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Post by DiannaP23 » Tue Oct 07, 2008 4:40 pm

Anyone have a problem with this? Sometimes it seems to be the light! This is really causing me trouble. We just moved into a new home and I am really having a lot of anxiety. Is it the house or just the move?

Thanks :?

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Post by deedee00 » Tue Oct 07, 2008 5:23 pm

when my anxiety was pretty bad, we moved into a new home. My anxiety went through the roof and I thought it was that it was too light and at other times I just felt that the lighting felt weird. I eventually learned that it was just that I felt like I was in a strange place and that made my anxiety increase. We with anxiety don't handle change well. We don't tend to feel safe unless we are comfortable and changing things, even though change can be a good thing,can make us uncomfortable. Once I got use to being there those strange feelings went away.

Do the relaxation as much as possible and do your slow, deep breathing. Distract yourself by doing the things that will take your mind off of how you're feeling. Tell yourself that they are only feelings that you're feeling, not a real threat. Enjoy your everyday. Enjoy your new home. Try to tell yourself when you get anxiety symptoms, that it truly is only anxiety and it will not hurt you it just feels bad.

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Post by pipermarie66 » Tue Oct 07, 2008 7:26 pm

I too have trouble with vertigo and sometimes certain levels of light really bother me. Dusk is the worst for me. I always think there is something wrong with my eyes but there isnt. I dont really know what its about but I think we are probably oversensitive visually and so we are more affected by the light levels.

Paul R.
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Post by Paul R. » Wed Oct 08, 2008 2:22 am

this has only happened a few times to me, and has not been a major problem.

I can relate though, as I can remember one of the episodes was when my wife and I drove from Buffalo, NY to VA and back within 3 days (14 hours of driving).

upon returning home to buffalo, I was fine for the first 30 minutes, but when I stopped and we were getting ready to go to sleep, I noticed that I was really disoriented and dizzy (and my panic stricken mind thought that I was going blind) to the point of vertigo.

i can only remember talking with my wife about it, coming to the realization that it probably because of the 14 hours of driving within a short period of time, and due to all of that motion I was now lying still for the first time all day.

i fell asleep, and woke fine.

i think trusting Lucinda's advice, and accepting it as a symptom of anxiety, and riding the feeling out is paramount to feeling better.

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Post by redrobin » Wed Oct 08, 2008 6:48 am

This is something that happens to me if I, say, get out of bed real fast as sometimes the alarm clark startles me. Do you think that in my subconsious while sleeping, I was thinking something that caused anxiety and the combination of the alarm clock startling me and making me jump up causes the vertigo? I hadn't thought about that before. Or is it a case of just jumping out of bed too quickly? Sometimes I even stagger a little bit until I get my bearings.

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Post by DIAA » Sat Oct 11, 2008 9:01 am

I have dizziness and vertigo with my anxiety. It is worse when I am just dealing with low-level anxiety for a long period. Sometimes, I get a massage for my neck muscles and this helps. Your neck muscles can get tense, then lead to ear issues and dizziness and vertigo. I also have been having issues with florescent light.

Charlie Brown
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Post by Charlie Brown » Sat Oct 11, 2008 9:43 am

My wife and I sometime suffer from vertigo. For me, it usually occurs if I move my head to fast. I went through a few bouts over a month ago. I was experiencing alot of anxiety, depression and stress thanks to work :roll:. We take Meclizine (a piece or whole 25 mg tab.) This helps but makes you sleepy. Talk to your dr about this.

Thankfully she hasn't had a bout in months and none for me since late summer.


Post by Guest » Sat Oct 11, 2008 10:40 am


I have taken the meclizine for dizziness and lightheadedness also. The only problem is, as Charlie says, it makes me so sleepy.
I don't have as much of that now as I have less anxiety after getting the program and using the helps from it.

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Post by Camnuck » Sat Oct 11, 2008 12:00 pm

Hi all, on top of the excellent program from this center. I used to feel dizzy for weeks sometimes..
What worked for me was to go for a jog where my heart would beat over 100bpm for 10 minutes. It may sound stupid but it seemed to burn all the bad dizzy symptons out of me.
I know it is the LAST thing you feel like doing when you feel this way buy my dad had the same problems when he was younger and it worked for him too. Hope this helps

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Post by Nole » Sat Oct 11, 2008 12:20 pm

Vertigo is actually caused from an inner ear distrubance. See your doc and they can prescribe anit-vert to help, often taking decongestants help as well. This can be worse if you are anxious but actual, true vertigo is an inner ear problem that can be treated.

Today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday. ~Author Unknown
Let us be of good cheer, remembering that the misfortunes hardest to bear are those which will never happen. ~James Russel Lowell

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