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I feel alone with my anxiety and depression :(

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 11:53 am
by happysub
I am 34 yrs old. I have 3 children...8, 11, and 14. (All girls). I have always been happy and busy. I would always start my day with sending my girls to school...coming home having a cup of coffee/ breakfast and beginning my day happily. All of a sudden on Sept. 14, I was sitting in my car waiting for my girls to get out of school and I felt this sudden surge in my chest and I felt very faint....I became scared my heart started beating like it was gonna pop out of my chest...I felt numb in my face and right arm...I ended up going to hospital thinking I was having heart attack or stroke. They assured me it was a panic attack and gave me xanax. From that day on it got worse. I became nearly unable to function. The panic attacks happened a lot from there. Then a few weeks later maybe late Sept. early Oct. I became very depressed. I would wake up and there it would be right in my chest that awful now I am battling depression and anxiety. I feel like I am crazy...I hate feeling this way. I have uncontrolable thoughts that are scary. It made me feel better when I listened to audio 1 that other ppl have those scary thoughts. (I'm not crazy) I love my husband and children very much and just want to feel better soon. I began this program 3 days ago...I pray for a miracle and that it works.

Re: I feel alone with my anxiety and depression :(

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 1:49 pm
by coachchris
Hi Happy,

Great chatting with you today. I had the same experience when I was 35. I was in super-woman role and wore myself too thin. The program helped me to understand myself better and now I am 10 years without panic! We tend to be people who push a lot of adrenalin and then you combine that with wanting to be 'in-control' and our analyzing mind we get stuck in the anxiety cycle.

Lesson two will help you understand the adrenalin/anxiety cycle better. Keep using your relaxation cd too.

I private messaged you a time to talk on Monday. I hope that works for you.
Here to help.
Coach Chris

Re: I feel alone with my anxiety and depression :(

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 1:50 pm
by MirandaLey
Please don't feel alone. You are far from it -- everyone on here is struggling with anxiety and depression or has overcome it. You can overcome it too. YOU WILL! I know how it feels, you feel like this condition turns your whole life upside down, and it does. But for me, having anxiety and depression (though it was agonizing at the time) was the best thing that happened to me, because now I am doing this program and I and those around me see what a positive, healthy person I'm becoming, with a good self-esteem. I feel like my inner soul and true self is blossoming like a flower. And it is all due to the program. Stick with it. Lesson 3 is VERY important. Positivity will help you conquer this. Please keep coming to the forums to share!

Re: I feel alone with my anxiety and depression :(

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 5:13 pm
by happysub
Thank you, Mirandaley, for your encouraging words. I do notice a difference....I get waves of fear but I am able to control them with positive self talk. I only started last week, and its already helping. I am not affraid of panic attacks any more....thats probably why I don't get them. I just have a lot of anxiety. I am a strong person and I know I too will overcome this condition. Thank you again for your positive words :)


Re: I feel alone with my anxiety and depression :(

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 10:07 am
by MirandaLey
I'm so glad you're feeling better. Keep going! I relate so much -- still somtimes (but it's very rare now) I will get the wave of fear, but it's getting easier and easier to dismiss with positive self-talk!

Re: I feel alone with my anxiety and depression :(

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 11:52 am
by tina martin
Want to join in re positive self-talk. Honestly, it's just about everything, at least for me. I try to remember it as soon as I wake up and before I go to sleep. Must work at it all the time. Same for exercise and relaxation or meditation. Best not to skip any day if at all possible.

Re: I feel alone with my anxiety and depression :(

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 8:28 pm
by happysub
Yes! I do the relaxation cd 2 to 3 times a day...i love it. The positive self talk helps get me through my panicky moments. Today for a bit I was not doing to well....then I started the positive talk and I feel better :) I can't wait to get through the entire program. I try to remember to laugh at myself ;)

Re: I feel alone with my anxiety and depression :(

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 4:31 pm
by MirandaLey
It's really lifechanging, the positive self-talk. It's hard to believe at first that it can make that much of a difference but it can. I'm on Session 4 and usually do pretty good, but every time I notice I'm feeling anxious or depressed it's almost always because of a negative thought/negative inner dialogue that I've been having with myself at the time or just before. I think Session 3 is one of the most important -- I did it two weeks in a row and I'm on Session 4 now but I am continuing to write down and replace my negative thoughts when I catch them!

Re: I feel alone with my anxiety and depression :(

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 9:50 am
by tina martin
Yes, there are certain parts of the program that I find must stay with me every day. Positive self-talk is one of them. Exercise and relaxation are also necessary on a regular basis.

Unfortunately our mind easily reverts to the mean and the mean is not necessarily the best for some of us. So we must work at it most every day. Some are lucky and they can do well without steady attention. Others are different. We learn about ourselves and act accordingly to the best of our ability.