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Aha moment!!

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 4:36 am
by Didde
I think I had an aha moment yesterday. ;)

As usual when I'm out taking a walk I listen to one of the tapes and yesterday I choosed the courage to change tape. When I heared Lucinda talk about resistence to change I thought about for the 50th time what mine could be and I thought about when all this anxiety and depression started.

I have always been the shy girl since I was little and when I moved from my parents house to my own place I had to grow up and take responsibility for my life. My mother and big sister has always taken care of me (my father was an alcoholic so I didn't get much help from him). As I joke I often say that I wonder what I will do when I grow up. I'm 34 years old, I'm married and have a girl that is 2,5 years old.

I am grown up and need to see me as a grown up!!!

I think this is my resistence to change!!! If I don't feel grown up and I'm dependent of my mother and my husband I can blame the anxiety that I don't take my own decisions or I can blame someone else if it's not working out or is the wrong decision.

Now I just need to figure out how to start changing.
Anyone have some suggestions how to get started?

Thanks for all inspiration you all give me. // Didde

Re: Aha moment!!

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 10:10 am
by Paisleegreen
Hi Didde- Glad to meet you! I hope that maybe my problem I'm working on with helping someone else to change will help to change me as well.

Mine is a different story, as my family is helping a woman that had an alcoholic father, then married an alcoholic, had a couple children, then got away from this abusive relationship. She then got independent and then married another alcoholic, drug addict and gambler and in the process of divorcing him, this guy took his life.

So we helped this woman move out of a big house and property into one of our properties. But we're having problems with how much help to give and setting limits on what help to continue to give. I don't want to take away from what you are figuring out because you might be experiencing what this woman is, but you have the program to help you overcome your feelings. This woman doesn't have the program, she just has my family, and her mother to help her out. She has no other type of resources in helping her overcome her self esteem issues and I don't have enough strength as well as my family members to keep encouraging her. I'll post this and maybe start a different post. Paislee