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Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 5:44 pm
by cream cheese
Change is occuring as the tapes are being played, I feel it....if I dont do the tapes, I faulter. I cannot give up now....FEAR in my life is a killer for my mind.....I keep my Bible handy and pray. Cannot lose now. creamcheese.

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 7:24 pm
by Guest
Hang in there Cream Cheese, you can do it. Change is difficult, but the payoffs are great!

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 4:24 pm
by Guest
Thanks Darlene57. It goes up and down, up and down, feel good, dont feel to get that balance and self confidence back....tough road but worth the trip!!!! creamcheesepuff

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 10:08 pm
by Guest
hi Cheese,
You having the Bible is good. I too am a Christian and it was difficult for me at first too, but give things time to work.I dont know what lesson your on, but stay with it, the release dosent come overnight so please dont expect it right now. I know you are in a kind-of torment, but the lessons will give you the tools., it is a process.....repeat, it is a P R O C E S S
Read and reread the first parst of each lesson in the workbook, there is stuff there that isnt on the cd's.
As for being a Christian, you have the BEST handbook in the world at your side, Psalms and Proverbs!also read these scriptures in the Amplified Bible(if u dont have it, look at an online Bible and find 'The Amplified Bible': Romans 8:15, also Romans8:31-34, especially verse 33!! GOD ACQUITS US!)
This program is an answer to prayer, if we were delivered from Everything, how would we ever learn anything!
Hey, I am about 75% free of anxiety, rarely does panic attacks hit and when they try, I know adead of time how to short circuit them before the begin! :D


Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 2:25 pm
by Guest
RodH.....I do feel different lately, I also watch movies like the Ten Commandments, The Robe, In the Beginning and others. I feel it empowers me and makes me understand the Bible a little better. I find passages in the Bible to be confusing at times. They must be read over and over and you must THINK about the message instilled.
I know I am becoming stronger, faithwise, and hope in mankind still falters but I KNOW the good people outnumber the bad.

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 4:42 pm
by Guest
I got this exercise a couple adays ago in my DBT class at the clinic I belong to and I thought you'd like to hear the results of it.
The Forgiveness Inventory Exercise.
1.Make a list of those persons you wish to forgive who you find it very hard not to:
Ok here goes....
My Ex wife, Joy
The Doctors In Charge of my Sister Anna
Step-Father Pat
2.Spend sometime on your list.
OK here goes....
Joy my Ex didn't realize she was distancing herself from me and that our relationship was dying 'cause she wanted...No needed to be a Robin Hood character out and about saving those who were worse off than us so she could feel better about herself. I was there but I was to depressed to doing anything to stop her from ruining our relationship by buring my head in the sand and telling myself that everything was all right. Which of course it wasn't. So once the doctors diagonsed me with Manic Depression and then told me that unless I change things in my life this condition would be the end of me. So I divorce her and this started my destroying the Co-Dependency relationship I started with my family of origin and continued with her. So with this exercise I realize now that she did my a great service in breaking this habit and getting my life back for the first time in my life.
I really didn't like the way she behaved at Hospies when she raised a big stink at the staff there that they should give something leahal to my dying brother her husband so she could collect on the Insurance Money that would be coming her way once he was dead. And yet it has taken me a long time to stop hating her for this because I feel she helped to pound in the nails to his premature coffin when she ran up all their bills the ones he couldn't pay. But in order to free me from this terrible rage that burns deep in my soul I have to let this matter go and know that she will be judged for her actions not by me but by God.
The Doctors In Charge of my Sister Anna
who in my opinion are dragging their feet testing people who could possibly give her a kidney that will save her from my brother's fate. You see everyone in my clan except me have recieved a Kidney Disease that was on my father's side of his genes. So Anna, my little sister is waiting patently to get somebodies kidney. But no matter how loud I scream for them to test me they just keep on testing everybody else. She tells me that they want to make sure they don't make a mistake by testing too quickly. But I'm afraid that by the time they get to me she'll be too weak to survive the operation. She just told my mom that because of her high blood pressure she's either in for a stroke or she's going to go blind soon. And so I have to watch as my sibblings die and I can't do a thing to stop it. But I can stop blaming her doctors because I don't know all the facts I'm not one of them. So I'm letting the anger go.
Step-Father Pat
Who I bitterly hate. I watched how before his death from Lung Cancer he almost bankrupted him and my mom with his Gambling Addiction. Because like me he had a Drunken Master of a father figure who convinced him that he would never amount to anything unless he was RICH! So he spent a huge amount of his retirement on his gambling. But died before he could sell their home and leave her and me homeless.
But you know what I learned a great deal from this man that you can be a somebody who is dirt poor as long as you can learn to be a somebody to yourself. And this is the message I am passing on to all of you in the program. This is what the program taught me. Without it I'd still be knocking myself out to be a Richman to prove to my dead dads and everyone else that I am a somebody. Yes, I am as long as I can look at myself in the mirror and be proud of the person I'm looking at.
What more can you possibly ask for besides that?
Enough said.

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 5:58 am
by Guest
You've done very well in getting this far but realize that you can never go back to where you were before the program. You may hit some setbacks or some ruts in the future but you have the skills needed to face them and you can always go back to the program if you need a refresher.

And always keep in mind, a little progress or accomplishment is still an accomplishment.
