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Post by Guest » Mon Jan 07, 2008 6:42 am

OPPS! It was MC Grace that suggested massage - sorry Grace!


Post by Guest » Mon Jan 07, 2008 7:18 am

AGH! Yes, my migraines are horrible. Vomiting and all that junk. Well, I would say that you should try to think of how you feel when the beginning of a migraine starts next time. This way if you are out and about you can get home or try to take something before it goes full throttle and you will recognize the symptoms.. I lose vision as well, but we must face our fears! You can always have someone come and get you if you are having issues driving. Leave your car til it goes away, no biggie right? You are never stuck! Maybe it would help you to but the number of a cab company in your phone;this way if no one is available, they will be! This should give you ease of mind so you can live your life! Hope it helps, take care!

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