Having Stupid Thoughts?

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Post by dj417002 » Tue Apr 14, 2009 10:02 pm

Do you have these, I.E Thoughts that are just so stupid. For example yesterday we where coming up to a bridge. I had the through, What if I flipped out, got out of the car and went and jummped over the edge. This then worried me, and I started thinking, Why am I having these thoughts, I bet normal people don't have these thoughts, maybe i'm not normal, maybe I have something more serious that anxiety, and so it went on and on. I tried to calm myself down, but I kept thinking normal people dont have these thoughts, so why am I having them? Why exactly am I having them?

The bridge was just an example, This one is embarrasing, I was in a shop yesterday, there was an attractive famle behind the counter, I had the thought, what if I went around there and groped her!

Just really really stupid thoughts about everything, And then you worry because I'm sure no one else will have these thoughts.


Post by Guest » Wed Apr 15, 2009 12:13 am

Sometimes I tend to have those kinds of thoughts, like why did I say that, what is the matter with me, I may obsess over it for a while. So, I understand what you are going through. We can be so hard on ourselves, and our worst critics.

I think if you try to remember that you are not the only one who does this you'll feel better and maybe the thoughts will cease. If you believe that you are the "only one" then you'll nurse those thoughts. Just think of all of us on this site facing challenges the next time those kinds of thoughts take over.


Post by Guest » Wed Apr 15, 2009 1:24 am

Hi dj417002, remember anxiety disorder is us thinking in such a way as to be scaring ourselves. Our scary thoughts are imaginary scenarios and not rational, but the feelings from these imaginary scenarios are real. This is where journalling comes in handy. You can investigate by writing why you would think about these imagined scenarios. I've just started session 8 on What If Thinking. My scary thinking mostly has to do with getting sick and dying, or being incapacitated. In any case it is about feeling out of control, helpless. Just be encouraged that what you have shared is so anxiety related as to be proof that you do have anxiety and nothing worse. as to your question "why exactly am I having them" I can only share my personal experience. I had a very insecure, emotionally abusive, unstable childhood. I learned to fear the future as a child and carried this into adulthood. I have this habit of fearing, so if I don't have any rational reason to fear, then my habit comes up with irrational reasons to fear. Silly isn't it. You are not alone, keep reading and posting.

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Post by CarolynEd.Dir. » Wed Apr 15, 2009 1:31 am

Here's a technique I learned that really helped me get rid of those scary thoughts for good. Whenever you get a scary or negative thought ask yourself these questions and answer them honestly:

1. Is this thought true?
2. Am I absolutely 100% certain it's true?
3. How does this thought make me feel?
4. Who would I be without this thought?
5. How would I feel without this thought?

Remember, you don't have to believe every thought that comes into your head.


Post by Guest » Thu Apr 16, 2009 6:47 am

WOW Franca!!! That should be on one of the cards in the program, it's very valuable! I'm going to print it out for future reference. Have you overcome anxiety/panic attacks? If so, do you remember how long it took & did you have extreme physical symptoms like nausea/vomiting? Sorry for all the ?'s it's just that I think you can help me.

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Post by natalief » Thu Apr 16, 2009 7:50 am

Hi TNL, yes I have had extreme panic disorder for 24 years. To be specific, my diagnosis was/is Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder with Panic Disorder, Agoraphobia and Depression. Over the years I tried EVERYTHING - medication, talk therapy, CBT, EFT (tapping), hypnotherapy, exposure therapy, and I've spent a not-so-small fortune on every self-help book and program on the market. Everything (except meds which did nothing for me) helped somewhat but nothing helped enough.

Yes I did have chronic nausea 24/7 for YEARS but I never vomited. When it got really bad I would start wretching all over the place (nice huh?).

The only thing that seems to have worked really quickly (within a couple of weeks) and with which I've made the most progress, more than everything else put together, was when I started using the Bible as a self-help book for my problems. Now if you don't believe in God or what's in the Bible, this won't work for you but for me it truly has been a miracle. I consider myself a good 80% cured. I outline the steps I took in the thread "Shattered Faith" if you're interested.

I should point out that I have never been religious and very rarely ever go to church. So I'm definitely not a religious fanatic by any stretch of the imagination. I don't even consider myself religious at all but I DO have a personal relationship with God. I'm ashamed to say that I turned to the Bible as a last resort, figuring I had nothing to lose because I had already tried everything else. It really has changed my life.


Post by Guest » Thu Apr 16, 2009 8:02 am

I will definitely look up "Shattered Faith". I have also turned to the Bible & to God way more than I ever have before. I am a Christian & believe in God. These times are the most trying & faith testing that I've ever been through. He is the ultimate healer! I've looked in the back of the Bible to find 'anxiety', 'healing', etc.... And some of the stuff I understand & some of it I don't, but there's a section at the bottom that explains it in regular language for me, so it helps tremendously.
My nausea is so bad, I do vomit...usually in the mornings & about 3 days a week. I do have times throughout the day that aren't so bad, but it's really hard to overcome the initial feelings. I've already hit the point of - 'so what if I throw up, it's not going to kill me'....but I am still scared to eat. I'll drink a chocolate ensure if I think I really need the vitamins/minerals, because I do need the energy.
I appreciate the reply & all the support you've provided!


Post by Guest » Fri Apr 17, 2009 9:27 am


I was agoraphobic for 21 years of my life and lived in a panic attack. What helped me with the nauseousness was taking a pill called phenergan. I would take a piece of it, and if it didn't relieve the symptoms, then, I would take 1/2 of the pill. This helped me tremendously.

Remember, once your anxiety levels lower, then, you will stop suffering from the nauseated feeling, at least, I did!!

I would say that I am cured from agoraphobic and panic attacks, since, I get out and enjoy my life now, without the fear of a panic attack...I truly believe you know you are "cured" when you no longer fear the panic...Once, the fear subsides, the panic attacks have no control over you, and they just don't hang around!!!!

I pray this information helps you!!! God Bless!!!

had enough
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Post by had enough » Sat Apr 18, 2009 3:19 pm

Hey I completely understand the scary thoughts, I just posted on the "scared to be alone w/kids" . I too will have scary thoughts about hurting others, it's a like I have 5 emotions in 2seconds. First the ugly thought enters my head, then I get panicked, why did I think that! Whats wrong with me? Then i start to sweat, and it spirals downward from there.
Sound familiar? I wouldn't wash knives or go near scissors for a while b/c what if I picked them up and hurt someone? Just the fact that the possibility was there, freaked me out enough to not go near them..... made cuttiing my steak pretty hard! Ha Ha! ( come on smile,thats funny!)
So I talked to a counselor and he had GREAT advice, first of all, so called NORMAL people have these thoughts, they're just able to brush them off and breeze throught to the next thought. We however stop dead in our tracks, and stare at it and get stuck. So first of , b/c we are scared, it means we have a conscience, and there fore we won't do it. The fact that the knives and scissors possibility scared me, meant I'd never go through with it, b/c this thought was UNAPPEALING, it sent me into sweats, panic, tears etc. It's when the thought sounds good, and is comforting and we don't realize theres nothing wrong with that thought is when theres a problem.
People with anxiety worry that they're crazy, but Real crazy people don't realize theres somthing wrong with what they do or how they think , ie the crazy guy in garbage bags,pushing a grocery cart speaking to imaginary people. we however are normal, we're just more sensitive than the average bear.
But I truly understand the scary thought train, my got so bad, It was like having nightmares during the day, I'd look at my darling husband and in a flash envision if someone cut his stomach. It was TERRIBLE!!! I'd stop eating, I'd cry and I felt helpless. It was my anxiety running amuck! So get in front of this thought train, per say, and tell yourself, "it's okay, It's my bodys reaction to some stressor in my life, it's not real, I won't do it, I have a conscience, and I am going to be okay. Then distract yourself, and work on the Combatting Stress and Depression Program workbook, log on here, go exercise, watch a funny movie, what ever to distract yourself. Or I like to Journal it to jesus. My pastor says often, "I already know we're all crazy in this room, so don't pretend like anyone is normal, we all have our own issues". Plus noone is normal, you shouldn't compare your insides to everyone elses outsides. it's NOT fair. I hope this helps, you'll still feel a little icky even after talking yourself down, but it's a learned skill. Everyday will get a little easier, and soon you'll catch yourself thinking this way a little faster, and your reaction will be a little smaller and its a LEARNED skill. This time next year you'll be a masters at catching yourself and talking yourself down and then it'll get further and further between scary thoughts. I have great months, and then I have tough months. Depends on my stress, but I pull out of it faster than I did 10yrs ago! =) Good luck, you're not alone, peace and prayers!
Remember, an Eagle never has the same air under its wings.
So it is with life, there is something different each day.

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