Was doing great... then Major roadblock

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Post by vahorsegirl » Wed Apr 22, 2009 12:32 am

Just wanted a little support/advice. I finished the program last May 2008. Since then I have been less panicky and more like my previous self. However since the the start of this year there has been major stress/drama going on in my homelife. Around Xmas time my grandmother was sent to the hospice with 24 hours to live, luckily the doctors were wrong and she is doing much better now...but the day she was released from hospice we found out my father-in-law has inoperable brain cancer. I know that it would be a lot for anyone to handle but I think these issues could be attributing to my lastest anxiety issues.

But my major roadblock came a few weeks ago, when it seemed out of the blue I had one of the worst panic attacks I have had in over a year. I woke up in the middle of the night, mind racing, sweaty, heart pounding. I just wanted to get out of my house, felt such impending doom. My husband really thought I was losing it and didn't know how to handle me. Though the next morning I think it sunk in to him how scared I was. Since about 4 weeks ago when this last attack came I'm not the same. I am having mini panic episodes. I'm frustrated... I know there is no "quick" fix...but I just want to feel better. I don't know what to do .. do i do the program again, read some more anxiety books, go to the psychiatrist?

My biggest problems come when I am alone. Mainly when I'm driving, which I had always enjoyed.

Any ideas would be really appreciated.


Post by Guest » Wed Apr 22, 2009 3:54 am

Vahorsegirl...It sounds like you are suffering from stress, due to all the negative things which have been going on around you. The added stress and worry are causing your growth spurts!!!

It is really common to have growth spurts!!!
I would advise you to begin replacing your negative thoughts, once again, with more positive realistic thoughts.

I would also suggest that you use the relaxation CD to calm your self down!!!

Due to the added stress, I think you need to take some alone time, just for yourself. You can use this time to journalize, or just simply focus on your life's good fortune, the simple things!!!

Don't you think it is great that you have been allowed the opportunity to wake up to a new day!!!! Practice the art of "gratefulness"....

Try looking around at all the good things you have been blessed with. Count your blessings. Contemplate on all the people who are in your life. Enjoy every precious moment with those you love.

Remember, to remain in the present. Living in the past causes depression, and living in the future causes anxiety. Try checking in on your thoughts throughout the day. Make sure you are making the most of those precious, present moments!!!!

You will be fine...God Bless!!!

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