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Need some support

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 7:52 pm
by heather5
I was recently diagnosed with an Autoimmune disease called Ulcerative Colitis, and lately starting new medications for this has caused soooo much anxiety. Almost off a steriod medication called Prednisone (which really messes with the mood and increases anxiety). And recently my GI specialist started me on an Immune Supressant medication that compromises the immune system and also has pretty scary side effects like Lymphoma, and other cancers which is really worrying me and causing more anxiety that Is making it hard to work through my anxiety. I fear that long term use of this medication is going to cause worse health issues.....Wanting to see a Holistic doctor but unsure what direction to go in and what will and won't work.....I am not a fan of most medications because it seems to almost adds more amd more health issues....trying to be positive but very hard.....I am just beginning session 4 of this program and seeing a Phsycologist but still struggling with this situation.

Re: Need some support

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 4:18 pm
by foxysmom
Hey there, sorry to hear about your diagnosis, sounds like a real pain. I have been on the prednisone also before and didn't notice any more anxiety on it, but had a lot of extra energy. All that medication can be anxiety producing in itself! I tried going the holistic route until i couldn't go anymore, had to get back on prozac. There are a lot of good things out there, but beware of any "holistic" docs that want a lot of money. I had one that wanted $5000 to fix me, and i didn't even have anything real, just anxiety. But there are a lot of good ones out there. Good luck!!

Re: Need some support

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 6:48 am
by nick11
Don't let the worrying prevent you from getting better. Get a second opinion if you want to to confirm the first doctors approach.

Re: Need some support

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 10:58 am
by tina martin
The program here is a holistic approach to what ails us. Stress and anxieties can lead to all sorts of physical problems. I've had them too and am completely committed to programs like this (CBT) and meditation, good diet, exercise, and daily walking. It is a reconditioning of our mind, attitudes, and outlook.

It takes time and effort and work and patience, but I believe in it totally. Wishing you the best.