I'm afraid to even start!

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Post by mlws » Thu Jan 29, 2009 7:28 am

I just recieved the program and anxiously ripped it open to dive in. Big problem though- I feel overwhelmed just to start!!! It is hard to even think of out to process the "30-day Promise" letter! Am I resistant to change? I want to more than anything, so why on earth am I even panicked to start???

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Post by Rob1968 » Thu Jan 29, 2009 7:49 am

When I received the package, I started right away, then after a few days wasn't too sure that I needed it; probably because I was feeling real good for those days. However, when I asked my wife whether she thought it would be of value for me; she emphatically said yes. So, that reinforcement was all I needed.

I hope you have someone who can provide you with the positive reinforcement to continue but this group will also be there for you. Don't worry about the pace but take note of every time you do something. If you listen to the tape & pick up one point, you're already making progress.

One small step at a time & you may notice less panic each time. After each success, pat yourself on the back and say "I did it". And don't forget to humour yourself with this as well.

All the best...keep us updated on your progress

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Post by AB1978 » Fri Jan 30, 2009 6:27 am


I just started the program Jan 27,2009. I received the materials in July of 2008. I kept glancing at the materials, but was reluctant to start. I believe it was a fear factor. I was scared it might not work so why bother and waste all that time. I finally started it though because I am at my all time low. It can only get better and I reminded myself of why I ordered that program that summer day. Now that I've started, I feel like I am on the right road and am anxious to start session 2 even though it's not time yet. I can't wait to learn more. It's great. The online support is awesome too!! I never realized how many people out there are like me. Good luck and get going! I finally did. Angela

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Post by Gman5256 » Fri Jan 30, 2009 7:21 am

<A HREF="http://bbs.stresscenter.com/eve/forums/ ... 5201028636" TARGET=_blank>Follow the link here</A>

Hi mlws,

please just follow the link, so you can get my observation on this.

Good luck

Your friendly neighborhood Gman
All for His praise, glory and the joy it gives Him.

Hugs, In His Love >:D<

"He who dwells in the secret place of the most
high shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty"

alberta geist
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Post by alberta geist » Fri Jan 30, 2009 7:27 am


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Post by Diggy » Fri Feb 13, 2009 3:09 pm

It really works, and you learn alot. Don't wait any longer, pop in a cd. It will feel weird at 1st , but by session 3 you will want to play all the tapes at once. Be sure to also only do 1 cd a week. Stay on track , and use your workbook. Sometimes you may want to repeat a certain cd for an area that really stands out. I finished in 17 weeks , because I had to areas i felt I really needed to work on longer. Good luck

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Post by Skipper » Sat Feb 14, 2009 2:51 am

It does feel overwhelming to think that your life could change. I think that if you change your focus, it will feel more like you can do it.

Meaning that, if you just think of the program in small steps, it will feel less overwhelming. Just make a deal with yourself to at least listen to the first CD. Don't think about all of the other stuff you need to do. One small step at a time. Once you listen to one CD, you'll feel success that you took a step of action. That'll lead to the next one.

When you're thinking at the whole "30-days" promise, it's probably putting more pressure on you, than you need right now.

You'll do great! Congratulations on buying the program. That's an accomplishment, too!

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Post by SueSki » Thu Feb 26, 2009 5:01 am

Me too, again! I just went looking for my program book of TAPES which I had received in 2001! Luckily I did not throw them out, though some tapes are missing. I was overwhelmed then. Now I really need to get focused. My job is hanging by a thread - because I can't show up! I have to do more than hide in bed. What is the next step?

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Post by Lenore » Fri Feb 27, 2009 9:50 am

Pls, pls - don't be afraid to start this wonderful program. It may sound contrite, but that old saying is so true, "There's nothing to fear, but fear itself." Allow your desire to "feel better" + "healthier" + stronger = emotionally / mentally/ physically" to over-ride any apprehension @ starting this program & changing.

THIS PROGRAM WORKS! 4 yrs ago, I was officially diagnosed w/ : anxiety disorder + panic attacks + ptsd (fr 3 different things) + severe sleep deprivation. Not knowing what this "thing" was that had befallen me, I sought help. I was informed by 2 different medical professionals (w/ 1 being a psychiatrist w 30+ yrs experience) that I was 1 of the worst cases they both had seen. This was both frightening & intimidating. Mind you, I had prided myself on my independant & self sufficient nature. I had lived on my own 10 yrs b/4 I had gotten married + worke F.T. on Wall Street NYC + put myself through college @ nite & graduated w/ a 3.9 g.p.a. I went fr THAT WOMAN, to someone totally dependant on her husband & emotionally dependant on ANYONE willing to give me the time of day. My case was so severe, I became PHYSICALLY unable to work + required very intensive & weekly psychiatric therapy + medicine (anxiety & 2 sleep aids). I was later informed by my former psychiatrist that I was literally, 2 steps away fr a psych hospital .

Sure, I had gone through some things in childhood - but I had assumed I survived it - done w/ so to speak. I never realized the impact on me emotionally + most importantly, the negative behaviors I had created - some in part as a means of LIVING & SURVIVING. Thinking & feeling were never options for me. That concept was soooooooooo beyond me that when I started this journey & it was explained to me, I literally went "huh?" hahaha ;)

My journey started b/4 my doing Lucinda's program. It started, as mentioned, w/ therapy. We consolidated 20+ yrs of TRAUMA into 20 mths -it was like a marathon ONE BIG OPRAH MOMENT festival, hahahahh. I can laugh now, thank goodness, @ it all. It wasn't funny back then. I came to find out - to see w/ my own eyes + understand w/ my own mind + feel w/ my own heart, both: how many negative/surpressed emotions I had inside. Then, as a result of my not knowing thats what I was doing, I created some serious & negative LEARNED BEHAVIORS around them. Kind of like living in a state of being, being stuck & unable to move forward & let go. I wasn't living in the NOW as the woman LENORE, no sadly. Rather, I was living in the past, as the sum total of all the unfortunate things I had experienced. I was in emotional pain, I couldn't prior feel - cause that would have forced me to admit the truth of things. My soul's eye was so clouded by those things, I was unable to SEE & accept responsibility for MYSELF. I was a bitter woman - venumous even w/o exageration. I was bitter - defiant in my belief that I should hold on to those terrible emotions cause I was RIGHT. The thing was, the way I was thinking + acting + reacting + stressing was NOT what was best for me. I didn't feel good & trust you me, my quality of life was terrible. ANXIETY DISORDER made me stop + pay attn + become aware. Therapy afforded me the opportunity to rid myself of unnecessary excess baggage. So that, 1 glorius day back in NOV. 2006 I literally said to myself, "Lenore, there some things about you that just need to change." That is when I started Lucinda's program.

From the GET GO, Lucinda was dead on. So much so, I swore that lady fr Ohio just knew me. Oh sure, I was stubborn @ first - "what does she know" or "I had it worse" or "that doesn't apply to me" or "this isn't gonna help me". So, in an ignorant way - a tiny bit, I started her program to prove her wrong - imagine me, hahahah. My motivation every step of the way was my wanting to FEEL BETTER. I felt like I was in the pits of emotional hell + looking Satan in the face (who was laughing @ me ) & having the courage & conviction to trust me & our God - that the way I was going wasn't working. That the path of least resistance was not the one that was going to get me out of this existence I was living. I realized, as brilliantly conveyed in Pecks book THE ROAD LESS TRAVELEDTHAT in order for me to recover fully, I needed to FACE MY PAST + FACE MYSELF + FEEL THE PAIN NECESSARY FOR CHANGE TO HAPPEN. Lucinda helped me w/ all that & a bag of chips, hahaha. All possible, via her brilliant program.

I was 36/37 when anxiety disorder triggered. In addition, I was quite stubborn & defiantly set in my ways - This negative way of being had been w/ me all them yrs - I just "knew I was right" too many of the times. In addition, I was afraid of changing, because I was afraid to let go. I was afraid to welcome self acceptance & responsibility. You see, I had often blamed he/she/they/them/her/him. If I stopped doing that - I would have to look towards myself - I was afraid of that. Then, add to that my lack of self esteem - I didn't think I had what it takes so it was just easier blaming someone else, if I make sense.

I followed her program, STRICTLY AS INSTRUCTED. I made her program & all respective HOMEWORK, etc - a priority in my life. I'd say to my hubby, @ nite watching tv "ok hun, I'm going to the waterfalls to do relaxation". Every little bit I went, the better I felt - honest & cross my heart. It was like having an emotional equivalent headache & Lucinda's teachings/program was the LIQUID GEL ADVIL, hahahahahha :D So, I said, "wow this is working". Heck, I was so desperate for relief, I just kept going. I allowed myself to become eveloped in the program. I branched out + positive books + other literature on anxiety disorder - I began to become informed & empowered - that is WHEN the best part started. You see, I did start to change.

I did everything in my power to recover. Yes, for me, that initially included therapy - I attended for 3 3/4 yrs & never missed 1 scheduled session + journaling(I initiated on my own to get myself comfortable w/ what I was thinking & feeling - then to FEEL THEM + reading anything I could get my hands on to learn about this disorder + read Lucinda's forum & participate + Lucinda's program + eating healthier + exercising, etc.

Fast forward 4 yrs later, I am recovered. I am not on any meds + I graduated therapy + I am working for almost 1 YEAR NOW - successfuly + I have lost 71lbs & 17 clothing sizes via my membership w/WEIGHT WATCHERS + I am living life in ways I never have. I am a genuine sense of peace & giddiness about me. No, not just cause I am recovered fr anxiety & depression. Moreso, I have forgiven + moved on + let go + learned to love myself + live in the precious present moment - gosh, I really can hear them birds sing now + I dance - & I don't care if I'm even in the middle of a grocery store - If I feel the need to move it a little - even if its by the can of corn, I'm moving it.

I was given a 2nd chance @ life again: I was given the means to get the help I needed + the help itself - including Lucinda's fabulous program + my husband + our family/friends + the fabulous friends I met here, on this site who have touched my heart & soul in ways I never thought possible. Many folks don't get that chance - I, among many, were - including you MLWS. Sieze it hun - grab the bull by the horns & don't you let go. You have what it takes in you - you already started your journey cause not only did you purchase the program - you reach out by posting on this very forum. See the person God sees in you. Become the change you want to see & feel w/ in yourself via the actions & choices you will make 1 day @ a time + 1 action @ a time + 1 reaction @ a time, etc. You so are worth the effort. I know you can & will do it.

Your friend,

Your greatest challenge isn't someone else. It's the aching i your lungs & the burning in your legs & the voice inside you that yells "CAN'T". But you don't listen. You push harder & hear the voice that whispers "CAN". An you realize that the person you thought you were is no match for the one you REALLY ARE.

jenn f
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Post by jenn f » Thu Mar 19, 2009 11:29 pm

yes i feel very anxious at the moment, i just listend and did the frist two cd and am ready to start to feel better but at the moment i am skaking and feel sick to my stomach and i should be sleeping but my mind is racing. but to be fair it is just the frist night.

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