New Year Res: lose med induced weight?

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Joined: Tue Oct 02, 2007 9:33 am

Post by tweaky1h » Wed Jan 02, 2008 4:19 am

It's been 3 weeks since going off Lexapro and I'm now trying to lose the weight I gained when on it. Mind you, I'm extremely grateful for having had taken it. I needed it but the program is taking it's place very nicely now. I know if I can get past a week of halving my meals, little or no snacking, and tame my sweet tooth, I will be fine. It's just I'm very grumpy (anxious?), restless, and short fused. It's weird because I've been reaching for food to calm anxiety and other negative feelings but when I eat too much, I feel anxious and have other negative feelings. Why am I reaching for something to cure me that I know will just make me worse? Any words of wisdom from the veterans and other wise souls would be appreciated. Thanks!

ronda stephens
Posts: 42
Joined: Wed Jul 08, 2009 11:40 am

Post by ronda stephens » Wed Jan 02, 2008 8:48 am

Hi Tweaky,

Self medication is very tough to break.. I am working on this as well. I have to say that it is important to first relize you have a problem.. you use food. Now you must stop beating yourself up for it, this creates the anxiety and panic.. its like being around someone who constantly puts you down.

When you have the urge to eat try and eat well.. start by changing the foods you eat. Start to exercise. Work on positive self talk and it may help when you have the urge to eat write a journal entry.. negative/positive lists.. gratitude journal entry! disract yourself. Once you begin to break those habits and begin on a new track you will become addicted to the sucess of it!

Small steps to big miles but do not beat yourself up. Think of it all as a viscious cycle. Even write out the cycle in flow chart form, modify and begin to consider ways of changing that cycle, the rest comes naturally!

Keep working with the program and remind yourself to go slow, its about simply going forward and working on building a better you.. you wont have results tomorrow but in the long run you'll be healthier all together!

Goodluck and thanks for posting! keep in touch! best wishes!

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


Post by Guest » Wed Jan 02, 2008 12:18 pm


I am cheering you on and hopes this all gets easier for you--I am in the same boat with the same exact feelings. Tonight, my husband made spaghetti and I put my "normal" portion in a small bowl. My kids ate three bites and I swear I had to get up and do something so I wouldn't "clean" their plates off too! I kept busy today painting so I was able to keep my mind off of mindless snacking and of course I got up at 6:00 and did my workout! But it is so hard. I never realized how I eat when I am stressed, tired and bored. And I understand the eating too much and having the negative feelings with that. I just read a book called "it's not about food"...When I first read the title, I thought, this isn't for me, this is for somebody with an eating disorder. But, I did buy the book and I read it b/c it's also for emotional eaters. Again, didn't think I was one, but since I've had children and I've been a stay at home mom, I have noticed over the last few years that I do eat depending on my emotions and frankly, I don't always like what I see when I look in the mirror. This book helped me appreciate my body and it shows you how to eat when only truly hungry (not because it's lunch time or dinnertime..etc. etc.). That was truly scary. To try and follow only hunger cues throughout the day! Anyways, I am rambling and I wish you much luck and I know we will be in a real good place with this soon.


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