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Post by dandjf » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:15 am

I've been struggling with my anxiety and panic for the past couple of months. It's been difficult to eat! My anxieties and panics does directly to my stomach- i get nauseous and when I get full blown panic attack I throw up. Lucinda says panic attacks won't hurt me but how can it not hurt me if it makes me lose weight??? I have fast metabolism and its very easy for me to lose weight. Last night I looked through all the forum looking for someone who has the same problem as me-I found almost none, and the ones I found didn't have NOTHING postive or reassuring to say about my problem with vomiting. It spiraled me into the deep pit. Can this program help? This program is the last resort and i'm wondering if it an help???

I feel like a hopeless case! What should I do? How can this problem not hurt me? i picture myself having to go to the hospital if I can't keep food down for a extended period of time. WHAT SHOULD I DO? I am so filled with TERROR-not knowing what my panics will do me in the future! what if i can't eat, what if I can't keep it down. i'M terrified for my future!!


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Re: Help!

Post by christieinez » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:05 pm

I had a similar situation with my appetite. I would start eating and getting nauseous and would stop. I tried to drink as much water as I could. It was fro about 2 months that I barely ate anything and I only ate because I knew I had to. Try snacking on little things. This will pass. Have a suppressed appetite is normal.

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Re: Help!

Post by samcat » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:46 pm

My anxiety goes straight to my stomach too. However, I don't vomit--just have gastritis and acid reflux, which limits my ability to eat anything that isn't bland. Is there anything that you can hold down? How about easily digestible stuff like scrambled eggs, toast, yogurt, chicken, vegetables. Try eating small amounts at first and maybe try drinking some ginger tea. A saleslady at whole foods recommended a tea to me by Traditional Medicinals. It is chamomile/lavender and is supposed to help stress and nervous stomachs. I think the tea helps me. Hope you can find something that you can keep down and give you some energy.

Oh, BTW, I have also lost weight because of my anxiety and I was small to begin with. Some of us seem to react to stress in our upper GI tracts, others get IBS in their lower GI tract. Neither is any fun. Please don't spiral into the deep pit. There is always light at the end of the tunnel. I know quite a few people who have gone through the program and are back to leading happy, regular lives again, so the program does work if you apply it. If you need more help, go for therapy or get some medication to help you. You are absolutely NOT hopeless, so do NOT tell yourself that. That is exactly what your anxiety likes to hear. You are stronger than it is and you can overcome it.

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Re: Help!

Post by jovigirl21 » Fri Dec 16, 2011 11:42 pm

When I have panic attacks I also cannot eat or sleep. I eat very little or don't eat at all. About 2-3 weeks after my attacks my appetite goes back to normal. when you have your attacks is your fear of throwing up? My fear is throwing up or getting the runs. I always lose weight too. Listening to Lucinda's sessions she tells us that we might feel ill, but just to tell ourselves that we are fine and it will soon pass. Just last week i was having a mini attack thinking i was going to throw up, but I thought of other things instead of throwing up and within an hour I was fine. you just have to try to calm down and not put your body in overdrive. self talk is also useful my telling yourself that everything is going to be fine, that there's nothing to worry about etc. Even having someone else besides yourself talk to you might help or even trying the breathing exercise. I know easier said than done, but listening to the tapes is starting to help me. Are they helping you?

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