I'm giving up!

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Post by MrCleveland » Sun Nov 30, 2008 8:30 am

Even though I'm going through BVR, this weekend was certain that my relationship to God is done.

God wants me to be miserable and I may not go to church anymore.

What happened is my mom dropped me off to my grandma's, but she got into a car accident. She's fine, but the car isn't.

My car shall now be called The Invisible. I almost wanted to get mt State I.D., call myself 'Cleveland', cut myself off the family, and not talk to God anymore.

I know this is beating the dead horse, but I'm through with God and Prayer, and all of it!

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Post by StevenFarrisOhio » Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:41 am

Mr. Cleveland,
This is Mr. Akron and it sounds like a bad weekend. God is good and this world is sin. I was in a similar position some years back and God tested beyond words - I am back and lucky to have him. Hang in there...
Steven Farris

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Post by Lynnier » Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:51 am

Mr. Cleveland: This is Mrs. Pittsburgh. I agree with Mr. Akron, and have been in the same place
I'm so glad I have God, despite the fact I "fired" him years ago. Hang in there. You may turn your back on Him, but He will never turn His back on you.

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Post by David** » Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:56 am

Mr Cleveland: This is Mr Country, I lost God for more years than I care to admit to but in the end when I needed help the most HE was right there, no questions, nothing about my past, He wasn't interested in that, He was interested enough in my present and future not to leave me hanging without anyone.

Look at tomorrow and leave this weekend behind. I have to do the exact same thing, it's been a rough one but it will get better.
"May God grant us the wisdom to discover right, the will to choose it, and the strength to make it endure."

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Post by Glass » Sun Nov 30, 2008 10:22 am

MrCleveland this is Mr. sand, Don't buld your house on the sand. Never give up, because you will always get the same trial over and over untill you pass sooner or later anyway. You might as will pass sooner.

Dana Sue
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Post by Dana Sue » Sun Nov 30, 2008 11:50 am

MrClevland, This Is Miss North Central Washington. God Or not? It is a sad choice to make. I know your pain, I have lost a lot of things and people I love. If you blame life on God, then you will miss every thing. Anger is hard on us and brings up many reasons to be here. It is not your fault or Gods fault. Things happen. How to deal with these things are why we are here isn't it? It is OK to be mad! write your feelings down. Cry. Write some more. read what you wrote. I hope your mom is OK. A car can be replaced, no mater how much we love it. tell your self, it is normal to have feelings. Think of the part of it that was the lucky part. "It good that ....." The dog is fine. No one got serious hurt. What ever was the good part. It will help out some. I hope you will find peace in this.
I am looking for the light at the end of the tunnel!

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Post by NinjaFrodo » Sun Nov 30, 2008 12:46 pm


I typically don't respond to posts like this but that's alright. I'm not christian nor do I put my faith in God but I still believe in faith. If giving up faith in church and god is what you feel is the best choice and is going to make your future brighter then I say go for it. If it makes the future feel like it is going to be darker then don't do it. Nothing is ever set in stone and you have the right to choose any spiritual beliefs you want....heck you can worship crackers like i do sometimes!

Here is the link to the Letting Go thread which is designated for venting
http://forum.stresscenter.com/viewtopic ... 52&t=25087

You can follow me on Twitter, same username or check out my blog


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Post by RodH » Sun Nov 30, 2008 12:47 pm

MR Cleveland, this is Mr. Texas.
I know first hand (just as the others that have posted here do to) what suffering is like. I too have had times I actually thought that God had assigned me to be miserable, filled with fear, and be taken advantage by everyone, especially my own family!
My parents were darn hard on my sister and me,we are adopted and not blood related but she is almost as bad with depression, sadness anxiety as I have been.
My ex wife left in 1989 taking half of everything and took my darling sons away from me, I did nothing to deserve that.
In 1997 the doctor stood at the foot of the hospital bed and told me i had cancer.
My present wife had already started a divorce. To make a long story short, I somehow stuck to my faith, even though my mother told me not to call again(yes while I was taking treatments!)my wife abandoned me, took most of money! What a fix I was in, but my Faith brought me through it all! Here I sit typing after 11 yrs and completely well! I should have died even before the cancer with the dope and alcohol overdoses, wrecks etc.
This anxiety, fear, and sometimes terror when we have the panic attacks CAN be dealt with and COMPLETE RECOVERY is indeed possible. I am living proof of it!
God is ther for us, but He dosent do our every wish, He’d be nothing more than a cosmic bellhop! Then we would not learn how to get through adversity! We would not learn much at all. God wants us to take action, He says so in Romans 12:2 …… “but be transformed by the renewing of your mind”
That scripture indeed says to us to take action.
My prayers are with you!
(if you want to discuss anything further, please PM me)

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Post by NinjaFrodo » Sun Nov 30, 2008 12:50 pm


It's been a long time. Good to see you again!

Here is the link to the Letting Go thread which is designated for venting
http://forum.stresscenter.com/viewtopic ... 52&t=25087

You can follow me on Twitter, same username or check out my blog


MC Grace
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Post by MC Grace » Sun Nov 30, 2008 2:12 pm

hi Mr. Cleveland,
ugh. sounds horrible. i know this is more of a spirituality forum thing, so i'll keep it short. just a link <A HREF="http://www.goingbeyond.com/box/box_nov08.asp" TARGET=_blank>The Jewelry Box</A>
Mr. Cleveland, something in your writing makes me think your angry, but not yet "given up". I hope that's the case.
After the weekend I've had,
Ms. I Don't Know Where I Am
I will sing unto the LORD, because he hath dealt bountifully with me.
Psalm 13:6

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