Scared as hell!!

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Post by Santo17219 » Wed Dec 10, 2008 11:25 am

Hello Guys,

I've been a hypochondriac for as long as I can remember and for the past couple of years, everything has been fine, until now!

A couple weeks ago I got sick and was bed ridden for a few days until I got to the doctor. After a brief examination, doc determined that I had strep throat! Put me on antibiotics and most symptoms went away.

Here is my predicament. Half way through taking the antibiotics I got a different kind of sore throat, very scratchy. Mind you I always have nasal drip, but it hurt particularly worse this day. I took some losanges and felt better. After that I noticed raised taste buds on the back of my tongue. Thought it might be thrush. After analyzing the situation, I now firmly believe that I have HIV. Thrush and sore throat is common in HIV.

I'm currently going out of my mind.

I know there may be reasonable explanations for all of my symptoms, but put them together and sounds like HIV!

Does anyone have any advise? It is killing me and my relationship. What if I do have it? Then i'd have to tell me girlfriend and probably lose her. Then live my life with a uncurable disease.

Please note I go to the doctors with ever single problem I have...sometimes 4 times a month. Got blood work done about 3 weeks ago before this new problem occurred and everything has come back normal.



Post by Guest » Wed Dec 10, 2008 11:39 am

Well you just had strept so its probably from that. You could get tested for HIV just so you won't worry about it. don't worry about telling your gf you have it, unless you get the test back and you do. hypochondriasis can get really annoying to deal with. try to find things that will bring your attention outward instead of focusing in on yourself. sometimes when i find myself thinking about different things i might have i start writing a made up story, or exercising, or anything that gets your mind off of the thought.

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Joined: Thu May 15, 2008 9:30 am

Post by Sidd » Wed Dec 10, 2008 11:41 am

You know what else is common with sore throat and thrush? ---- STREP THROAT.

You are fine. You may just have a cold, the flu, or just step throat. Don't feel bad we all have gone through this worrying and jumping to conclusions, and the multiple doctor trips. Until we realized that most of the symptoms we worry about is just anxiety. Do the relaxation and when you get those scary thoughts tell yourself that you're okay and distract yourself by doing something to take your mind off your worries.


Post by Guest » Wed Dec 10, 2008 12:07 pm

Hey Bro,

Relax! If you allow your mind to run away with it, you'll end up with every disease your mind can think of. If you have a legit reason to believe that you are HIV positive, go get a test done. Cut to the chase. Imagine how awesome you will feel when it comes back negative. Hang tough man. Your post sounded desparate. I encourage you to go get it checked out. Who cares how many times you go to the doctors. They, nor anyone else live your life.

I also encourage you to seek strength in Jesus. I have lived a very rough life and can testify to living for myself and living for things of matter the consequences. I now seek to live for Jesus, and though I still have struggles, I also have geat peace and comfort. I don't know where you stand when it comes to faith in Christ, but I need to tell you that He is the best "perscription" option ever.

Anyway, be strong and be in charge of your ship. You have the ability, through great choices, to change the course of your life forever. I am hopeful for you and I will pray for you.

Get it checked need to let it steal your joy!!

Peace out and be cool!!


Post by Guest » Wed Dec 10, 2008 12:41 pm


I feel your pain but please stop diagnosing yourself without getting a HIV test. There are places you can go that will give you the results in the same day..actually minutes. I have been in your situation and know what you are feeling. Whenever I had a sore throat or spots in my mouth I would automatically think the worse. Even if I knew I could not possibly have HIV. I also have really bad post-nasal drip that gives me raised bumps on my tongue and white spots in the back of my throat from the irritation. That is not HIV necessarily and since you said you have Post nasal drip, that is most likely what it is from. You will hear more about HIV/AIDS now more than any other time of the year because Dec. 1 was National HIV/AIDS Day so everyone is still talking about it on the news, radio and internet. You need to stop over analyzing and go get a test. You will feel much better. Good luck and please try and calm down.


Post by Guest » Wed Dec 10, 2008 12:50 pm

You poor thing, I know exactly what you're going through, I suffer from health anxiety as well. Let me reassure you that everyone has raised tastebuds at the back of their mouths. I can look in a mirror right now and see them. That's normal, I worried about them once too and then my sister showed me hers and I felt a little silly. Health anxiety makes us feel like we most definitely "fill in your disease of choice." And I know when you're in that state of mind, it doesn't matter what anyone else says, you're throughly convinced it's something horrible.
Do you have the program? Dr. fisher talks about this in tape 2 I think? It normally starts off with a small thought and grows from there until we have ourselves sick.
I'm sure you're fine!


Post by Guest » Wed Dec 10, 2008 12:59 pm

Hi there!

Thrush is quite common with both strep and PND. It can also be a side effect from the antibiotics.

I am an RN, and a sufferer of severe allergies causing PND, which also causes me to breath through my mouth a lot. This, too, can cause thrush. Question, are you on any anti-anxiety meds? If so, these too, can cause dry mouth and thrush appearance.

My advice to you, too bad I cannot take my own, is to relax and give it a couple of weeks to resolve on its own. If it doesn't, there is a medication your doc can give you to get rid of the thrush... or eat some yogurt a couple of times a day... with acidopholus.

Regarding the HIV, my best advice, and it has already been given, if you have a reason to be checked, do it! And, as was previously posted, think how elated you will be when you get the result of negative or non-reactive!

Best of luck to you...


Post by Guest » Thu Dec 11, 2008 3:54 am

hello all,

Thanks for your input, I feel better with people who can relate.

My throat doesn't hurt anymore and who knows if I ever had thrush! I'm still ridiculously anxious and have extreme anxiety. Stomach isnt workinbg well and I'm very edgy.

Thanks again

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