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Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 1:41 pm
Lately I feel like I'm stuck in the middle - I don't feel happy or unhappy, but somewhere in the middle, like I'm just here. I don't laugh much, but I also don't cry and I've never been like this before. I never feel like doing anything and don't even feel like decorating my house for Christmas. Could this be from medication my doctor has put me on for my anxiety attacks, or is this depression? I'd love to know if anyone else here feels like this and hear some advice on what this is and how to get out of this rut I'm in. If it wasn't for my friends at church and my Bible study classes, I don't know where I'd be. HELP!


Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 4:27 pm
by SpecialFX
Over the years the drugs they have given me for anxiety and depression leave me feeling numb I didn't feel happy and I didn't feel sad some where lost it the middle but most of all I didn't feel like me and I like me. I have been on Xanax
for a while which for me didn't have any weird side effects. But I started the 15 week program about 4 weeks ago
and I can't tell you how good I have been starting to feel . For the last 11 years I just didn't feel 100% and in 2006 I had my first major panic atack on a tread mill OMG ! I thought I was going to die. About 8 months ago I started feeling worse
and 5 weeks ago I passed out at a stop sign thank god just for a few seconds scared the passenger a little then a rescue squad to the hospital only to tell me there was nothing wrong with me it was a panic atack big time. Thats when I said i can't take this anymore I can't live like this anymore. Thats when I started this program and each day is a little better
and yes not everyday is great but I'm headed in the right direction . I find myself excited about what tomorrow brings.
My story is long but I hope this can help you a little.


Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 4:52 pm
SpecialFX wrote:Over the years the drugs they have given me for anxiety and depression leave me feeling numb I didn't feel happy and I didn't feel sad some where lost it the middle but most of all I didn't feel like me and I like me. I have been on Xanax
for a while which for me didn't have any weird side effects. But I started the 15 week program about 4 weeks ago
and I can't tell you how good I have been starting to feel . For the last 11 years I just didn't feel 100% and in 2006 I had my first major panic atack on a tread mill OMG ! I thought I was going to die. About 8 months ago I started feeling worse
and 5 weeks ago I passed out at a stop sign thank god just for a few seconds scared the passenger a little then a rescue squad to the hospital only to tell me there was nothing wrong with me it was a panic atack big time. Thats when I said i can't take this anymore I can't live like this anymore. Thats when I started this program and each day is a little better
and yes not everyday is great but I'm headed in the right direction . I find myself excited about what tomorrow brings.
My story is long but I hope this can help you a little.
I'm so glad for you that you are feeling better. I'm on Session 6 so hopefully I'll be getting better as time goes on.


Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 11:51 pm
by jovigirl21
please talk to a counselor. I've been seeing one for over a month and it has really opened my eyes to why I am like this? Are you stressed at work or life? Talking to friends or family is good, but it had never really helped me because i felt they were trying to help, but they just didn't understand what i was going through. It sounds like you have a case of the "blues" Maybe it's because of the Christmas holidays which can be stressful or something else in your life. Studies show that when you lose interest in things it is a sign of depression. I have a mild case of depression to where i get the blues, but i try to get out of my funk by listening to music or sometimes actually forcing myself to get out of the house and doing something i enjoy. . Just remember God loves you and is always there for you.