Does anyone have the same ONE really bad day a week?

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Post by LadyC » Wed Feb 04, 2009 8:26 am

Today was a horrible start. I couldn't wake up. Then I decided to force myself to have breakfast and start my session. I became so anxious, and upset, that I called the help line. Afterwards, I realized it is the same day of the week I am having major panic/anxiety problems. I teach religious education on wednesday at 4:30!! and though I love the children, the whole preparing something for 13 children, and be obligated to go really, really stresses. I also have a major case of Agoraphobia. My husband is wonderful, and my oldest daughter helped alot before she left for college. But, I have to get pass this. I used to love going places, now it gets me so upset. I take forever to get dressed, and IF I go I start an immediate count down to when I get to come back home. I get satisfaction at 5:45 when I know I have a whole 7 days before I am obligated to do anything again. Does everyone suffer with this? I used to be a professional jazz singer, and I always told people upfront that I was going to leave right after my show, because I couldn't stand to be around too many people. Knowone every told me it was strange, and they just indulged me. It has been 18 years since I have sang professionally. That I usually don't admit, and try to forget I even had that life before. Thanks for the listeners.

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Post by tweaky1h » Thu Feb 05, 2009 3:42 am

I think it's because your anticipating the "bad" day. And you're continuing through this pattern.

I think you need to stand up to anxiety and enjoy living your life. You shouldn't dread each day, just attempting to "survive" life. That is no way to live.

If you were able to sign in front of people, then you may have taken on that braver side of yourself that you have hidden all these years. Bring that courageous person out and let it help you enjoy your life.

I had agoraphobia at different parts of my life. It robbed me of enjoyment. You need to slowly expose yourself to certain places you cannot go to. I did and it worked wonders. I can pretty much go anywhere now which is awesome. After I was able to overcome, I did get upset at myself for letting fear, a powerful feeling that your mind can feed, take control of me. Don't let fear take control of your life and rob you of so many precious memories you could be making now. Take control and know, truly know that you can do it. I have faith in you.


Post by Guest » Thu Feb 05, 2009 3:46 am

Hey Ladyc,
I know exactly how you feel. Mine use to be on Saturday's and Wednesday's. That was when I was "suppose" to go to church. My Husband was a pastor up until just recently(December). We are just visiting around now. So the "pressure" is not as intense as it was then.
All I can say is do the program. You will find most if not all your answers there. It takes time and alot of patience but it is worth it.
I was amazed at how much I learned about myself!
Sounds like you have a great Husband. I know for myself if my Husband was'nt supportive with me doing the program it would have made it very hard to do.
I hope that helped. I just wanted you to know your not alone :)


Post by Guest » Sun Feb 08, 2009 1:56 pm

Thank you so much Karen. I am just getting your reply. All my replies are going into my spam mail!! This weekend was very difficult. I haven't done the program for a few days,but I am going to start first thing in them morning. I have 3 little ones, and one of them was sick. I have the same problem with church. It's so hard. Thanks again for your support. Feel free to email me again.

Miss Katie
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Post by Miss Katie » Sun Feb 08, 2009 4:23 pm

Dear LadyC,
My problem day is Tuesdays. I keep my 6 year old grandson on Tuesdays after he gets out of Pre-kindergarten. I love him and enjoy playing with him but since this anxiety and panic returned in the last few months, I actually feel that way too. It's kind of like "whew" - seven days til.... I look forward to being better. I will start lesson 4 tomorrow. I feel very frustrated that 3 days of this past week were spent with anticipatory anxiety. I felt horrible - thought I was going to die - constant anxious enery. It was all in preparation of traveling to my youngest grandson's 2nd birthday party yesterday. I used my tools thru lesson 3 -kept getting ready to go and the symptoms soon went away -before I had my makeup on! I had a great day! Thank you for sharing.

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