I am scared but need to press through for my breakthrough

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Joined: Thu Jan 03, 2008 1:51 pm

Post by Makena » Thu Jan 03, 2008 7:38 am

I just started the program 3 days ago. I have been listening to the infomercial over the years off and on and finally decided it was time to get started. I bought the program about 8 years ago or so and felt so overwhelmed and like I was taking on their fellings of anxiousness that I put it down and never finished it. I lone it to someone and never got it back or heard from them again. Back then, I couldn't afford the 2.00 a minute support and felt on my own so I stopped. The past 3 years I have tried doing a lot of self help on my own with journaling, reading self help book and listening to tapes. Although it has helped some. I am still stuck in the rut of anxiety and depression. My husband has the same thing and does not want to admit it. I have felt so alone in times of getting better and finding who I am. I work in rental sales and many times I've allowed the customer who is so cheap and wants everything for free and will actually ask me "so what free upgrade are you going to give me today" I have never seen these people before and yet it agravates me. I say, "No, not today!" Needless to say, my boss took me in her office yesterday and said that I scored low on customer service. I was fuming on the inside and felt like a child being scolded. I did horrible in sales all evening. Nothing positive was said, only negative. I am really struggling with this......


Post by Guest » Thu Jan 03, 2008 2:45 pm

Hi Makena!

We are our own worst enemies, we dont need someone to tell us we scored low, eh? I know when Ive had bad reviews in the past I have wanted to run, cry, quit, tell the person off.. terrible feeling! I feel for you!

Congratulations for re-starting the program! it truly is wonderful and I know if you want it, are willing to work and dedicate yourself no matter what (time or moods..) then it will definitely change you! Men tend to be less open minded towards these things, I ordered my bro. in law the program and had it sent to him b.c he is struggling so bad but is so closed minded.. once you start working the tools of the program I can guaruntee it will rub off on your hubby, my spouse doesnt suffer much but has noticed how fun positive thinking is.. yeah hes a mans man and likes the feeling of positive thinking, its contagious!! keep with it for you, only you and Im sure he'll see you less stressed and be interested!

With respect to your boss try not to let it bother you.. I work one on one with a very straight edge lawyer and as you can imagine we spend a lot of time 'correcting' eachother. It always feels crappy but I have learned to not listen to the tone, take what they said and run with it, I make a lesson out of it and use it as a personal challenge. This person says I need to improve, ok, I'll show them.. or hey, im doing my best thats good enough for me..
Accept yourself and dont forget to praise yourself regularly for the good things you do, even if no one else notices! It is a tough one but as soon as you hear someone talking negative start in your mind reversing what they are saying into positives for example:

"Your scores for customer service were low this section"

you hear: "there is many things you can do to provide maximum customer service and there is a lot of room for growth!"

Even just writing this down will help ease your mind.

I know its not black and white but in session 3 they talk about this. I definitely say follow the program guidelines but have a little peak at session 3 as this will help with what your feeling, but I think you really need to work on this one as we all do and its one of the hardest.. they say use s. 3 weekly throughout the program!

Give yourself some credit! you go to work, have food in the fridge, heat and breathe.. thats awesome! praise yourself and have compassion for yourself!

Good luck and best wishes on your journey.. keep with it and I know you wont regret this!

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