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Stressed out college student.

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 3:30 pm
by mws1994
I've struggled with anxiety and depression on and off for a few years now. But it's never been this bad. I'm originally from the east coast, and I'm in my first semester of college in Chicago. The past few weeks have been some of the hardest in my life. I've been having anxiety attacks, having to leave class, staying up all night thinking I'm gonna have to go to the hospital because my anxiety is so bad. For the past few weeks i've noticed a ringing in my ear, and I swear it's my becoming my biggest obstacle. Sometimes it goes away, sometimes it annoys me so badly and comsumes my thoughts by worrying about it. Has anyone else experienced this problem? I'm scared to death that something is wrong with my ears and that the ringing will never go away for good. I've been to the doctor and she said they were fine. These cds/therapy/exercise/and eating healthy have all helped me improve over the last week. I'm making strides but I am so scared- Why are my ears ringing?! I just want answers. The unknown scares me so much. If you can relate to this symptom please reply.

Re: Stressed out college student.

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 5:20 pm
by coachchris
Hi MWS1994....

This is Chris and I am a coach here at Stress. Congratulations on your courage to attend school away from home. This is a big change, you should be proud of yourself! The sensitivity to the ear noise/ringing is a common one. We tend to be people who are very tuned in to our body and can get hyper-focused on body symptoms. The anxiety/adrenalin can also be heightened by being away from home and all the change you are experiencing. How long have you had your program? Have you been using your relaxation cd?

I would work hard on lessons 2 and 3. Focus on under-reacting, positive and truthful selftalk and good belly-breathing.
Lesson Two talks a lot about floating and not fighting the adrenalin. Make sure your diet is good, you are exercising and getting good rest.

I would love to have a free coaching call with you. Just private message me if you want to set that up.

Here to help.
Coach Chris

Re: Stressed out college student.

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 3:54 am
by davidchatman
My stress was because of the essay writing task that i was getting during my academic time. Online essay writing services were only the helping hand for me. I really want to thank those best essay writing companies for helping me in surviving the course.