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The Weight of the World

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 3:13 pm
by missgsr
Do you ever feel like the weight of all the sadness in the world is just too much for your sensitive heart to handle? Every day I find myself dwelling about some sad happening in the world that I have no control to fix whether it be refugees from Syria, human trafficking, animal abuse, child abuse, homelessness….it could be anything. Basically, the thought of any living creature suffering makes my heart ache and it’s especially intense when it involves someone or something in my life directly. I just feel so sensitive and overly empathetic. It’s a good thing I’m on medication otherwise I’d be crying all day every day.

Re: The Weight of the World

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 11:59 am
by randy c.
missgsr, There's always going to be sadness in the world, that's just life. But there are ways we can cope .Volunteering to help with some of the problems not only helps your cause,it also does wonders for you.You cant solve all the problems but you can make a difference. ;)

Re: The Weight of the World

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 8:42 pm
by coachchris
Well said Randy!