Question about fears....

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Joined: Sat Jan 03, 2009 10:01 pm

Post by Andromedae » Sat Jan 31, 2009 12:53 pm

Hey all! I'm starting session four tomorrow. I have a question, I think I've narrowed down why I'm "afraid" of going to work. I have no problem being at work--my anxiety/stress doesn't get triggered there. Driving to work--I'm fine. Getting up is a little difficult, but I think that's just morning anxiety, with a mix of my meds still heavy in my system. ANYWAY. I work downtown Chicago, and I live a mile from the metra station--I think I'm afraid of taking the train. I've had this issue for the past few months that when I finally get so exhausted I just *crash* to the point that I don't hear ANYTHING. I think I'm afraid of embarrasing myself by having to have the conductor to wake me up, or that when I do wake up I'll be in such a haze I'll walk to the closest bench in the train station to go back to sleep (hence the reason I've been working from home a lot).

My HR dept. is aware of my condition, and that I'm working through this, and I have a dr.'s note submitted saying I need to work from home from time to time due to "medical reasons." Anybody have any advice on this train thing? It's really REALLY expensive for me to drive and park downtown everyday to get to work, especially when I've already paid for a monthly train pass.... Help?


Post by Guest » Sat Jan 31, 2009 1:38 pm

Just know that is an additional irrational fear. You said you have no problem driving to work, so put the train ride in the same catagory as driving, we only 'think' there is a difference between the two. As you go through the program you will learn a LOT about various fears and how to get rid of them.



Post by Guest » Sat Jan 31, 2009 2:26 pm

It's always amazing to me the ways our thoughts come up with scenarios to scare us. It seems like the worst possible thing at the time. I've been there.

I guess my question would be to ge to the root of the problem. If the WORST that could happen would be you'd be embarrassed, would that really be the end of the world? I guess because I embarrass myself on a daily basis. . . LOL

Not making light of it though. I used to worry I'd have a PA in a meeting and embarrass myself by not being able to follow what was said. I've actually sort of had that happen, then realized that 90% of what is said in there is meaningless anyway, I finally just told myself 'so what?'

I hope you're able to work through your fear of riding on the train. No sense paying double for transportation.

Hang in there.

Mello Nello
Posts: 299
Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2005 2:00 am

Post by Mello Nello » Sat Jan 31, 2009 4:15 pm

Andeomedae, We could go for months trying to figure out what was at the root of all the fear, but that is really putting too much focus on fear, and taking away focus on the program and all it teaches us! Please redirect your attention to what really matters...YOU GETTING BETTER! I too wanted to know what was at the root of it all, but I saw an unending road and an unanswered question and many-many hours being in a place (the guessing game we do in our mind) I didn't have any business visiting!
We always spend too much time on 'what is wrong' rather than what is right. Again I say, FOCUS on getting better, NOT what was in teh past. From personal experience I can clearly say that looking back and going through all that nonsense in the past NEVER-NEVER really gets us anywhere. If I would have ever found 'the root', then what would I have done with it? I certainly cannot get in a machine and transport myself back to that time and change anything! We cannot change the past, but we certainly can determine our future by determining within ourselves that we are going to get over the anxiety habits!
I only wish to help others get better, and arrive at that point faster than I did!! Everything I say is from my personal experiences.

Take care,

if u wish to discuss this further, please PM me because I rarely come back to postings I have made.

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