Panic Attacks-Why are they so bad,will I ever be able to stop them, and advice?

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Post by Guest » Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:32 pm

i had a panic / anxiety attack that lasted almost a week. That was my first one - it took me to the doc 2x for EKG and then to the ER thinking I was having a heart attack - nope - just anxiety. My heart rate was around 100 and pounding! the panic attack started because I was getting blood work done for a physical - one of my numbers was off and I worked myself up to the point i was planning my funeral! I took Ativan for a few days and got on paxil and felt better. Got off paxil a year ago and get mild panic or anxiety - i didn't want to go back on meds so I started this program. Good luck to you!
O one more thing - if your sensitive to suggestion and worry about health issues - avoid medical tv shows (like ER, House etc) they get me worked up - i feel like I know the patient and then start worrying about them all nite !!!


Post by Guest » Wed Jan 09, 2008 7:40 am

Hi Nakita,

My best advise to you is to go through the program, give it time. You have only been involved in the program for a week. I have been on the program for 7 weeks and I have changed tremendously. The program has really helped me. We bring on our own panic attacks. I have learned that we have to be positive, and stop the negative thoughts and the what ifs. I know it is hard but the program will teach you how to. We choose the way we think, and the way we react to situations. You have gone through alot since a young age. It will take time to recover. I experience set backs myself, but given the tools that the program gives you is the key to feeling better. When I listened to the nutrition tape I didn't realize how much of an affect caffeine has on anxiety. I slowly reduced my caffeine and just this week I got off all caffeine...I can't believe the difference, very very little panic, I am calmer and not on edge or moody. It's amazing. Do you drink alot of caffeine? We have learned bad behaviors over the years, such as negative thoughts, what ifs, etc. It will take time to change that. The program will help you. I wish you the best.
Originally posted by Nakita:
I had never had a panic attack in my life until I was about fourteen. They started right after my brother had passed away. He had committed suicide and there is a long story that goes with this but I will leave it out. In a nutshell, it was a very traumatic experience. After experiencing panic attacks for months and months I finally broke down and told my parents who took me to a doctor. I was put on medication. Years later I got to a point where I was doing so well I got off all medication but eventually ended up on it again within a year. My anxiety and panic attacks had been out of control for the last few months. My cousin whom I was very close to just passed away-another suicide. This seems to be the cause of my severe anxiety and panic. My question is this-
When I get a panic attack they come out of nowhere. One second I am fine and the next I am knee deep in panic. When I get these attacks it begins with my stomach hurting. I soon get diarrhea and begin to dry heeve. I shake uncontrollably and I feel like I am being smothered. I try to do breathing exercises but I can't seem to catch my breath. And all the while I have thoughts going through my head about why don't I just give up to I will never get better....I want to be with my family but they are so far away will I ever see them again...will I ever come out of this panic attack...what if I end up dying what will my husband do...
I try to think positive thoughts and tell myself it is going to be okay but I don't believe it is going to be okay. I feel like I am going crazy and it is only going to get worse.
Can anyone relate or does anyone have advice.
Also, I just started the program I am only on week one


Post by Guest » Wed Jan 09, 2008 4:27 pm

hang in there Nakita, I am on week 3 and the program is helping me. I also get panic attack symptoms like you (diahrea, severe body shakes, etc). positive self talk and de-escalating a panic attack before it gets worse have been really helpful!
You are only on week 1, give yourself lots of time and give yourself lots of positive strokes for any small and large things. Starting this program is a big positive step!
Wishing for your inner peace and calm,

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