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Re: Dear Diary

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 6:59 pm
by tina martin
Dear J, how can you not have anxiety doing as much as you do for so many? Some of us never learned to watch out for ourself, protect our boundaries. Think I learned that from scoochie who loved you.

And, yes, we really only have ourself. We must dig to know ourself (Dr. K's Freudian approach) and then I learned about CBT (Cognitive Behavior Therapy). Positive self-talk is key, at least for me, acceptance of what is, peace and calm. I work at this every day. Meditation has become big.

J, please try to carve out some quiet time for yourself. You are a gem of a person. Never be concerned about posting here. Whether you post or not, nothing can change a thing. Love, always......t

Re: Dear Diary

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 7:33 pm
by Loveslife
Dear Diary,
T. says "...Whether you post or not, nothing can change a thing..."

Well diary, that is not true. Posting my inner thoughts and reflections has helped me to see, and more importantly understand, my shortcomings many times. Posting and then re reading my posts can be quite painful at times.

I can change. I can't change everything, and I certainly can't change my past. But I can continue to change, evolve and grow.

Secrets aren't safe. (why is spellcheck telling me that I spelled secrets wrong?) What I mean is that secrets have been safe with me, but secrets aren't safe FOR me. There is a difference.


Re: Dear Diary

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 7:47 pm
by Loveslife
Sorry, I had to come running back because I neglected to wish Tina a HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!

I love you. XOXO

Re: Dear Diary

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 8:07 pm
by SoWhatif
Inspection of the results, leads to the cause. knowing the cause lets one change the results.

J, you have not only learned to swim, you young Lady have became Captain of your ship. It then comes manageing the priorities. My way of thanking you is to say, You are a rare stone.


Re: Dear Diary

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 8:37 pm
by tina martin
Sorry for my poor writing, J. I meant nothing would change re my feelings whether you post or not. They are and will always be the same. I will always love you, is what I meant. And so want the very best for you.

Don't you just love R's aphorisms? I walk away pondering and smiling. Yes, you are a gem. That is very evident. As to the anniversary, I wouldn't get too excited. He generally forgets them. I keep giving myself awards for hanging in there. And I can't begin to tell you how many awards I'd want to give you. I generally feel more at peace now than perhaps ever in my life. I'd want to give it all to you.

Re: Dear Diary

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 8:41 pm
by Loveslife
I will always love and respect you, Tina, so, no worries.

And for R., with smiles, this song is for you. (I know that you think that the song about being the captain of your own ship would be more appropriate, but I like this one. ;) )

Re: Dear Diary

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 7:00 pm
by NeverADullMoment
Happy Thanksgiving, To my internet pen pals.

Re: Dear Diary

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 8:05 am
by tina martin
Hi R. How nice of you to remember us and share this video, a piece of fitting imagery at this time.

Wishing you and J and M and everyone's family a Happy Thanksgiving. For me it is a time with much gratitude for the past at LTT, time here, at AZ, and the enduring, precious friends.

Re: Dear Diary

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 6:22 pm
by Loveslife
Happy Thanksgiving to T., R., M and anyone else who should find their way to Dear Diary.



Re: Dear Diary

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 8:47 pm
by Loveslife
Dear Diary, December 22, 2013
Hi. I've missed you diary but I haven't turned my back on you. I've been so busy with my job, and Diary, since I can only sort of 'boast' to you, I will. I was just promoted to Manager of Operations of our retail boutique, which is very exciting, as I have a strong feeling that the owner wants to expand in a big way.

So, I'm in charge of hiring, training, ordering, choosing new lines (this I do with my team mate, A., the Mgr. of Marketing)

Pretty much, I run the show, the first order of which is keeping our customers happy. An unhappy customer equals 12 unhappy customers, so I want every one to have a friendly, custom, shopping experience with a trustworthy staff, quality products at an affordable price.

Suffice it to say, diary, that I'm learning SO MUCH. I'm learning how to run a business, and now I'm in charge of paying the bills too, so really, I'm learning it all.

That's a good thing.

J and her husband and their two children just spent a week with us and it went so well. Not a single problem and it was hard to see them go.

B was doing so well and would have completed her program and was planning on moving down to where I live, but in a neighboring community where her father has a condo. She was going to be admitted in patient for her ED and her drug addiction, but alas, she is missing again. She's been missing for a week.

This is extremely bad news all around, but I'm going to 'put the glass down' as I learned today that a glass of water's weight is determined not by the size or the quantity, but rather, how long one holds the glass of water.

Diary, I'm sure you get the analogy. I'm putting the glass down.

I've been thinking about Tina a lot. Sometimes I come here to see if she's around, but I have been shy about posting. The reason is, I started realizing how many times this thread has been read. It makes me feel sort of queasy when I realize all I've written about over the last several years. I finally came to the conclusion that 'who cares, really'. I've been on an amazing journey from a complete mental breakdown to a whole new life. I still struggle from time to time, but I'm learning strategies that help me through.

Putting the glass down is my new coping method.

Tina, I hope you are well and I'm wishing you a lovely Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Peace on Earth, Joy to the World (basically, I'm sending my love) and I hope every one has a very safe and a very joyous new year.

~Peace and Love~

For all of us....