Inflammation - Is this normal for anxiety sufferers?

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Inflammation - Is this normal for anxiety sufferers?

Post by msbttrfly » Thu Aug 18, 2011 12:58 pm

When I first found out that I had anxiety and panic attacks I worried myself thinking it must be something else. It then turned into depression. When I felt much better I started getting body aches and eventually inflammation in whole body. I started seeing a chiropractor and changing my diet. My chest, back, and stomach pain is still there. The doctor said my ANA is positive and my white blood cells are high but I don't have the symptoms of lupus. Lucinda's program is helping me tremendously because I am learning how to unlearn a lot of things that I've been doing since childhood and my spirituality is helping also. I am just afraid that this obsessive stressing over what is causing the inflammation will cause a life-threatening problem. I'm on Chapter 6 and this is one of the hardest things I have dealt with in my life. I try to stay encouraged.

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Re: Inflammation - Is this normal for anxiety sufferers?

Post by Paisleegreen » Thu Aug 18, 2011 5:09 pm

I'm suffering from the same thing, plus age is not helping. My body aches a lot more now and to take an ibuprofen or aspirin irritates my stomach and gets my body symptoms going. I have over done it when I feel good b/c doing the actual activity or job feels good, then my body aches and I take a hydrocodone, I feel better but then I don't after it wears off. Such a vicious cycle. Then I fell down, b/c it hurts to do anything and nothing gets done. Ugh. I plan on seeing my Psychiatrist whom I haven't seen for a year to see what I should do about it. I have been seeing a Psychologist, but he wants my husband to come in with me, and the last few times DH is there it just seems to get worse.

My anxiety is better in some ways, but sometimes things are more painful at home. Can't have the DR there 24 hours to talk me through things or my husband. Paislee

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Re: Inflammation - Is this normal for anxiety sufferers?

Post by Polaris » Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:02 am

All my anxiety and depression causes my fibro to flare up, so I now know that I need to rest, eat healthy and exercise. I have also found that for me turning to a vegan lifestyle has really helped all my pain and inflammation to go away. Our mind can really impact how we feel along with what we eat and drink daily. I hope you both feel better soon and don't ever give up...we all are fighting some batter whether mental or physically and there is always a way to feel better, often just takes time to figure it all out.

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Re: Inflammation - Is this normal for anxiety sufferers?

Post by Paisleegreen » Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:12 am

Polaris--I hope so. I have to eat protein, not fatty kind. It makes me feel better. This includes eggs, nuts, chicken, lean beef, milk, tuna, seafood, salmon, and not much salt. So I usually fix most of it myself. I think part of my aching is due to less hormones due to age and basically I'm getting older. I'm probably doing better than most people my age, b/c I do more physically demanding activities that are going to bring on more pain. So that is my reality, I'm sure though, that if I didn't feel anxious or worried I probably would feel better physically because endorphins come when we're happy or thinking happy thoughts. Ugh... ;) Paislee :mrgreen:

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Re: Inflammation - Is this normal for anxiety sufferers?

Post by wantrelief » Sun Aug 28, 2011 3:06 pm

Polaris, I think Fibro actually causes anxiety/depression, right? I get the inflammation all the time, especially in my shoulders. One dr thought it was Fibrom. I think that Fibro is the new 'catch all' term for doctors saying they don't know what's wrong with you exactly. At least for me I think. I had to get Lidoderm patches for the pain because advils weren't enough. I think it must have to do with dieting, but I'm not good at eating good. I crave my comfort foods. I think I'm going back to 15 minutes of exercise to start, and then work up again to 45 min a day, I felt better than. Try that and see if it helps!! Wish you luck! :)

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