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Chest Heaviness

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 8:14 pm
by fantasma79
Off and on for the past two weeks, I've been experiencing heaviness and tightness in my chest. I quickly become consumed with trying to get a "perfect" full breath. I've been to the doctor and they tell me that my lungs sound great and I have excellent oxygen intake. Work is stressful at the moment, and I believe that to be the cause. Just curious if any one else has gone through this. I try to focus on my breathing, but that seems to make it worse because I'm ironically too focused on my breathing. Any suggestions?

Re: Chest Heaviness

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 12:50 pm
by CarolM
yes i get this, hate that feeling. i find the best thing to do is every time you feel that way get busy doing something or get your mind on something else. even if you have to do that 100 or 1000 times in one day, over time it will go away without you even realizing it. (a doc taught me that when i had a problem with nausea and worked for this feeling as well). the less time you spend thinking about it the sooner it goes. I know it's tough to deal with but tell your self you got a good report from the doc and nothings wrong and it will go away.

ps. same thing for me to about focusing on the breath. I read in a book about a guy who had same feeling when trying to meditate and focus on his breath. But he kept at it and over time he was able to relax and eventually it went a way. Anyway i still struggle with that sometimes to. ;)

Re: Chest Heaviness

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 7:37 pm
by Movinginfaith
I have this, but it doesn't bother my breathing, I just feel like I have tightness in my chest all of the time, which makes me worry that I am having a heart attack. I have these daily and my doctor said it is related to panic, even though I don't feel like I have panic attacks anymore - I am currently on week 12. I hope and pray that they eventually go away because I don't like them either. This too shall pass...

Re: Chest Heaviness

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 4:35 pm
by Terry55
I too get this symptom for years now. And even having it for years it still bothers me. One thing that seems to help me is from a short video I recently watched. Anytime you feel a symptom in your body, take in a deep breath and hold it for just a few seconds, while you are holding that breath, tense all the muscles in your body from head to toe. Only do this for 5 or 10 seconds and the slowly release. I dont know if it is a mind over matter thing or there really is something going on but it does relieve my symptoms.
