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Husband gets frustrated with me

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 7:03 am
by Mikki1968
I always keep my anxiety issues to myself because in the past if I would mention it,my husband would get upset with me. Because I was letting it get to me. Recently he said he wishes I would talk to him more about it. So this morning I told him that the past few days I feel so anxious and that I think it's from my period. Well he got that annoyed look. He said to me "this happens to you every month. I don't know why you act surprised when it happens"
I will be 46 next month. About a year ago before I turned 45 I started getting high anxiety when I got my period. I could feel wonderful but once my period comes I'm a wreck.
He gets frustrated when I talk to him about it. He doesn't understand why I still let the anxiety scare me. I'm working on not letting it scare me. I've had anxiety since I was a kid. So I don't think I will change over night.
I guess now I will keep my mouth shut and not mention anything about anxiety to him again.

Re: Husband gets frustrated with me

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 9:32 pm
by VGriffith5
I think you are right about keeping it to yourself. Just talk about it on here. I realize I can't talk to my boyfriend about everything either. There is a lot of people that understand on here. I am in the Menopause stage. And that is a hush hush word around men.

Re: Husband gets frustrated with me

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 11:59 am
by kljhorse1
I just started this program so I am new at this. When I saw this one regarding "Husband gets frustrated with me" I was thinking that is me. I have been dealing with panic/anxiety/depression just about my whole life and recently it has gotten alittle out of hand. When I speak to my husband regarding it he sometimes listens to me but then others he is like not again or what's bothering you now or it's only Monday, don't you think it's going to make a long week. How or what would you say to that?

Re: Husband gets frustrated with me

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 6:13 am
by Mikki1968
Thanks for the replies. I'm glad I'm not the only one dealing with this. It's frustrating as you know when you just feel like talking. The past couple days I've had such anxiety and although I wanted so bad to say something to my husband-I kept it to myself.

Re: Husband gets frustrated with me

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 12:13 pm
by kljhorse1
You can always talk on here if you need to when your anxiety gets out of hand or just when you need to talk. Sometimes I don't think men really know what to say or how to act when we get like that, but it's nice to know they are there when we need them to be.. I hope your anxiety has gotten better for you..

Re: Husband gets frustrated with me

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 12:17 pm
by S3anne
What a great topic to post! I can certainly relate. It's funny, but my husband was the one who found this program for me nearly 10 years ago. I made it through half-way & stopped, but have recently started again and I am at week 7. When it comes to PMS, mine comes about the same time every month, so I make a reminder on my personal calendar and when I feel myself feeling incredibly irritable & over-emotional - I stop myself before I over-react and remind myself that it's just the hormones and give myself a time-out, take deep breaths, and review my weekly lesson from the program or find something else to take my mind off of the situation. But, even when it's not that time of the month, like now, I'm still sensitive to what my husband says to me & it's hard not to take things personally. For example, yesterday, I asked him if he would drop our kids off at school or stay home with our youngest and he said something like "Well, this has got to stop. Soon I'll be working earlier hours and can't keep doing this." I walked away and felt so hurt & upset. What I heard was "How dare you ask me for help. You're on your own. I don't care about you and I don't want to help you out." That's how it felt, anyway. I did talk to him about it and told him that it's hard for me to ask for help and that I would never say something like that to him and that I'm always going out of my way to help him out and make things easier & nicer for him, so why can't he do this small thing for me? He apologized & I spent the better part of yesterday trying to get over it, but I still felt upset & this morning, I was just reminded of the hurt and I refused his help & got the kids ready myself and dropped them off myself with our little one and I was only upsetting myself - but now what do I do? I know there's a better way to handle this hurt feeling, but I'm not sure yet what it is. But, it helps to vent here & I hope there are other women who can relate, but if not, I'm thankful for a safe place to share my feelings as I work through this program.