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Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 3:42 pm
by Guest
HI NOT!!! :)
I'm having a hard time finding white tea in my stores. I hope to find it soon. Untill then I'm going to be sticking with my green tea.
Thanks for your reply! :D

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 4:02 pm
by Guest
:)I loveeeeeeeeeee white tea!!!!!! I quit smoking two months ago now,(after thirty two years of it) and I stopped drinking coffee other than just one small daily. I have always enjoyed ice tea, but never was big on hot tea at all. Now since I quit smoking I drink it all the time, and all flavours. I can't believe I never liked it before. It just goes to show us that we can change, and we are indeed capable of changing, whether it's our anxiety issues, addictions(very hard, but if I did it anyone can), our attitudes,eating habits and any unwanted habit. Anyhow, just thought I'd put in my two cents worth. :)


Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 4:18 pm
by Guest
Hello GirlWisdom,

I would just like to extend a great big giant congratulations to you on becoming a non smoker. You are now in the majority with all of us other non smokers.
Way to go,

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 4:25 pm
by Guest
Hi little italy,

If you ask the manager, at one of your grocery stores, to order the Lipton White Tea Raspberry (12 pack), 16.9 oz bottles, they can order it, and usually have it in a couple of days?

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 4:53 pm
by Coco2
Hi GirlWisdom!
Thanks for your post. That is one of the BIG things I know I need to do, STOP SMOKING. Anyone have any advice? I did it once before for 3 years but started back up again about 7 years ago. Was really close to in 2004, was down to 2 ciggs a day, then all my medical problems started and I started right back up again. I hate it but can't seem to give it up.

Thanks "not" for the info. I'll have my boyfriend check up on that for me.

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 5:06 pm
by Guest
Thank you "Not" (cute name) for the congratulations! It still hasn't hit me yet that I'm a non-smoker, but it will hopefully. I've tried several times, but this time has to be it. My doctor told me I have C.O.P.D, but the very early stage, so that did it for me and that scared the c---p out of me. I'm having a lot of good changes lately, so it's a nice feeling. I'm dating a nice guy, I'm working part-time, will be going to school again soon,(night school), quit smoking, and began exercising so things are better than they have been this last year. I still have to work on my procrastination, get this program done and a few other things, and then I'll be content. :) Anyhow , I'm rambling on but take care!

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 5:20 pm
by Guest
Hi Little Italy! Smoking is the toughest addiction to give up, but if I can, anyone can!I am going to a support group called TARP (Tobacco Addiction Recovery Program) run by a doctor and addiction specialist nurses. I go once a week, and for me to quit (can't go cold turkey) I started on two patches, and nicotine gum, then down to two patches, now one patch with gum, then it will be gum alone, then nothing. However, do not use multiple nicotine replacement therapies without your doctor's approval. Not everyone can use all these at once, but most healthy people can. I also am on a couple of good online smoking cessastion programs too. Anyhow, it's a struggle some days, but it gets easier and easier as time goes on. My boyfriend doesn't smoke, so that makes it easier too. :) Anyhow, enough rambling lol. Time for bed. Take care and hugs!

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 7:40 pm
by Carolyn Dickman
Yep little italy,

Have you thought about trying Chantix? It is a prescription medication that stops the craving for cigarettes, and from what I have been told, it works fantastically. And if you think it is to expensive (about $126.00 monthly I believe) then sit down and actually add up what you are spending on cigarettes now. :eek:

Ahhh Hah little italy no excuses :D

In fact I have actually seen it work and it is amazing. It stops the cravings and cigarettes just do not have any appeal anymore and actually look and smell disgusting. Makes quitting a whole lot easier, and it sure beats the alternatives :eek: .

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 7:42 pm
by Guest
You are welcome GirlWisdom,

You sure do deserve it. And you sound like you are on your right path now. ;)

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 7:49 pm
by Guest
girlwisdom, good to see you back on here. I am on the chantix and as not so graciously said it really works. It has for friends of mine as well. I found it at walmart for 108.00 witch compared to price of cigs is a bargain. Good luck with it. Bruce