Something to think about.

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Something to think about.

Post by Cancun007 » Thu Apr 14, 2011 12:45 am

I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself
a small bird can drop frozen dead from a bough
without ever having felt sorry for itself.

This is a wonderful short poem with a great deal of meaning behind it if we analize it properly. I think the author is relaying a message of peace in this message. We as human beings tend to over analize our life in all aspects. We harp on our past and dread our future in many instances. However, a small bird has the capability to not wrap itself up in the past nor harp on future occurances....It simply lives for the moment. How much peaceful we would be if only we practiced this same point of view. We put so much stock into what has happened and what might happen in our lives. These negative thoughts affect us daily and if continued become a learned behavior that is very difficult to overcome. The truth is we cannot change our past nor predict our future....It's impossible, no matter how hard we try. How many times have we had a panic attack and dwelled on past occurances of previous attacks? How many times have we sabotaged ourselves in future observations of total gloom and despair when it comes to a panic attack? We have panic attacks and assume the worst yet we wake up the next morning alive and well. Panic attacks have not killed one single person to date...NOT ONE!! Have we become so self absorbed in our problems that we allow this missery to continue time and time again? It is of my opinion that just as we have learned to be nervous, scared, angry, aggitated, anxious....We can also learn to be happy, healthy, and productive individuals again. I think that if we stop focusing on the past and the future and focus on the present we will all overcome this illness which is called anxiety panic dissorder. I think that when we stop obsessing on the symptoms and start working on solutions we take the power away from the attack and give it back to US......We should all stop asking ourselves what if, what if, what if......and start asking ourselves what is going on in our life right at this very moment that is causing us to be anxious. There are solutions...There are answers....WE ONLY NEED TO LOOK UPON WHAT IS BOTHERING US SO HORRIBLY THAT CAUSE US TO ENTER SUCH A GLOOMY WORLD KNOWN AS ANXIETY PANICK DISSORDER......This illness will never kill us, but if we don't all make some changes it will ensure us a very misserable life. I want to get better....and I have gotten better. I want us all to be better so that we can live the life we deserve to live...Stay Blessed.

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