Christmas Cheer

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Post by CarolynEd.Dir. » Wed Dec 23, 2009 4:45 am

Just a short note to wish you Merry Christmas and a reminder to appreciate the courage it took to embark on your personal journey. As we walk along it is sometimes difficult to see how far we’ve come. The changes are gradual and this time of year is a great time to reflect on how far you have come. Whether our progress is fast, bumpy, slow or leaps and bounds, we deserve to congratulate ourselves for our successes.

Take some time in the next few days to observe your progress...better yet, write it down and date it. Think about the person you were one year ago, 5 years ago…acknowledge the wisdom you have acquired-give yourself some credit for all you have done and all the people you’ve touched.

I wonder if you have ever thought about who we always forget to “gift” this time of year? Ourselves! We buy presents for everyone else. We send cards. We bake what others like…what about you? My final suggestion: go out and buy yourself something to set where you can see it every day--something that reminds you of how good and brave you are and have been.

Love and peace, Carolyn


Post by Guest » Wed Dec 23, 2009 6:07 am

Thanks, Carolyn for this reminder to not loose sight of ourselves and our hard won progress.

Christmas can be such a stressful time for us... especially us! We do tend to put everyone ahead of ourselves and feel selfish or "bad" if we don't...

My wish for us all is to have a blessed, peaceful, happy Christmas...


Post by Guest » Wed Dec 23, 2009 7:23 am

Thank you Carolyn!

I love your advice about treating yourself. And I am giving myself a reminder to look for and appreciate "the moments." I have had the mentality of bracing myself for the upcoming noise, chaos, and unpredictability that inevitably surrounds me with kids at Christmastime, so much to do, family visiting from states away, and a small house (with hardwood floors...nice, but LOUD!!). I have to look for the moments...the scent of gingerbread flavored coffee (decaf, of course), the delight my kids take in something as simple as scraping the frost off my windshield, the ring of the bell on a decoration as my cat takes a leap at it. Stop, and take it all in. Ahhhh.

May blessings surround us.


Post by Guest » Wed Dec 23, 2009 8:03 am

Carolyn - Thank you for such wonderful words of encouragement. I want to give thanks to this forum and to everyone of you loving and caring people who have made it possible for me to cope and continue on my journey of recovery. Everyone of you are such inspirations. You are all so awesome!!
Love to all and may the new year bring new cheer:)


Post by Guest » Wed Dec 23, 2009 3:17 pm

Does this mean that I can get the big screen TV I've always wanted ? LOL

Merry Christmas Carolyn !


Post by Guest » Thu Dec 24, 2009 12:49 pm

Thank you Carolyn.

That was so nice. And so true!

Merry Christmas Carolyn!!!!


Post by Guest » Thu Dec 24, 2009 2:17 pm

Merry Christmas!!! I have been blessed for a year with you!!!

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