WARNING FOR ALL- good days company

Comments and inquiries to share with others. (Questions for Staff can be posted below.)

Post by Guest » Wed Jan 02, 2008 9:46 am

I am sorry too that you had a bad experience with the vitamins. I have taken them and love them emensly.

Hopefully they will work out something for you a little bit of kindness goes a long way...maybe call back and ask to speak to a supervisor and explain calmly that you feel you have an allergy problem with them and is there anything at all they could do to reimburse lost funds.

I dont think for a minute that Lucinda created this program or these vitamins to take advantage of people like ourselves but to help us and to give us hope on how to carry on in a world of total chaos.

Sometimes life just sucks and we get dealt a crumby hand but its how we decide to react to this that is the key to recovery.

Good luck to you and I hope that you get to recoop some of your losses.



Post by Guest » Wed Jan 02, 2008 10:00 am

See all the good responses Maeggie. I no longer take them but when I did found they were ok and maybe i need to go back to them. They're actually reasonable compared to other vitamins. Everyone I ever talked to re: vitamins or anything with StressCenter.com has been verh helpful. Sorry that happened to you. I'm believing you will get answers and help from your letter. God bless!

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