Good news for worriers

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Post by tweaky1h » Fri Aug 01, 2008 1:50 am

Did everyone hear the good news? According to the Conference on Alzheimer's Disease, people who tend to ruminate tend to have a significantly reduced chance of developing dementia later in life than those who routineley let things go. The theory is that by ruminating, you are problem solving and will therefore create more neuronal connections.

Evidentally, having a partner at midlife will do the same thing, by increasing social interaction and intellectual stimulation.

I've been on this website since October, and I know there are alot of partnered worriers here, so here's a toast to us!

Dememtia is one of my several phobias, so I am especially delighted at the news. The article said that prolonged stress is not good for you, so we still have to work at reducing it, but don't give up ruminating completely. Frankly, I'm not sure it's possible anyway. I'm 150% better than I was 10 months ago, but I still ruminate from time to time. It's just not debilitating anymore. :cool:

Holly J
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Post by Holly J » Fri Aug 01, 2008 2:51 am

WOW that is good news. I always thought that i'd get that when older. . . that is very interesting
"Come to me, all who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)"

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Post by boo » Fri Aug 01, 2008 3:20 am

Thanks that is good news..That is something i do worry about sometimes,:)..Although my big worry can be almost anything sometimes...But i have got alot better at stopping the scary thoughts .:)

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Post by fischee » Fri Aug 01, 2008 3:26 am

This is GREAT news! Although I've never really had a fear of Alzheimer's, I def. obsess (getting better... kind of).

I also frequently wonder about the long-term effects of benzos (been on one or another for the past 9 years- now klono. since Jan.'08). It seems like my memory is shot, sometimes I have difficulity "connecting the dots" in my OWN conversation, and it just seems like I get brain fog more often than before. *I have read about this on the boards and on WebMD.

I'm healthier than I have been in a long time (and getting close to being "med free" :D- down to 1-1/2 mgs. klono daily and still taking nexium); has anyone had these symptoms, and do they gradually disappear with time?

Please PM if you don't want to post neg. info- I'm not so much bothered by bad/scary experiences/stories, if anything it just makes me work all the harder for myself.

Much Thanks,

Jan Emily
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Post by Jan Emily » Fri Aug 01, 2008 3:42 am

Thanks. This is indeed good news. I am a big worrier although much less than previously. I also know that there are times I'm beginning to get an insight or deeper understanding about something and/or moving to a new level of awareness where I do ponder and can have doubts and misgivings. I think this is different from the negative self talk where I put myself down or start giving my fears free rein. As we go forward I think it will be important to differentiate what is "growth" and what is getting "stuck" in the same old negative self put downs

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Post by HeatherRDJ » Fri Aug 01, 2008 3:53 am

Well the side effects from withdraw off meds can be daunting, though I haven't been on yours, but the fogginess does go away. I didn't even realize how bad it was till I got off the drugs.

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Post by tweaky1h » Fri Aug 01, 2008 6:29 am

Hi Fischee - I took Lexapro and Klono for a short time. They were very effective, but there were side effects. I only took Klono at night, because that was my worst time, and the next morning I felt foggy and like I didn't always connect the dots. Those effects would be gone by evening and wouldn't happen unless I took it again.

When I weaned off the meds, I experienced the brain zaps and they were minor and only lasted a couple weeks. Given that you took it over a longer period of time, I suspect that they could be more severe and/or last longer. My feeling is if you recognize where they are coming from, accept them as a consequence of the final goal of being med free, they should come and go without much trouble. Good luck.

NJ Bob
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Post by NJ Bob » Fri Aug 01, 2008 7:30 am

That is good news but at the same time, if I ever got Alzheimer's maybe I wouldn't remember that I also suffered from anxiety attacks. :)

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Post by fischee » Fri Aug 01, 2008 12:41 pm

:DHee/hee :D... clever, NJ Bob. Thanks to both Heather and tweaky for the positive feedback. It's reassuring to know that my "stupidness" shall pass. I like your avatar tweaky; it's pretty much how I feel with this whole anxiety and meds situation- sooo S L O W but steady.

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