Finished program in May, but now have to fly 4 work next week & anxious

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Post by vahorsegirl » Tue Aug 12, 2008 5:08 am

Hi everyone. So I finished the program in May. I have been much much less anxious in the months. However, last Friday I was told that I need to travel for work for a week next week. Not a super huge fan of planes, I mean I usually fine once I get on. I just have that wicked anticipatory anxiety prior to getting on the plane. So now I'm really stressed, as these anxious feelings that have now resurfaced are coming back. I just hate the way it feels.

Also, I have been off my meds since February (when I took a xanax to fly from cross country). Am I a failure if I feel I need to take a pill to get on the plane? Do I try to make it without? I'm just so confused and don't know what the best approach is.

Any thoughts? Thanks in advance!


Post by Guest » Tue Aug 12, 2008 5:46 am

Take the pill with you on the plane.. But 1st, don't take it... Have the pill with you as a last option... Just my opinion.... Also, it would help to go through certain tapes of the program specific to your situation and let those guide you... They are great reinforcement.


Post by Guest » Tue Aug 12, 2008 5:58 am

Failure??? ABSOLUTELY NOT!! Please, please, please go easy on yourself! You've completed the program, you have the tools/skills, you know what it is to fly (as you'd stated, you're fine once you're actually doing it)...we ALL hate the way the anxiety FEELS but it really doesn't hurt us! It's just been a while since you've last flown; it's not every day you get the opportunity to take such an exciting venture! Go on and enjoy yourself!
Best wishes!


Post by Guest » Wed Aug 13, 2008 12:48 am

Thanks Ivan & Tracy...I appreciate you advice. I guess the worst part for me is the anticipatory anxiety. I just worry myself over and over until I get on the plane. As much as I am trying to use the techniques I learned in the program it's just hard for me to do it right now.


Post by Guest » Thu Aug 14, 2008 6:21 am

So I have really been feeling anxious about this. Have woken up the past two mornings completely sick to my stomach...I went ahead and bit the bullet and took the xanax. I feel like such a failure now after weeding myself off of the meds....:(


Post by Guest » Thu Aug 14, 2008 9:06 am

You are NOT a failure... you are doing what you have to do.. And I respect that, and so should YOU...

There are far worse things ppl do... you are doing something many ppl do.. Take a medication.. What's the big deal? You will learn and grow from this... Stay in the game and continue getting better.


Post by Guest » Thu Aug 14, 2008 10:45 am

Hi vahorsegirl,

I have a brother in law who does not have problems with anxiety or depression. With one exception. Although he loves to travel he is always very nervous about flying. He takes 1/2 a Xanax just a little bit before getting on the plane and thinks nothing of it. He just says "Flying makes me uneasy and this takes the edge off." He's flown all over the world this way.

The thing is, that if you fly a few times using the Xanax, you might be ready to take a flight without it in the future.

Take whatever you need to feel comfortable on the plane: a neck pillow, a good book, some earbuds/headphones to plug into the radio in the console or watch a movie, buy some nibbles at the airport. (Earbuds are great when you have a seatmate that you really aren't into talking to, lol! Heck you can turn off the sound and read your book, even!)

Think about how far you've come and give yourself lots of inner high fives :)


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Post by Spazzed » Thu Aug 14, 2008 3:12 pm

Ivan and Jeri- Thanks so much...I just am having a hard time with this...i had done so well without. I guess this is more of a normal anxiety, like folks without our problems experience it as well. I think it's just that it's not part of my normal routine and that stresses me out, plus i like being in control. It's just hard cause my husband travels for a living and as understanding as he has been about me going thru the program and such he doesn't know how to help me get over the anxiety i'm having with traveling.


Post by Guest » Thu Aug 14, 2008 6:35 pm

I faced this thing exactly. The first time I went through the program, I was totally recovered for about two years. Then hurricane Rita came (I live in the Houston, TX area) and I had to evacuate via plane. I was recovered! I mean, I didn't even think about the anxiety. It wasn't that I had a "relapse", I was just having to stretch my limitations/comfort zone even further.

I was really nervous before hand, but I did so well, that I started planning trips and wanted to go everywhere! I went to Chicago twice, Boston, Playa Del Carmen, and the Bahamas all within a year and a half. I felt so free!

Just because you are nervous, doesn't mean you are going backwards! As I said, I was recovered for 2 years, and when I had to stretch my comfort zone further (I hadn't flown in 7 years from that point) I felt anxious. It's normal. The same way you had limitations and anxiety in other situations and are doing much better now is the same way this will work for you. Of course you are a's okay.

Even if you still feel anxious during the flight, you will get through it, and will feel so empowered after the fact.

Don't doesn't mean you aren't getting's just another stepping stone!

Carolyn Dickman
Posts: 264
Joined: Tue Jun 28, 2005 3:00 am

Post by Carolyn Dickman » Thu Aug 14, 2008 6:38 pm

One other note...if you had to use the zanax with you other issues to begin with and got better and don't need the meds great!

So what if you need a little help at first when branching out even further.

I personally had to do things the same way. SO WHAT! You have the courage to start in that direction...which means you are not a failure. Period.

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