lexapro and weight gain!

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Post by jamanda527 » Wed Aug 13, 2008 8:48 am

So I have gained 20 lbs so far since I started taking lexapro in Jan.'08. It seems like it takes longer for my body to realize i'm full.
I've been dieting and exercising for the past month and I've only lost 2 lbs. It's just aggravating b/c my mom is a dietitian and I'm doing what she tells me.

I just need a little reassurance. Has anyone lost weight(on purpose while taking lexapro). I really just need to hear it from someone with experience so my brain will beleive it. haha ( :

thanks and God bless!

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Post by tweaky1h » Wed Aug 13, 2008 11:38 am

I took Lexapro and gained 15 pounds so I know your pain. I never felt full and I think I was eating to offset the blahs I felt while on it. Lexapro is very effective at alleviating depression, but I felt it took away my happy too. I went off and lost the weight so it's not a life sentence. Based on what I've read here, gaining weight on Lexapro is very common.

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Post by Nole » Thu Aug 14, 2008 4:02 am

I take 10 mg of Lex for almost 4 months and havent noticed weight gain. I lost about 7 lbs when I started, but that came back on once I was able to eat again. I dont find myself overeating, I pretty much eat the same as ususal and I seem to be having the normal weight flucations that I have had all of my life. I hope it stays this way.

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Post by Mindi » Thu Aug 14, 2008 4:39 am

While I was on Lexapro I gained weight pretty fast. I never felt full and many times actually had the munchies. I went on Zoloft after that to see if maybe Zoloft would be better....same thing...so I tried Cymbalta which is suppsed to help you lose weight. But again I never felt satisfied when I ate...so I just ate and ate and ate. From what I have read about Cymbalta it doesn't do that to most people. Maybe Cymbalta would be a better selection for you. Talk to you doctor and see what he/she says. Good luck...I know your feeling. I gained 50 lbs in a year.

Nelson Project
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Post by Nelson Project » Thu Aug 14, 2008 7:11 am

I can't offer any suggestions on the weight gain because I have the same problem. I have gained about 30lbs in about 2 years. I hope that when we are able to stop taking it, we will lose the weight. I have tried to keep the hunger under control, and watch what I eat, but I have still been gaining. Guess we just have to wait and see.

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