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Pleading for your help :-(

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 9:38 am
by Kelbb906
Really hoping somebody/anybody can help me please?

I haven’t been on the forums in a long while because I have overall been feeling really well. About a month ago I woke up in the middle of the night with my heart racing out of my chest. This is now has continued for the last month. About a week after the first attack started, I had a near fainting spell. I felt the whole front of my head tingle. These are new symptoms for me and I’m very upset. I’m not getting a full nights sleep because I’m waking up around 1am every night then usually 5am. I also notice that I feel like I need to go to the bathroom (#2, so sorry for the candiness) a lot more and have been going more with looser stool (sorry again).

I now find myself nervous when going out to dinner or for a drive, etc. I find myself consumed with the thought that I’m going to pass out (big fear of mine)

I’m just curious if anyone else is getting the same symptoms, regular or heart related? I have been under the cardiologists care now for a couple weeks and go tomorrow for a stress test. I did do the holter monitor and they said I have extra heartbeats. Can this be attributed to anxiety/panic? Just curious what other symptoms others experience similar and maybe not similar to mine. I just feel very alone right now

Thank you all so much.

Re: Pleading for your help :-(

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 11:54 am
by Samanthasicknes
hi kelbb
i feel ur pain about half way through the program i had a back slide of sorts , now i find my self having new symptoms too , befor i was always worried about geting sick(like not being able to get to a bathroom in time)but now i worie about fainting and not haveing enough air . see i know i never had this kind of thought befor so i feel like i gave this to my self cuz geting sick in public didnt scare me any more ya know

aslo i take fiber now to help with the bathroom problems i am vary regular i hope this helps i dont know much aout th heart but mine feels better now that i calm down and tell my self what i know is going on ya know explain it to my self. tell my self its ok it will pass and if it gets worst ,thats what the ppl around me are for to help get me someware if i cant make it to the hospital or home what ever i tell my self im strong and iv been though this befor i can get through it again . i know ur strong and u can handel this i belive in u . i am aslo pround u came back here for help and didnt just let it get worst
hope this helps

Re: Pleading for your help :-(

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 12:29 pm
by Kelbb906
Thanks for replying Samantha. and thank you for your kind words.
I used to have the program about ten tears ago and am going to reorder this week. Is it helping you?

I just had the worst two attacks at work just now. Just sitting there and suddenly I feel flush then my heart starts racing and I get pale. Has anyone experienced this? Then my legs feel heavy and then my heart palpitates. Sighhhh

Re: Pleading for your help :-(

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 11:48 am
by Samanthasicknes
hi kelbb
i think u would bennifit from the program im sure its changes sence uv been through it i love the program i use it every day im on sesseion #7 week 7 ya know i love it i find my self looking at it a quite a few times a day just cuz

i have had thoes sinsations too i ues session 2 of the program for quick releaf i hope u get the program soon i know u can get through this u havent been like this ur hole life ya know u are strong i know u can get better please PM me if u like to talk more i know u will feal better