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Want to purchase

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 12:54 am
by jsmile1372
Hi, I'm new here and had a few questions. I have been looking into purchasing this and had a few questions before I do so. What type of packaging does it come in when mailed? I want to know if it's descreit so no one will know. =((

Re: Want to purchase

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:17 pm
by ladybug_101
yess it is very discreat ! its the best money u cld ever spend !!

Re: Want to purchase

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 12:08 am
by jsmile1372
Thank you!!! I have tried other programs and am just nervous I'll give myself the wrong mindset bc others havent worked fully. Although from what I gather this is like going to cbt but having the tools yourself instead of going to see someone. Am I right? I am ready to finally change my life back.

Re: Want to purchase

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 8:45 am
by Iwillbebetter
Jsmile, Yes it is a CBT based program, but without having to go and see someone. That also makes it easier to be able to go at your own pace!! I was very skeptical of the program, although I hadn't done anything to seek help elsewhere other than getting a self-help book or two from the library. But I can now say it was well worth the money and then some!!! If you are finally ready to change your life back, you have found a great place to start!! Best of luck to you!!

Re: Want to purchase

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 3:23 pm
by jsmile1372
Thank you Iwillgetbetter!!! Have you finished the program? I have saw this on infomercials numerous times and wanted to try it and have always talked myself out of it bc I talk myself out of it by saying nothing will help but I have read so much that CBT is the only sure way to cure your anxiety issues. I am looking forward to purchasing and getting on my journey to freedom from this.

Re: Want to purchase

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 3:52 pm
by Iwillbebetter
I am on session 7 at this time, but I can tell you I have already made so much progress. I was actually just at lunch with my mother the other day, and she actually mentioned she can see the changes in me, and how because of that my children are beginning to change also. And how proud she was of me for doing what she could never do! So although I have not finished I am well on my way!!
I think if you are ready for change, and ready to put in the work it takes to get there, you can definatly do it!! I know for me it has been hard at times to "stick with it". But I am learning that is the "fear" the "false self" "the negativity" whatever you want to call it, but its the part of you that needs you to stay just as you are. The part of you that says you can't change. You are/will be happier this way. etc. I am learning not to let that "voice" control me anylonger, I am taking back the drivers seat!!! :)
I would recommend that you not worry about the "pace" you go. They suggest you do a session a week, but myself as well as many others tend to take extra time on many of the sessions!! Someone said something that helped me to be "okay" with that. It's not the speed you are going, but the direction that matters!!
There is support here also, so keep coming back and keep us posted on your progress also!! :)

Re: Want to purchase

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 1:58 pm
by jsmile1372
Thank you so much! I am very glad that you are making such great progress and that gives me a lot of hope! :D It's definitely not an easy task. But this will only make us stronger in the end. I went through this ab 4 years ago and got over it then, apparently not good enough. The way I got over it then was I just pushed myself to do everything I thought that I couldn't do. I know that's part of the process but this time seems so much harder. i just let it take over the best of me this time. I just had a lot of stressful things happen to me this past year and I guess I just wasn't strong enough to push forward and kind of shut down. But I try to look at everything as a learning process and sometimes I don't see what it is I need to learn this time around. I am thankful you guys are here and so supportive. It's def a nice feeling. So many people don't understand what it's like so they don't get why it's so difficult sometimes. I appreciate you sharing your progress.

Re: Want to purchase

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 3:06 pm
by Iwillbebetter
:) You are most welcome, but there is no need to thank me :) No it is far from easy, some days still are harder than others, but it is more than worth it in the end.
I must say in regards to --
jsmile1372 wrote:The way I got over it then was I just pushed myself to do everything I thought that I couldn't do
I use to beleive that also, when I didn't know what I was really "getting over" and all that did was lead me to feel like I was going to have a nervous break down.
jsmile1372 wrote:I don't see what it is I need to learn this time around.
I think what is missing is not "pushing yourself to do it" but learning that you will be ok when you do it, and even if you do it and it doesn't work out, or it works out but now the way you planned, that's okay also. It's learning to take back the drivers seat to our bus of life and not letting, fear, worry, quilt, etc drive us!! It's not about pushing or being pushed - it's about putting your self above the push and pull and just being!! :)
I am happy to share my progress!! It can help to see others are "doing it" I think it helps us to have strenght to know we can do it also!!!

and you can do it!!

Re: Want to purchase

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 4:45 pm
by perspectivegirl
Just chiming in here saying that this really is the best money you'll ever spend. My mother actually had the program and gave it to me when she realized that I was having really bad anxiety and depression as well. Just keep an open mind and heart and actually listen, do the workbook, and you'll have your life back in no time. :]

Re: Want to purchase

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 5:45 pm
by jsmile1372
@Iwillgetbetter Right, its the part of knowing that when you do something you will be fine. That's the scariest part of it all bc when you feel that terrible feeling it feels as though nothing is going to be okay. I guess there is no harm in trying this out. I just hate that I investigate everything and have been on the net looking at reviews and seeing some negativity that some people have to say about it and it puts my mindset in the negative area. I guess everyone is gonna have their opinions on things and I have to just believe in myself more. I have been going through the forum and reading people's progress and it makes me have so much more hope but still have the nagging negativity :x I guess that's why I should purchase this. lol
@perspectivegirl thank you so much I really appreciate that bc like the above states I keep researching and I don't know if it's my anxiety trying to get me to find a reason not to get it bc I believe I'll be stuck like this forever. but i thank you for chiming in and giving me more encouragement. :D