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constant nausea

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 7:31 pm
by hey222
When i am calm and quiet i feel fine but when i get stressed which has been happening pretty often i have alot of nausea. The smallest things can trigger me to feel like im going to throw up so i start coughing. I do not know what to do ?? its like i get stressed , the nausea comes and then i see something or smell it and i feel like im going to throw up its soooo ugly and annoying. This has been happening for 3 years. This also could be from the side effects of my anti depressant but whats happening is when i feel like im going to throw up all the time everyone thinks its from too much stress or withdrawals from the medicine. So im forced to take it again.. every night .. i do not believe its from withdrawals because i remember when i was on a strong dose of paxil for a while and thats when it started to happen. I got off of that to something new and the nausea is still there.. it may be going away a little but it shouldve been gone completly by now because its been years.. so its side effects of the medicine or ive been taking too much .. does anyone agree??

Re: constant nausea

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 5:44 pm
by randy c.
I dont know if your nausea comes from your meds,but I have never taken meds but still get nausea.I think (at least for me) its just one of the body symptoms associated with anxiety.I also get headaches.