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Comments and inquiries to share with others. (Questions for Staff can be posted below.)

Post by Guest » Sat Jan 05, 2008 12:26 pm

It's great you are able to relax and are pin pointing the reasoning why you are getting anxious in your life! Welcome to the group!


Post by Guest » Sat Jan 05, 2008 3:36 pm

Thanks again, guys! I think... the truth is, if I lived with just my mom, we might be ok, but since it's both my parents, and they both like to yell a lottttt, and think it's ok, and I get in middle of it all the time... there's a problem. They're not the core of my problems, as ppl often say not to blame one's prob's on parents, but their marriage problems do get on my way. I can't move out 'till I make some money, and my panic disorder's keeping me from getting a normal job... for now. I do drive, just not far yet.
And Stevecat... I don't know what to say to you, if you pointed to some more... specific problems, I'd love to give you ideas. Otherwise, we all go through ups and downs, you know, feeling uninspired is like a recession in one's life, I think. It's not a reason to assume you have depression, I don't think, though it's up to you to decide. Plus, sounds like you have a social life, as well, more than I do even.
And... wouldn't it be easier to start your own post on this? Otherwise, if 2 or more people all share in the same one, it'd get messy. But I am glad you did :)
Thanks again, everyone!


Post by Guest » Thu Jan 17, 2008 5:34 am

Hey Sammy! I don't know if you're still checking this. How are you? I found the welcome page. Sorry if I made your page confusing. I think I have the hang of it now. Is the situation with your parents better? Hang in there. Take care of yourself,


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