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Post by KRISTEN » Thu Aug 27, 2009 3:56 pm

Has anybody done the acai and colon cleanse?
Can you do this while taking the antidepressants?


Post by Guest » Thu Aug 27, 2009 6:16 pm

Hey! Yes it is totally ok. Herbs and natural remedies are always OK. I take spirulina everyday plus Carlson fish oil and my anxiety had gone down a I take xanax for panic attacks. Herbs save lives- they even help cancers..but most doctors won't tell you that. You should read "Natural Cures- the Things They Don't Want You to Know about." Great book and talks a lot about colon cleanses. Good luck and take care! :)


Post by Guest » Fri Aug 28, 2009 3:44 am

Thanks for your replys!I know you have to stay away from the st.johns wort and a few of the others when taking meds. The acai is all berrys,
I`m just not sure about the natural laxatives in the colon cleanse.
Anybody else tried this please share!


Post by Guest » Sat Aug 29, 2009 7:25 am

Kristen, I am on an antidepressant and antianxiety medications. I drink Monavie Active juice everyday which has a concentrated amount of the acai berry. I just did a body cleanse, I bought it at the healthfood store because the label said it waas for fist time users so it is very gentle. Some cleanses can actually make you sick because of the toxins being released. I would recommend doing some research. I do know that cleanses are very important, we are very mindful of changing our air and oil filters on our car, we should be make it a point to clean the filters in our body: kidneys, liver, etc. so they can work more efficiently. The product I used is called "first cleanse" by Renew Life and it came with a helpful booklet. Drinking plenty of water, body dry brushing, eating healthy, and massage can all help the body flush out the toxins during a cleanse. There is also an order in which we should cleanse: 1 colon, 2 kidney, 3 liver. My father has liver disease and that's how I learned the order, apparently you can get really sick if you start with the liver. I would also consider a colonic, which only uses water so there isn't any worry about herbs and medication. I hope this info is helpful to you.


Post by Guest » Sat Aug 29, 2009 5:55 pm

Thanks for sharing Diana :)
I have ACAI power berry,pure-body cleanse
It`s a 14 day cleanse. It doesn`t have 1,2,&3
I guess its all together.Its all berry extracts except for slippery elm powder(bark)casgara sagrada powder(bark)and ginger powder(root rhizomes).The last 3 are a cleansing support blend. I got this at GNC. I checked with the pharmacist and she said she got nothing negative but nothing positive and they don`t know enough about herbs to say one way or the other.
So I have been taking it for 2 days.I am really feeling great and no side effects so I am going to continue on. I think if it was going to have a negative effect I would know by now.
I will keep you posted on how it goes.
I intend on using the pure juice after the cleanse to try to help with the weight loss.
Hope it helps! :D


Post by Guest » Wed Sep 16, 2009 4:04 pm

Hi, Just wanted to let you know all went well with the colin cleanse. I am now taking the acai&green tea daily.Havent seen much weight lose yet but I haven``t really been watching what I eat like I should. I am noticeing alot more energy and my mental statis is much better!
I get alot more done and I don`t feel stressed out all the time. That part alone is great! :D

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