Maybe the flu?

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Post by TroubledSue » Fri Feb 22, 2008 10:48 am

I'm kinda freaking out over here. I have never had the flu in my life, and even after 20+ years of terrible tonsil infections, I have never ran a fever. I haven't had a cold in about 3 years. Today, I woke up achy, my neck hurts, my back hurts, it feels like all my nerves are on high, like when something brushes against my arm, I really feel it. My temp is 100.8! I have a sore throat, I'm tired, and weak feeling. My hands are freezing, but my head and neck feel like they are burning up. Am I supposed to believe this is the flu or a cold? I'm reeeeally trying to stay out of the ER, but of course, "what if" I don't go and this time it's something serious. I have NEVER ran a fever. 100.8, thats the highest I've ever seen! I dunno what to do.


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Post by deedee00 » Fri Feb 22, 2008 11:07 am

Hi Sue. It sounds like the flu to me.

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Post by Diggy » Fri Feb 22, 2008 12:16 pm

A fever indicates you have some type of infection. So its something real. The flu is going around all over, it could very well be this. The hospital can not do anything for the flu, unless you get a fever of more than 102 , I would get some tylonel flu medicine, and stay in bed and rest.

You will be ok, don't worry yourself. If you don't feel better by Monday, give your doctor a call.

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Post by TroubledSue » Fri Feb 22, 2008 8:26 pm

I couldn't take it. I broke down, and went to the ER.

My fever was 101.6 by the time I left. My back was killing me. I was given Ibuprofen when I got there, and by the time I left, my back pain was gone, and my fever was under 100. My head still feels like garbage. Drainage, stuffy head, sore throat, ear pain.

They did a urine test, blood work, and X-rays of my spine. They noticed my L1 and T12 were wedged. Oddly, thats not where my pain was.

Strep test came back negative, but they didn't do a flu test.

I'm guessing, I just have a cold, and the back pain was just muscular from being on the computer. Maybe I can still get achy from a cold? I dunno, but sitting here is making my back hurt again, so I better get off and go to bed.

They gave me Ibuprofen, 800mg 3x day as needed for pain, and nothing for my cold. I'll prolly take some theraflu tomorrow if I can deal with it. Tried tonight, and the stuff is just nasty.

Guess my anxiety is under control for the time being. As long as my fever is down, I can deal with the cold. I just don't like fevers because I've never had one before and it scares me.

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Post by Dodger » Sat Feb 23, 2008 2:09 am

troubled sue I always get more anxious when I get sick....I try so hard not to get sick cuz I always think its going to be IT. This is something the doctors never heard of. But its always nothing. Im getting a little better at tollerating colds/flus....but it still makes me very nervous as those endless days drag on all the way to 10-14 days later.

You will be ok. Remember some fever is a good thing when your sick its proof that your body is working hard to kill the germs in your body. Thats why rest and liquids are so have to rest to compensate for how hard your body is working and you need to drink lots of liquids to flush the junk out.

Tis the season for sneezin so consider yourself an honorary member this year! LOL
Hang in there take your ibuprofin for pain and try some steam treatments for your stuffy....if you dont have a facial sauna thingy just boil some water on the stove and breath in the steam.

put a humidifier in your bedroom and run it whenever your in the room and ocean nasal spray is excellent to keep the nasal passages loose. Loose is good then you can blow it out.

Hang in there.....youll be feeling better in a couple weeks.

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Post by ~HealthyMe~ » Sat Feb 23, 2008 5:41 am

I feel your pain I'm never sick either and for the past 4 days I've been experiencing all the symptoms you described! Right now I'm drinking thera flu and want to puke its soooo gross. My temp has been fluctuating between 98 - 102 for the past four days - up and down. :( I feel MISERABLE. I hope you feel better. If I'm still sick on Monday I'm hitting my doc office :( WAHHH
just me

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Post by heisthegreatphysician » Sat Feb 23, 2008 8:21 am

Hi all-

Boy you guys are not alone....Ive been sick for 10 days now...Stuffy head, ears hurt and itch, nauseous, body aches I cant believe...Felt like I have been hit by a mat truck...The pain is awful. NO FEVER Though, which freaks me out even more.....went to the doc, says I have a virus, but im still in muscular and joint pain.....I hope nothing is seriously wrong, scared to death too.
anyone else experiencing the things i am without a fever?

Prayers and blessings to all of us...

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Post by heisthegreatphysician » Sat Feb 23, 2008 8:24 am

By the way,

I got afrin 12, it really helps the nasal congestion, but dont take it for more than 3 days. Also, im on the zpak. its helping, but have to go thru another treatment of it, the also have a new nasil mist out, sinus and allergy, its in a can and germ free. Its new...Try it.....

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Post by heisthegreatphysician » Sat Feb 23, 2008 8:25 am

Me again-

Also I have been gargaling with listerine mixed with salt water...It helps soothe the throat.

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Post by TroubledSue » Sat Feb 23, 2008 10:48 am

Not having a fever freaks you out or if you had one you would freak out?

Everyone says fevers are good, but they just scare the heck out of me cuz I'm afraid it'll suddenly rise and I'll start having siezures. :(

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