What age group are you in? Interesting to know what ages seem to have more anxiety.

Comments and inquiries to share with others. (Questions for Staff can be posted below.)
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Post by beckisnips » Mon Apr 02, 2001 9:36 am

Hello and thanks for the question. I am new to this board but have been dealing with anxiety for about 15 years now. My first panick attack was at age 19 while visiting someone in the hospital. I got some fantastic help in my early twenties and truly felt cured until a health scare about 2 years ago. I am a married SAHM with one three year old daughter. I am not house bound and "try" not to avoid many situations and continue to work on my anxiety with positive self talk, excercise and a diet low in carbs.

you have got to change your mind to change your life!!!
you have got to change your mind to change your life!!!

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Post by Sandee » Mon Apr 02, 2001 2:18 pm

Hi Victoria, I'm 28, married for 9 1/2 years and have a daughter who will be 7 in May. I've lived in Maine all my life and really like it here. I remember getting this feeling that I couldn't breath and feeling really scared in my early teens (maybe as young as 10-12). In the past three months it's been off and on. I take Lorazapam for anxiety. I don't take it daily. A few times a week. My doctor seems to think it's seasonal depression. I don't know. I really want this program, but my financial situation is pretty tight and I just can't affort the program. But anyway, I've been feeling pretty good for a few weeks and have starting the fitness center again....I took 3 weeks off because I couldn't get out of my own way. Hope to hear from you!
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Victoria:
Are you in your teens, 20's, 30's, 40's, a baby boomer, or a oldster? It would be interesting to know who might be the oldest (never too old to change) or the youngest (anxiety knows no age).

Your gender? It seems as if there are more woman than men on this forum.

In view of the response please include, and those that already replied please edit previous reply, and add: Does this run in your family? Parent, sibling, or your child
have this condition? Do you think it is heritary or learned and their age?

I'm female. Started when I was 29. My age group? You go first. <IMG SRC="http://bbs.stresscenter.com/ubb/wink.gif">


[This message has been edited by Victoria (edited 03-31-2001).]

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Post by Chantal » Mon Apr 02, 2001 9:15 pm

Hi everyone!

I am a 29 year old female who started having anxiety at age 18-19. Battled on off over the years, but didn't know what "it" was. I am a stay at home mom of 3 boys and after my 2nd child turned 1, my anxiety took off. It's more of a generalized thing and I have no "obvious" limitations. After my 3rd child, I seemed to develop a lot more depression, and am still struggling with that along with some bad days of anxiety. I am feeling much better but want to go thru the program one more time. Take care!

"[i]Remember...You can't make sense out of nonsense...[/i]

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Post by Victoria » Mon Apr 02, 2001 10:28 pm

Hi Chantal and Others,
Thank you for taking the time to reply to this question, By the way, Chantal is a very pretty name.

It seems as if this problem starts at a young age and really shows its ugly face in the twenties and continues on unless helped. I notice most have replied thus far in their 30's few in 40's and 20's.

Is there anyone out there over 60? I wonder if we don't hear from that age group and above because the anxiety of raising children, and working has passed. Seniors have a different kind of anxiety. A concern about social security or retirement soon. Anyone over 60 out there?

Wishing you all well. <IMG SRC="http://bbs.stresscenter.com/ubb/smile.gif"> <IMG SRC="http://bbs.stresscenter.com/ubb/rolleyes.gif">

Life with purpose and hope is better attained with an accurate road map when followed.

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Post by Mo » Mon Apr 02, 2001 10:31 pm

Hi I am 37 years old and a wife and a mother of 4 children all varying in ages and all living at home, I thought I have been suffering for about 4 years now but know now that I have been struggling with this ever since I was a young child, it is a mixture of genetics, personality type and serious childhood and teenage abuse that has contributed to this condition. I did really well in my 20's and early 30's but everything has just crashed in on me the last couple of years and that is making me feel really bad for my husband and my wonderful children. They keep me fighting though.

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Post by BroncoDave » Tue Apr 03, 2001 10:14 am

My ex wife is now 28 and it started when she was 27.

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Post by JBean64 » Tue Apr 03, 2001 12:02 pm

I'm a 36 year old single female from the Chicago area. I was diagnosed officially last year, but I noticed I wasn't "right" for about 2 years. It creeped up small. Prior to that I have no recollection of anxiety in my life. However, my entire family has had panic attacks and anxiety from grandma down to brother (funny this was not made known to me until after I had mine, but do I see it in them now!). Looking at my family... we are a nutty bunch. We're all hyper, Type A and at the dinner table we're all yelling over each other trying to get a word in. My parents got panic attacks in their 30s too but they say they haven't had probems for over 20 years. So, for me it's definitely part hereditary, part learned behavior, but also part of burning the candle at both ends that finally put me over the edge.

[This message has been edited by JBean64 (edited 04-03-2001).]

[This message has been edited by JBean64 (edited 04-03-2001).]

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Post by Edge » Wed Apr 04, 2001 4:45 am

I'm a male (one of the few, apparently), in my 40's. Anxiety for me started in the first grade. My father passed away while I was in my teens, but I'm pretty sure he had anxiety and was depressed. My aunt used to tell stories about how intelligent my grandfather (father's father) was, but also that he had "melancholia"(sp?). My sister suffers from anxiety as does her daughter. I believe my son also suffers from anxiety.

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Post by Victoria » Wed Apr 04, 2001 5:31 am

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Sandee:
Hi Victoria, I'm 28, married for 9 1/2 years and have a daughter who will be 7 in May. I've lived in Maine all my life and really like it here. I remember getting this feeling that I couldn't breath and feeling really scared in my early teens (maybe as young as 10-12). In the past three months it's been off and on. I take Lorazapam for anxiety. I don't take it daily. A few times a week. My doctor seems to think it's seasonal depression. I don't know. I really want this program, but my financial situation is pretty tight and I just can't affort the program. But anyway, I've been feeling pretty good for a few weeks and have starting the fitness center again....I took 3 weeks off because I couldn't get out of my own way. Hope to hear from you! </font>
Dear Sandee,
Thanks for your reply to this question. The program can help. If things are tight this forum will help. I too have found that you can have pretty good days or weeks. Then, when a situation comes up that is more than usually stressful with seemingly no answer or end -- the anxiety and panic shows its ugly head. Allow yourself the time off to rest and vent. Then, take those good days and pick up the skills of healing. You may do the Cha cha, but it moves forward with two steps for every step back. The twenties is an age of responsibility and bills. Just ten years ago you did not have the responsibilities you have now. For many of you it may of been school grades, peer pressure and pleasing your parents. Now, it's the memory of that and more.

"Most all things are fixable--whats not is livable."

You'll make it if you believe it! <IMG SRC="http://bbs.stresscenter.com/ubb/wink.gif">

Life with purpose and hope is better attained with an accurate road map when followed.

Barbara S
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Post by Barbara S » Wed Apr 04, 2001 7:38 am

Well, I don't when it started, but pretty much as far back as I can recall, I've had social anxiety. I was always picked on by other children and I could not understand why they were so mean and cruel. I guess, though today I am more outgoing, that is why I think negatively of people, in general. As far as panic attacks, they probably started when I was a young mother, early 20's. My most pronounced and frightening symptom is a choking feeling. Interestingly, I remember being about 10 tears old and in a swimming pool and swallowing water, and this girl, who supposedly was a "friend" laughed and later said that she wished I had drowned!!! Did anyone else experience cruelty aimed at them as children, This girl and her "sidekick" another girl , as well as a few boy bullys I've encountered, have really scarred me for much of my life. I remember some real twisted , ugly things they did and said. I come from a meek, sensitive family and I was just so ashamed and depressed by these circumstances for most of my life.
It seems everywhere I went there were kids who were cruel. We lived in several neighborhoods while I was growing up. I can count on one hand the number of "nice" children and a few wonderful neighborhood Moms. That's it, the rest were a scary bunch.
I'd appreciate any comments on these thoughts.

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