Dealing with the outside world

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Post by Toolate? » Thu Dec 30, 2010 5:48 pm

I have done the program on and off and it helps some but sometimes I am so emotionally and mentally drained that I am too tired to do anything but sleep. I like to know what is going on in the world but I hear so many horrible stories like this woman who is charged with burning this boy in Texas and the constant news about the economy that it just fuels my anxiety and depression. I feel no matter how much I work the program, living in this world will undue my effort. I know there is good in the world but my brain gravitates toward the bad. Anyone else have this problem?
When I try to remind myself of the good, it just feels like I am lying to myself.

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Post by WendyT » Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:00 pm

I'm from TX too.

What I've learned to do over the year is tell myself at least I accomplished this today. It is better than nothing. The "this" can be as small as writing out a bill, cleaning a room, grocery shopping (eck), reading my daily devotions, or listening to one of the cds. Even if it is a task that should take a few moments, but took me hours, at least I did it.

I recently had an episode in which I had to get documents together for an appt., something that should have taken me a couple hours took all night. But I did it and it made me feel good and I did not beat myself up too bad. I tell myself I will get me back and look out world. I've learned to appreciate and be grateful for my good days and when the "bad moments" come, I do my best to ride them out.

As far as bad news, I hate it too. It saddens me, but I try to remember to lift a quick prayer to our God and move on. We cannot change the situation.

You are doing great. You keep going back to the program, which is always a step in the right direction. We are all unique and will finish the race in our own special time with God's help.

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Post by Juno » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:20 pm

Wow, that is just like me. I didn't realize this was a part of anxiety too, but I guess it is a classic symptom--to worry and have anxiety about the outside world. I have been off the program for a year and it did help so much, but I guess life has a way of stressing us on and on.
I do the same thing, but I'm obsessed with saving dogs. I do rescue and on my bad days I have really scary thoughts about all the dogs being killed at shelters and abused all around the world realizing I can do nothing to stop it. It turns into paralyzing anxiety for me if I don't intervene and eventually would result in a full blown panic attack. I tend to vizualize all the ways they suffer and it just brings me to the worst emotional state I can describe. I also have a heart condition so that's not good...
I find that realizing that you are one person and you don't control the world helps. I think it is an incredible achievement sometimes just to survive nevermind help someone else. Someone who had a difficult life once told me that life is pain and there is a relief in realizing and accepting that. That helps me. I've also learned to take better care of myself and never take that for granted. Take the best care of yourself and be kind to yourself.
"If you are calm, you are in control of your mind and body. If you are
upset, they are in control of your mind and body."

"When the only tool you own is a hammer, every problem begins to resemble a nail."
Abraham Maslow

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Post by Toolate? » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:33 pm

Thanks for sharing. I am sorry your suffering but it sounds like you have some rational responses to help. I have done the program on and off but I just think I need support from others. I can tell myself some good responses to these obsessive thoughts but my emotions seemed to stop responding to them like when medicine stops working and that is frightening to me. I obsess on others tragedies and the fact that I can't do anything about it and then I feel guilty that my circumstances aren't like some people and at the same time feel jealous of celebrities when I hear the money they are making. I think people like us need goals to focus to push out all the junk thinking. Thanks for sharing and I wish you good health with your heart condition and total good health in the new year.

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Post by Molly77 » Sat Jan 01, 2011 12:16 pm

Wow Juno,that sounds so much like me...except mine doesn't stop at dogs, it goes on to ALL animals on this planet. Once I saw this horrible video of animals being horribly killed in awful ways(I WILL NOT get into details) and it took me WEEKS to stop sobbing over the horror that I saw. I kept replaying the images over and over and kept sobbing. I prayed and prayed for God to shut it out and finally it stopped. I too obsess about trying to rescue them all and when I can't,obviously I am one person, I go into despair. I have been learning that I can't read or hear about most animal brutality stories since I am so sensitive to it. Thank God, I have gotten past tormenting myself in my head about these things that happen today. We are just sensitive people.

I have learned also that when a person's Neurotransmitter's(like serotonin) are depleted from the effects of constant anxiety that they need to be built back up to help you feel better as well as work this program. I take an Adrenal support as well as work this program and it really helps me to stay in a better mind frame. Just a thought for you to think about.

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Post by Juno » Sat Jan 01, 2011 5:59 pm

Oh wow Molly, I take cortisol. I tend to limit myself to dogs, but I used to cry and torture myself over other animals too. We have a lot in common. I guess it's important to remember they are classic scary thoughts due to anxiety. The world is bigger than us and has many humans and animals suffering in it. The best thing we can do is stay healthy mentally to be able to at least help a few.
"If you are calm, you are in control of your mind and body. If you are
upset, they are in control of your mind and body."

"When the only tool you own is a hammer, every problem begins to resemble a nail."
Abraham Maslow

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Post by Toolate? » Sun Jan 02, 2011 6:23 am

Hi Molly 77-Do you mean Adderall like for ADHD. Because I take one too. It is the one medicine that makes me feel better the same day I take it like a tylenol for a headache-not high or anything like that but like you said-a better frame of mind. I feel the way I believe I should feel most of the time. This just proves how much brain chemistry is involved.

I obsess over kids being abducted, crime and other atrocities and it is not healthy or constructive to think about this stuff all the time. If you can do something directly to help it then that is one thing but if not than I believe that anyone has to do whatever they need to do to not obsess (I know much easier said than done) but the Adderall does help you focus which would help with the obsessive thoughts. Plus working the program, because I would like to be able to develop skills and not lean on the medicine so much but then again diabetics have to lean on insulin so there is nothing wrong if people like us need meds too. It is not a sign of weakness or a character flaw.

As far as crime, I have watched some shows on the ID channel that show how crimes are solved. I don't want to fuel my obsession but when I see people who commit heinous crimes and are caught and put in prison, it does make me feel better-like the good outweights the bad in life but I watch other shows too so I have a variety to look at.

Thank you for your support and sharing. It is so wonderful to find people who understand what you are going through and how we can try to help and support each other. God bless.

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Post by Molly77 » Sun Jan 02, 2011 9:48 am

Hello! I am taking AdreCor. It is a natural Adrenal Support. It helps my body be able to build back up the Neurotransmitters that support the adrenal glands. I take some others that are from the same company. My doctor had me take a lab to see what they levels were and all my Neurotransmitters were low except the GABA. I had depleted them all living in constant anxiety. The AdreCor can be taken as needed when one is under great stress. This past year had been HELL for is it any wonder that the attacks of panic started happening everyday? I have lived with anxiety all my life but didn't get this bad until this here I am.

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Post by Juno » Sun Jan 02, 2011 1:29 pm

Ha I'm taking adrecor too. I thought it was because I took Toprol for too long (Toprol suppresses adrenaline to lower heart rate). So I have yet to determine if I have a heart problem causing me anxiety or a anxiety causing a heart problem. But I know what that is like Molly. Years of stress will have an effect. This past month has been the worst hell for me. I ended up in the ER yesterday thinking I was having a heart attack. Apparently the doctors though so too till they got the results. I guess it was just stress.
"If you are calm, you are in control of your mind and body. If you are
upset, they are in control of your mind and body."

"When the only tool you own is a hammer, every problem begins to resemble a nail."
Abraham Maslow

forever young 06
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Post by forever young 06 » Mon Jan 03, 2011 4:10 am

juno and molly is adrecor something that you can get with out a perscription? If so where do you get it? I have taken an antidepressant for years I have been able to function a lot better but have phobias I need to work on. I guess there isn't any medicine that will help that. I will just have to face and use the steps in the program. I want an automatic cure and there isn't one. I had anxiety in the night and was talking to myself couldn't go to back to sleep it was 1:30 I will be tired today

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