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Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 5:38 am
by sgbever
For the past couple days I have been doing pretty good I guess. I dont know how to explain how I really feel but, I havent really been panicky just scared if that makes sense. It a weird feeling Im not like having a panic attack but I just feel inside like im scared, and I have absolutely no idea why. Is this normal? i mean usually when Im scared it is for a reason even if it is a stupid one. i just feel like shakey and scared. I dont know what to think I was doing pretty good recently until I started having money issues, and my son is sick, and Ive been working and goign to school just really stressed out but it didnt really seem to hit me until recently. Any advice I could really use someone to talk to. I feel alone.

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 5:52 am
by cosmogirl
that has happened to me before also. i will be going along doing well and wham it hits me and the only thing i can figure is stress. i don't cope as well as i use to with it. that is when i notice it seems to happen. just realize that stress has strange ways of effecting your body and mind. it doesn't always come when you expect it to either. just keep your chin up and try to stay possitive and do things that make you feel good. try to get in some exercise that seems to help me some. good luck :)

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 6:46 am
by labourg
I feel the same way especially during times of stress. Just keep working through it and continue to use your'll get through it!!

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 8:05 am
by TL7
What you are describing is generalize anxiety...that overwhelming feeling of uneasiness inside but you just don't know why. It's all stress related and it will go away. Don't feed into it. Do what Cosmogirl suggests...get busy, take your mind off of it.

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 5:26 pm
by KieraNichole
I know exactly how you feel. I have been feeling good the past few days, even like I'm almost in a good mood. However that underlying feeling of being scared or 'walking on egg shells' is still there even though I'm not panicked. I keep telling myself not to let it scare me and it does help ease it a little. It's a hard feeling to explain especially to my boyfriend or Dr because you just don't know how to explain it. My Dr says it's the general anxiety and it can be worse when I'm busy or stressed at work. I know it's an improvement over how I felt before, constantly anxious, however it's still so uncomfortable I don't like it. I do keep my mind off of it as best I can but it still tries to creep in any chance it gets. Then I start thinking negative thoughts trying to analyze what it is. One thing I'm trying that has been helping some is just say stop. Tell it to stop and keep moving. The breathing also helps ease this a little. Even though you're not panicking breathe anyway then distract yourself and try your best not to think about it. It's still there, but not as bad and you won't think about it as much.