them to look at. Get a few accounts with people who are truly interested in what you have to show them. What would you feel like if you would be able to not have manic depression. You certainly would get up every morning with a great attitude and be a very successful person. Would'nt it be all worth it to learn the new skills in the program, listen to the tapes, work in your workbook and go out there and meet new people and overcome your problems.

The program is one of the best! I should know very well it has been 4 years since I completed the program and let me tell you this program works but you have to work the program in order to recover. I worked very hard especially on all my limitations that were holding me back. Today I am living the life I want to live because of this program. So pat yourself on the back, replace your negative thoughts with postive thoughts, put those scary thoughts out of your mind and get busy thinking about good things and positive things in your live.

Put your positive thinking cap on and get moving in the right direction. You will get better, you will get your life back. You just have to work at it!!

Dona Dry

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 6:46 am
by Jlbjea
Donna -

Thanks so much for your 10 steps. They are wonderful. I am struggling right now with scary thoughts....These steps are great!!

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 4:03 pm
by *slimjim
Hi Dona. Wow. Thanks for the heads up on how I can best get what I need to out of this program.
Yes, I've been doing just as you say working in the notebook, reprograming my negative messages and getting the main message that I am not a piece of crap nor are my ideas. Since I've gotten to this Week 12 chapter I've written down 24 goals I set for myself this month. I'm in the process of reaching my first goal which is to do a Copyright of my comic strip idea and send it in. I'm half way through getting the materials together. I'm proud of myself and of my coach Bob Basset whose kept me on target since we started working together. He's a great guy for those of you out there who might be wanting to find a coach to help you get out of your ditch. I recommend him highly. I'm also giving credit to myself for facing my personal hell spots in my life as well. It hasn't been easy let me tell you that but It's sure been worth the price I paid for his assisance.

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 4:16 pm
by *slimjim
Oh, update. Since the last month things have been turning around for me and my business. I am working with an Ad agency here in Tucson on a aquatic character for one of their clients. As well I'm talking to a family theme park about doing my personalized comic strips for their party goers. As well as I'm working on a T-Shirt design with a Scuba Store. So you see things are really working out in my favor and I know had I been stewing in my negative past behavior I never would of come into contact with all these jobs that I have now. And very soon I plan to sit down with my Voc Rehab counselor and see if they can help me to buy a Lap Top Computer so as I can take my comic strip idea and make it mobile. Now this would be COOOL!

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 6:27 pm
by *slimjim
Hi all of you who have bothered to listen to me rattle on. Tonight I've decided to pick a different topic that near and dear to my heart. Comic Book characters. Namely one of my own. I picked this topic because I had the chance to see IRON MAN THE MOVIE and was totally blown away with it. So then I started to recall a hero/or heroes that could give Tony Stark a run for his money. My characters that I speak of are totally copyrighted so I don't have to worry of my intelligental property to be ripped off. So my characters are called very simply STRIKERS 1 & 2. And the main idea of their origin is this. 2 Air Force fighter pilots one male and a female is sent to investigate a UFO. Once they come within slight of the object the pilots quickly lose control of their F-16's and suddenly find themselves on a collision course with one another with the UFO right in the middle of the impact zone. Then as the two planes collide in midair the UFO creates a force field around the two pilots keeping them safe from the flaming debris. Then as the wreakage hurrles itself down to the middle of an empty city street and crashes civil services like the city firefighter stream toward the burning wreakage. Yet unbeknownist to anyone within the flaming inferno the UFO with its captured figures undergoes a metamorphisis between the two unconscious pilots. With alien technology the pilots aging process is stopped as an energy field reduces their human bodies back into the organic ooze that our human ancestors once emerged from then once in this state the UFO transforms itself into a super nova of energy exploding outward yet inward into the DNA of the two emerging with their very essence and then recreating the two back to their orginal forms. Of course either one has any idea how it is that they survived the crash. Yet, when they are in a hospital recouperating from their incident they discover through coming into contact with water that they have been changed. For the water is able to activate the UFO's alien DNA transforming the two of them into Living Bio Machanical Weapon of mass distruction. However the UFO was only suppose to chose just one pilot, but it couldn't decide which one was the best suited for its mission so it choose the two and in doing so had to split itself between the two. Thus forming two strikers enstead of one. So now the two have to work together to access their 3-Dimensional Control Panel that allows them to access their weapons power. And they have to figure this out before the Alien race that sent the UFO in the first place attacks the Earth to steal all its water supply which they use to power their own world. So how's that for an alien encounter. The Alien race are basically intelligent bug race that has evolved and rapes other worlds of their liquid power source that they once had but depleted eons ago. Hi all of you who have bothered to listen to me rattle on. Tonight I've decided to pick a different topic that near and dear to my heart. Comic Book characters. Namely one of my own. I picked this topic because I had the chance to see IRON MAN THE MOVIE and was totally blown away with it. So then I started to recall a hero/or heroes that could give Tony Stark a run for his money. My characters that I speak of are totally copyrighted so I don't have to worry of my intelligental property to be ripped off. So my characters are called very simply STRIKERS 1 & 2. And the main idea of their origin is this. 2 Air Force fighter pilots one male and a female is sent to investigate a UFO. Once they come within slight of the object the pilots quickly lose control of their F-16's and suddenly find themselves on a collision course with one another with the UFO right in the middle of the impact zone. Then as the two planes collide in midair the UFO creates a force field around the two pilots keeping them safe from the flaming debris. Then as the wreakage hurrles itself down to the middle of an empty city street and crashes civil services like the city firefighter stream toward the burning wreakage. Yet unbeknownist to anyone within the flaming inferno the UFO with its captured figures undergoes a metamorphisis between the two unconscious pilots. With alien technology the pilots aging process is stopped as an energy field reduces their human bodies back into the organic ooze that our human ancestors once emerged from then once in this state the UFO transforms itself into a super nova of energy exploding outward yet inward into the DNA of the two emerging with their very essence and then recreating the two back to their orginal forms. Of course either one has any idea how it is that they survived the crash. Yet, when they are in a hospital recouperating from their incident they discover through coming into contact with water that they have been changed. For the water is able to activate the UFO's alien DNA transforming the two of them into Living Bio Machanical Weapon of mass distruction. However the UFO was only suppose to chose just one pilot, but it couldn't decide which one was the best suited for its mission so it choose the two and in doing so had to split itself between the two. Thus forming two strikers enstead of one. So now the two have to work together to access their 3-Dimensional Control Panel that allows them to access their weapons power. And they have to figure this out before the Alien race that sent the UFO in the first place attacks the Earth to steal all its water supply which they use to power their own world. So how's that for an alien encounter. The Alien race are basically intelligent bug race that has evolved and rapes other worlds of their liquid power source that they once had but depleted eons ago. Well that's about it at this time. I have some graphics done on the Strikers, But I'm not willing to lose this story like I did the first time I attempted to write all this out and lost it when I tried to place a graphic with this letter. So if any of you are wanting to see what vision I have created for them send me an e-mail and we'll talk.

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 6:37 pm
by *slimjim
For those of you who are confused concerning my repeting my whole e-mail this was by accident that I tried to make a copy of it for my own useage and wound up placing it at the end of my story. Sorry. Didn't realized this occured until I read it myself. Well here goes nothing. I'm going to try to download my Striker cover and see if it is accepted. We'll see.

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 6:39 pm
by *slimjim
WHOA! It worked. If anyone out there would like to see more I have 3 books on them done and would enjoy sharing them with you. Thank you for all your attention. JEB.