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Post by loghome4 » Wed Sep 21, 2011 5:02 pm

I'm in week two of the program and also learning meditation and breathing relaxation techniquies but still having such a hard time sleeping at night. I'm lucky if I get one or two hours. My anxiety is coming from my lack of sleep and not being able to function. Does anyone have any suggestions or are experiencing the same thing?

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Re: insomnia

Post by SoWhatif » Wed Sep 21, 2011 7:42 pm

Hi Loghome4,
What are your nutrional and sleep cycles? What about exercise and is there work? :o

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Re: insomnia

Post by loghome4 » Thu Sep 22, 2011 4:03 am

i've never been a great sleeper but would still get 5 to six hours a night naturally but with my last panic attack about a month ago that really effected me mentally and physically is when the insomnia started. I work from 8am to 4am so I've always got to get up no matter if I've gotten an hour or no sleep. I believe through this program and meditation I've calmed my body down and I'm in a better mental state and my physical signs have disappeared from the pancic attack - but my sleep still isn't on the mend. I've been walking for half an our every day for two weeks. I'm just praying that it all falls in tline very soon and my sleep returns or I don't know how I'm going to keep functioning.

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Re: insomnia

Post by Trex » Thu Sep 22, 2011 11:49 am

I always had a difficult time with sleep even before my anxiety and panic attacks. I understand what you mean, lack of sleep makes it even more difficult. I used to and still often do take Valerian Root which is a herb. You can take up to three each night before bed. Since my panic attacks I often have to take half and Ambien so that I can get a good nights sleep. I don't like to take perscription medication, but I also have to be functional at work each day.

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Re: insomnia

Post by loghome4 » Mon Sep 26, 2011 10:26 am

Can you take the valerian root with Ambien? I took ambien for about a year then it lost it's effectiveness. I'm starting to take it again but only a few days aweek because I don't want to get hooked on it again. I may try half a ambien and maybe one valerian root if the two work together o.k.

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Re: insomnia

Post by braveironwill » Sat Oct 08, 2011 1:25 pm

I would check with your doctor before mixing them. Sometimes "herbals" or "supplements" can't be taken with prescription or any other drugs.

I too had issues not being able to get to sleep and then if I got to sleep I couldn't stay asleep. I can't take any medications and the over the counter sleep drugs don't help. Sometimes 2 regular Benadryl help. My chiropractor told me of a product that is non transdermal meaning it doesn't go into the blood stream. I still was concerned because I have such issues trying things and I'm very skeptical. My body is so hard to please its frustrating. A friend of mine bought the product because she was skeptical as well and she uses it for pain. I started using it for sleep and then moved to pain because my body aches all the time. I also have IBS and Fibromyalgia. They worked!! For the first time, I was able to fall asleep and stay asleep and the nights that I woke up because I had to go to the bathroom it was easy for me to get back to sleep. The patches use acupuncture points so it takes moving them around to find the right point. I found the right point. I then moved on to the patches for my back because I get terrible back spasms and stiffness which wake me up. That doesn't happen to me now. I got so happy about this I hugged my chiropractor and my friend for trying it with me and I became a distributor. I researched the heck out of this and for people who can't or don't want to take drugs this is the perfect solution. I just wish I knew about it before. It covers a lot of issues. I suggest checking it out at I also went from taking Tylenol 1 to 2 times a day to 1 to 2 times per week!! It's amazing and when I find something that works, I have to share it. After dealing with issues for 20 years I still find it hard to get help and solutions. They also have segments on YouTube if you want to do research on it yourself.

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Re: insomnia

Post by coltharp64 » Tue Oct 11, 2011 6:56 pm

I quit all caffeine a month ago, and have been sleeping great! I also am a light sleeper, with a wife who snores. I use foam earplugs as well, and they have also been a sleep saver!

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Re: insomnia

Post by perspectivegirl » Tue Oct 11, 2011 7:06 pm

Do they earplugs ever keep you from hearing an alarm?

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Re: insomnia

Post by Lins81 » Sun Nov 27, 2011 10:46 am

I'll tell you my experience with insomnia. I still have it but not as bad. My first panic attacks occurred in my sleep 2 months ago. I didn't know that's what they were. I was so scared, I thought I was dying or had some disease or illness. My heart would constantly beat fast for weeks CONSTANTLY! Hot flushes,burning chest,tingling/numb hands and feet,adrenaline jolts,body jolts,brain zaps,muscle twitches,shortness of breath,pulsating pupils,I was in constant panic. I didn't sleep at ALL for 5 days straight, my body wouldn't let me. Finally got 2 hours of sleep, than the following day 2 hours of sleep. Than went another straight 5 days without sleep! My body was so wired! BTW I don't take meds. I don't have a diagnosis by a doctor, and felt that if I go they'll just put me on meds, that's my LAST resort. I've tried natural sleep supplement, nothing really worked well, but melantonin (liquid) helped a little. Fast forward about 2 months later. Memory has gotten better,little dizzy still,not as depressed, appetite is back, have good days,bad days, but not really good days with sleep since my anxiety started. I sleep if I'm lucky 3 hours a night. Some days really broken up sleep and unrefreshed sleep. I'm going to a naturopathic Dr. to check my vitamin levels. She's checking my vitamin B12 levels, because if you are deficient it can give you anxiety,sleep problems, etc. Just to let you know things get better,this has been a nightmare for me, my anxiety is still stuck at a higher level unfortunately. It's weird to me because I'm used to feeling normal:( Our natural heightened state upsets many thing, including sleep. It's our fight or flight, natural instinct to keep us in high alert to protect us (back in prehistoric days).Im jumpy now also, and get weird electric nerve impulses. I'm working at relaxation now and breathing. Want to be back to normal. It's a struggle, but u have to do as much work yourself to get better, others can help, but the majority is up to you. Try not to worry about your lack of sleep, its hard not to,but that only makes things worse. Your body will sleep when it's tired enough. Anxiety causes your body to be in a heightened state,disrupting sleep and your life. So hang in there,Im trying to get better,its hard.Dont give up.Stay positive if possible.

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