morning shakes a terrible start to the day

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morning shakes a terrible start to the day

Post by bthnown » Wed May 23, 2012 7:57 am

Hi All!
I've been having a rough couple of days, more specifically with the mornings. I wake up shaking and sometimes with dry heaves, common anxiety symptoms for me. I'm having a really hard time staying positive because these symptoms make me feel horrible. Then the worse I feel, the sadder I feel. You guys know the cycle!

I know a lot of it has to do with nutrition but when you're so anxious, you don't feel like eating and that only feeds the cycle.
Just wondering if anyone else suffers from "super shaky syndrome" and what tools you use to combat them?


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Re: morning shakes a terrible start to the day

Post by John61 » Wed May 23, 2012 8:58 am

When my anxiety is bothering me, like it is now, I have bad mornings too. When I initially wake up I feel ok for about a minute but then I start self examining how I feel and it starts from there. Is this what happens to you? I haven't found a good way to make it stop other then to get up and not lay in bed because it gets worse if I do. One thing I was going to try is to keep a laptop next to my bed with headphones and when I feel like that try playing a relaxation CD.

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Re: morning shakes a terrible start to the day

Post by bthnown » Wed May 23, 2012 9:28 am

That's a really good idea with the laptop. I wake up feeling very shaky with dry heaves, but my morning duties, getting child ready for school and dropping him off, usually help keep me focused. Once I drop my son off at school, that's when they go full force. It is so hard to get through it, thinking I am burdened with it for the rest of my life. The dry heaves leave my stomach in such turmoil that it is hard to eat. Then the cycle continues. Without food, I will not get better, but my stomach will not allow me to eat. I HATE days like these!
Thanks for your response. It means a lot to know I am not alone.

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Re: morning shakes a terrible start to the day

Post by John61 » Wed May 23, 2012 9:55 am

I have kids too so I understand the morning thing. My wife generally does most of the morning duties (big suprise) but I can totally understand how you feel when you get back home. Can you go for a long walk? Really walk hard and build up a sweat? That always helps me if I have time to do it. How long have you felt this way?

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Re: morning shakes a terrible start to the day

Post by ninadancer » Wed May 23, 2012 8:23 pm

I feel this way too. Mornings are always the worst for me. I have researched this and came up with two possible reasons - first the level of cortisol is highest in the morning and its one of the stress hormones that make us feel so crappy - second its the longest time we go without any food so our blood sugar levels are usually low in the morning. I agree with not laying in bed thinking about the symptoms, and also maybe try having a small snack bedside like crackers and a glass of water for when you first wake up. Playing one of your favorite soothing songs may helpful too. I try and have some sort of routine when I wake up which seems to help me. I get up brush my teeth and go right into the kitchen and make a cup of decaf tea and some toast. It keeps me focused. Blessings! Nina

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Re: morning shakes a terrible start to the day

Post by Sheldon88 » Wed Jun 20, 2012 11:02 pm

Yes,I hate the morning shakes it feels like being zapped by a taser constantly.I would wake up shaking so bad that i felt like i was going to shatter my teeth from clenching them so hard.Im new to this program so i did not know what to do so i took the only option i could think of which was get on medicine and that sucks.Last time i had this breakdown,what i call falling off the wagon,i was on a small dose of citalopram now im on a high dose of depakote and wellbutron so yeah i took the crappy way out but anyways it feels great to have someone out there that i can relate with thank you!

god bless

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Re: morning shakes a terrible start to the day

Post by bthnown » Sat Jul 07, 2012 6:05 pm

Thanks for the responses. Although I wouldn't wish this "disease" upon anyone, it does make me feel a bit better knowing there are people who can relate. I am in the midst of a two-week episode, where I wake up in panic and the anxiety lasts all day long. I am feeling like it won't end, but am trying to remaiin positive. Really difficult right now.

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Re: morning shakes a terrible start to the day

Post by Lena1 » Sun Jul 08, 2012 4:43 pm

Hi Beth, my name is Lena. I joined the group yesterday. I suffer from the same... Monday mornings are the worst. :( Sometimes it starts the night before. I hardly make it through the week, feels a little bit better at the end of the week and weekend... and there we go again...

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Re: morning shakes a terrible start to the day

Post by AnnaS » Sun Jul 08, 2012 8:06 pm

I have that feeling too! I don't get dry heaves but I shake so badly and feel like I'm hungover..does anyone else feel like that? For some reason the weekends are the worst.

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