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Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 2:56 pm
by Sidd
I hate the dentist...the older I get, I can't stand doctor apts and dentists. Anyways, it always takes an act of God to get to the dentist but I go regularly. Two years ago I had a root canal and that tooth was recently crowned. I developed an infection in one of the roots and experienced alot to the dentist I went and was told I needed to have another root canal in the same tooth. Problem was the crown needed to be taken off or cut off in order to get to the roots. This taking the crown off is a big deal and usually results in cracking it and consequently having to get another one (expensive!) So I had to go to another dentist to consult on the root canal, then back to my original dentist that put the crown on. All these dentists and all my anxiety was crazy! Today, I went back to the guy that was going to make the attempt at removing the crown...I woke up OK, but by the time I was in my car heading over to the heart was pounding fast, blurred vision etc...I was panicing. I wanted to jump out of my I started with the positive self talk and gave myself permission to go ahead and have the painic. I actually told myself I deserved it and to let it rip! I floated into the dentist office...staff asked me how I was doing...they knew it wasn't going to be pleasant having a crown pried I told them I was anxious and I was experiencing panic. They were so nice...I sat in the chair..confessed to the dentist that I was anxious and let my heart beat out of my chest. After about 15 minutes...all was quiet, the crown came out in one peice and the whole thing was a breeze! But giving myself the permission and actually going through all the painic made the symptoms not so bad. I didn't get that crazy spaced out of touch with reality feeling. There were moments where the anxiety was coming back again...but I just let it be there...didn't care....accepted it like we all would accept a headache and it didn't get out of hand. As it turns out...I'll have plently experience dealing with my dental phobia as I will need to redo the root canal which takes time, but I know I can handle it. I think the key is .... "who cares" attitude! I'll let you know if this "attitude" gets me through the next few apts.

Hope you are all doing well....keep the faith!!


Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 3:45 pm
by deedee00
Going to the dentist is one of my least favorite things to do and I put it off because I too was feeling so anxious I said I just can't do it. Then in early July I received the CD's in the mail from the Stress Anxiety Ctr. It wasn't long before I started listening to them, made my dentist appointment and had two root canals at the same visit and a followup visit with my regular dentist last week. Until I listened to the second week with the CD on panic attacks I couldn't make myself go to the dentist. I also took my take-a along cards with me to the dentist office and read them before I went in. While in the dentist chair I listened to Glenn Beck with my headphones while my dental work was going on as a distraction.
Good luck with your future appointments. Sounds like you really are on the right track now!
Elaine C

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 11:17 am
by Guest
I already fessed up to the dentist re: fear of the root canal...I think I'll bring my i-pod in and listen to some great music...thanks for the suggestion!! And thanks for sharing and your support.

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 11:49 am
by Guest
i am glad to hear that you are overcoming your dental anxiety. as a dental assistant and current sufferer of panic disorder and ocd (getting better with every prayer), i understand all too well about fears. of course your anxious! who wouldnt be? my best advice, find a dental team that you feel comfortable with. someone who understands your feelings and that has a lot of patience. be honest. i like to believe that most people in my profession are like me. I LOVE what I do. people come in and tell me about their dental history and their lives. we laugh, we cry, and we become friends. we become each others comfort. keep going to your hygienest, the more you see her, the less you see the dentist. good luck and God Bless.

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 12:41 pm
by Guest
This is just great! WOW! Thank you so much for sharing, and for providing some valuable insight as to how I might successfully attack my own dental phobia next time. WAY TO GO!

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 1:40 pm
by Nanapup
Thanks for sharing this. What a story and how great that you were able to utilize what your learning on "Self Talk" and "Panic Attacks." I hate the dentist too and several years ago after an implant got infected was going back and forth between the dentist and periodontist and getting different answers from each one. I finally had a temper tantrum in dentist's office and ended up writing him a letter of apology and then was able to talk with him again, much more calmly. I came to the conclusion that his view was correct. He referred me to another periodontist for a consultation which was helpful. This was before Lucinda's tapes. If something like this happens again, hopefully I could handle without a temper tantrum. Best Wishes, Be Well

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 4:33 pm
by Guest
You guys are the best...thank you for your support. I have to say that it seems to be getting a little better every day..some days of course are better than some,,,but looking back 2 months ago...major strides have been taken to take back my life, thanks to the support group here and Lucinda's cd's. We are all going to be OK!
Thanks again...