This program

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Post by sherrybaby » Sat Feb 07, 2009 5:29 am

I was desperate and I called the phone number before I knew what I was doing. I talked to Dora. She was nice. But the cost of this program went up during the conversation depending on whether I wanted VHS or DVD and some other things that make me wonder if this is a scam. I have not played any of the disks yet, and I don't feel up to it. But this seems like the "power of positive thinking" and all the "self-help" programs that were going around in '70's and '80's. They sounded good while you were reading them but the minute you stopped reading, they were worthless.

One of my problems is I am getting a divorce, losing my home and everything I own, have 3 chronically ill cats, one dying who just cost me over $1000 I can't afford for tests and things to make her comfortable.

How is spending $500 on this going to help me? I'm not even sure I believe it's real. Are any of you actually doctors? If I had a program I could charge everyone even $5 for, let alone $500, I could pay for my house and my problems would be solved. I am 62 years old without much hope of ever having any more disposable income.


Post by Guest » Sat Feb 07, 2009 5:56 am

Hi sherry.

You can get it much cheaper on


Post by Guest » Sat Feb 07, 2009 6:17 am

I'm sorry to hear what you are going through right now, and really sorry to hear about your kitties. I guess it would depend on what you expect to get from the program. It takes work on our part, and just reading or listening won't do it. It won't solve your financial problems, but it most certainly can help for anxiety and or depression. CBT has been around for a long time now and is pretty much an accepted form of therapy. I don't believe it is a scam. It has dramatically decreased my anxiety, and has given me a good set of life skills in general. I'm not trying to talk you into spending $500.00, as it was a personal choice decision we all had to make.


Post by Guest » Sat Feb 07, 2009 6:33 am

Sherry, I'm very sorry to hear about all that your going through. Times are real tough right now, and we all are certainly feeling the effects of it. :roll:
This program has helped me, and so many other people. Lucinda has given us life coping skills that have dramatically changed my life! I was anxiety/depression ridden for over 25 yrs. and today I am a different person. I'm happy and FREE from past hurts, guilt and panic attacks. I joined this group about 2 yrs. ago. Yes, it was quite costly, but I was in a position that I could do it. Like DeeDee said, you can find it cheaper on Ebay. It's worth it! I am living proof, as others are, on this website. I wish you the BEST in whatever you decide. If you cannot afford it, you can still join us on these forums, we will be happy to correspond with you. God bless you Sherry!


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Post by tweaky1h » Sat Feb 07, 2009 6:36 am

HI Sherry, I can really feel for you. In my case I wanted this program from over 2 years ago, but couldn't sfford it. I waited till this December, when I was able to get it for less. If you decide to go with ebay, make sure you get all the contents of the program including work books. and don't pay over 250.00 for it. I know in these hard economic times, and with personal problems it's a really big risk to spend 500.00!!! I'm new to the program, so I can't tell you much about my experience yet, but I'd be happy to PM with you , and we can talk more. Take care.


Post by Guest » Sat Feb 07, 2009 7:05 am

Thank you everyone who answered me. I appreciate it so much. I looked on ebay but could not tell any way to see if the contents were complete/workbooks/all dvd's, etc.

The package already came and my 30 days in not up so I need to decide what to do. I just went to the doctor and he gave me something for anxiety by I still am not sleeping well. He didn't give me antidepressants because he thinks the situation with my husband is causing this.

After 14 years, he ran out on me and filed for divorce on our 13 anniversary and now he wants me back. I don't trust him. He knew I suffered from depression and anxiety when he did this to me and he used it against me, telling people, including the woman he was seeing, that I am "psychotic and delusional" -- not true -- so she would not talk to me.

He was very cruel to me and did not care how I felt. Now he wants me to drop the divorce and act like nothing happened. He is going to church all the time, but he also got fired from his job and it is his pattern to go to church during crises and then stop. He has also been an oxycontin/methadone abuser, even snorting them and lying to me about it. I think he is clean now because he lost his heatlh insurance when he got fired.

I'm sorry this is in the wrong forum, probably; I am new and have not figured this site out.

I don't know whether to try to pay for the box of stuff they sent or try to get it somewhere elose, taking a chance on it being incomplete. I also still don't know if I trust it, as I have doctors, Christ and the church, and other things mixed in and confusing me. My doctor would probably say this is not good for me but I'm not sure.


Post by Guest » Sat Feb 07, 2009 7:36 am


I think that the program may be abke to save your life, I know after the 3rd lesson I was starting to feel better. It will also help with your confidence and you ability not to be the far as the husband situation...I am not sure I would want to be with someone who has done such things to me, I am not sure if I would want to be with someone who was addicted to drugs let along walked out on me and cheated...but people can change also but you have to keep in mind that they can also change back to how they were. Alot of people seem to go to church in time of crisis it helps people to make them feel better. But have you ever noticed that they will go to church for a while then they will feel good while doing it then they stop going to church for a long time and then they start to feel bad again, this I think is God's way of getting ahold of us and telling us this is wrong and he is not suppose to be there for our convinence only he wants to be there for good. Trust me the program will not make your worse it will only make you better!


Post by Guest » Sat Feb 07, 2009 8:02 am

Hi sherrybaby. If you can afford to keep the program you have, keep it. I am a real therapist, have been for more than 30 years. I know all the theories of the trade, and would like to assure you, this is not a scam. It’s a self help program. The techniques you will learn from the program have been used by real doctors and real therapists for more years than you can imagine. For instance, this community is a form of group talk therapy. Socrates is the person most credited for starting up group talk therapy, and that was a very long time ago. There are dabs of psychoanalysis (without the couch) in the journaling. You get person centered therapy frequently in the community (when people give you immediate positive feedback). And, of course, the primary components are derived from behavior therapy, cognitive behavior therapy, reality therapy, and integrative therapy. The NIMH -- <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank></A> -- has been promoting the use of positive thinking as a form of helping people resolve depression and anxiety for many years, too.
So, you are in good hands. But, you have been given some excellent advice here as well. You have to work the program according to the guidebook instructions, if you want results. This community is very valuable, too. So many wonderful people here who will reinforce your positive thinking.
You mention reading books in the past were helpful until you quit reading them. This program is trying to teach you how to hang on to those good feelings by helping you change your thinking. It is hard work, and you must dedicate yourself to learning the skills. It will be like going back to school for the next four months. You have to work the sessions and do all the homework. It’s how you learn to change your thinking, and change your life. The secret is in learning, practicing, and making the skills a part of your every day. If you don't use the skills, you won't change your thinking. But, if you really work this program, you will use the skills. The skills are the useful tools you take away from the program.


Post by Guest » Sat Feb 07, 2009 9:47 am

Thank you liviing4 and pecos. I don't want to be with him, living 4. He followed me here from up in Citrus County after he got fired. He has been fired 3 times in 3 years. Before that he made good money. I think the drugs caught up with him, and also the woman he was involved with was an employee at a mall he was managing and they may have found out. You're right; I don't trust him. His pattern is to be nice for a while and then change back to the way he was. He is noncommunicative, makes up excuses, etc. His answers for why he did all this to me are(1) "I don't know." (2) "I don't remember." (3) "I must have been insane." He thinks those are answers. I think they are evasions of answers. He has also financially bankrupt me and I don't see how it could get worse but my doctor feels it will if if I don't go through with the divorce.

I need to find a way to keep my house but no one can help me with that. If not I will have to go back to an apartment after 20 years. When I met this guy, I already had a house and 2 vehicles. He has a beat-up truck, high child-support payments, and the clothes on his back. I ended up selling my house and paying off his and his second wife's income tax debt ($35,000) after working on it for several years trying to straighten it out with JK Harris. For God's sake don't call them. All they did was make me do all the work while the debt rose.

Anyway, now I am old, broke, and more financially and emotionally bereft than ever before. He is 5 years younger than I am. The woman was 8 years younger. Now he is "sorry." He is being nice now, but again I don't trust him. He has been a liar, manipulator, abuser, cheater, and quite likely a sociopath.

I know this is not about him but at this point about me. However, this is still pretty fresh; I almost died over this driving around all hours in a distraught state looking for him. He lied and told me he was at a boarding house in Ocala when he was living with the woman.

Please forgive me being all over the place and in the wrong threads. I am too scattered right now to concentrate on the rules. Hopefully, I will improve, and I promise you, when I am myself, I am witty and delightful!!!!

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Post by epa » Sat Feb 07, 2009 10:18 am

It is worth a lot more than $5 - I'm only on session 2 and it is a very well made, well thought out program. I understand that it's not cheap, if you really can't afford it I'd suggest getting the book "Panic to Power" it has similar concepts and obviously not as thorough and no workbook plus you can't hear the testimonies of those who've gone through the program.

To me it has been worth it, you have to decide how much time you are going to put into it. You'll get exactly what you put into it. If you only listen to each CD one time every day for 15 days and not do the reading & written assignments you probably won't get as much out of it than the recommended listening to each CD at least 3 times a week for 15 weeks, and doing all the writing and reading assignments.

Because it's not an overnight change and does require work.
ATTITUDE -- The mind is like a doesn't work unless it's open!!

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